Xbox360 users? Any sceners with their hands on a box?
category: general [glöplog]
I've got mine right here. My "gamertag" (yeah, you heard me - thanks for that one Microsoft) is "gloom303", so feel free to add me to your friends-list for some late-night gaming sessions.
gamer lamer!
Mario Cart DS
Its out. I bought it. It rules!
If you own a copy as well, and want to race against me, put your friend code in the comments to this entry, and add my code to your friend roster.
My code is:
stfu :)
Only coding and no gaming make Homer go crazy
So how much do the SDK kit for the 360 cost?
not me !
have played 2 games so far, none was impressive
in fact I wonder if they have just changed the external case
have played 2 games so far, none was impressive
in fact I wonder if they have just changed the external case
evil: ..and added a noisier fan. :) but seriously; the games look a hell of a lot better, but i'm really looking forward to seeing what the games will look like a year or two from now.
at the unofficial launch-party at the TG-offices (pictures) the main attraction ended up being playing "gauntlet" 4-player. :)
at the unofficial launch-party at the TG-offices (pictures) the main attraction ended up being playing "gauntlet" 4-player. :)
I'm looking forward to the homebrew executing solutions, the GCC based toolchain with useful libs and the first X360 demos. :)))
"look a hell of a lot better", like SNES --> N64 and PSone --> DC? :)

I tried to get one. But only to sell on ebay for a profit. Not sure i'll bother getting any new consoles, unless the nintendo one looks good.
Hey, I never said I *wasn't* a gamer lamer ;-)
Hey, I never said I *wasn't* a gamer lamer ;-)
Gloom, if you ever want to get your ass kicked in PGR3 try challenging 'Melw'. :)
Also, in Mariokart DS my friend code is: 524046-030439.
Also, in Mariokart DS my friend code is: 524046-030439.

what freeze kinda failed to mention is that these are comparison shots of non-360 titles running on the new hardware :)
That's because this is what 360 titles look like running on the new hardware:
Woo! pgr3 rulez!!!!
I won't buy a 360; no reason to. I may buy some titles sceners work on, but that's to support them. the hardware itself has nothing at all I'm interested in.
Woo! pgr3 rulez!!!!
I won't buy a 360; no reason to. I may buy some titles sceners work on, but that's to support them. the hardware itself has nothing at all I'm interested in.
Actually I'm glad that failed, the pic itself is way too huge anyway.

Isn't it a bit ...naive to buy a game you're never going to play to support a scener? You're only helping Microsoft and the publisher directly. He'd actually benefit more if you buy him a beer when you meet him ;)
any coding information on xbox360 SDK , mean "retail" version, student license, express edition?,etc...
hint: the money you would spend on one of those games can buy LOTS of beer!
Shifter: often I do that as well.
But due to the way that markets work, if you don't support the person's work as well, sometimes that work closes down. And then the scener may be out of work.
Also, buying a copy of a game that is good but non-mainstream may give someone in some decision making process a nudge to keep supporting titles that aren't wolf 3d with new dogs and half a "new" effect.
And finally, if I have a copy of the game, they can sign it (:
But due to the way that markets work, if you don't support the person's work as well, sometimes that work closes down. And then the scener may be out of work.
Also, buying a copy of a game that is good but non-mainstream may give someone in some decision making process a nudge to keep supporting titles that aren't wolf 3d with new dogs and half a "new" effect.
And finally, if I have a copy of the game, they can sign it (:
Considering the current system is essentially slavery with a rockstar image, that's not precisely true. It's not just EA who is shitting up the system -we're talking regular occurrences here.
But you're totally balls-on with the non-mainstream bit. And the signing :)
But you're totally balls-on with the non-mainstream bit. And the signing :)
The majority of ex-LSD members and friends who worked for game companies who currently are working for game companies is 1. The others burned out, got sick of the shitty management, or - the big one - left and formed their own company who are enjoying mild success making niche games.
And that's just the UK. It's a mess. I do not reccomend anyone get involved with it who ENJOYS making games or coding or drawing or making music and sound fx. However, those sceners who do, get my support when I can give it.
And that's just the UK. It's a mess. I do not reccomend anyone get involved with it who ENJOYS making games or coding or drawing or making music and sound fx. However, those sceners who do, get my support when I can give it.
shifter: Actually is was the comparison of the Xbox vs. Xbox 360 version. :)

About the Xbox360 / Dreamcast comparison:

About the Xbox360 / Dreamcast comparison:
cool link, freeze
Is it me or the guy's feet are under the tarmac?
Mario Kart rulez a lot more.
For homebrew I'm hoping the revolution is the best, at least because it has a SD card slot.
Mario Kart rulez a lot more.
For homebrew I'm hoping the revolution is the best, at least because it has a SD card slot.