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category: general [glöplog]
Just a little curious. Anybody here using Blender for demomaking purposes?
added on the 2002-09-18 23:10:17 by sin sin
i actually don't know what blender is.
added on the 2002-09-19 02:59:08 by rac rac
do it now
added on the 2002-09-19 04:53:51 by Hix Hix
The problem with Blender is that it's files are in an undocumented binary format. Because of that there is no easy way to load scenes/models made with Blender. At the moment you would first have to write an export script (with python) that would write the data into an intermediate format, and then use that for your own stuff.

The situation will probably get a lot better once Blender goes open source in a few weeks.
added on the 2002-09-19 10:51:26 by noid noid
http://www.coala.uniovi.es/~jandro/noname/downloads.html features an exporter coded in C that parses .blend files and turns them into some sort of XML... so someone reverse engineered the .blend format at least.
added on the 2002-09-19 11:02:53 by _-_-__ _-_-__
... but you can write your own exporter using python
added on the 2002-09-19 11:03:43 by Payda^pcn Payda^pcn
added on the 2002-09-19 11:03:43 by _-_-__ _-_-__
Nishin tend to use Blender , and he has been doing 3d for some demos, (alive/medieval, wrath of nature/medieval and some lowpolly chicks for some ector intro (discotheque/dxm) and some very lowpolly lemmels in 10min for an intro i wont even meantion ;-) , its kindof easy doing an exporter, i think he wrote one himself for doing it tho ;-)
added on the 2002-09-19 14:01:15 by Hatikvah Hatikvah
matvei - the 3d studio MAX native file format is also binary and propietary but nobody stoped at that. Its quite common to write your own exporter. In Blender you can do that rather simply from within the modeller, in python. The API is reasonably documented.
added on the 2002-09-19 20:58:52 by sin sin
blender is very efficient, but not very easy to learn the first times you fire it ...
but when you're used to it, you don't want to switch back to another modeller/animator :)

and btw it's really easy to write an export script for blender ...
added on the 2002-09-20 00:16:44 by flure flure
The blender guys are working on a new movie https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mN0zPOpADL4 too be released end of this year props too #ubuntu-se for the info
bittin: Is it really necessary to excavate a 15 year old thread, just to post your shit?

Fuck off. For Satans sake.
I know this is kinda your new thing, digging up ancient stuff on the internet just to post irrelevant stuff, but... for fucks sake.
added on the 2017-08-01 07:08:14 by Frost Frost
New record in necro posting? Trve kvlt.
added on the 2017-08-01 07:10:56 by Radiant Radiant
I wouldn't fuck that shit. Not even after drinking 4000 Arboga 10,2%.

Thing is, bittin has recently figured out that this kind of necrobumping with is some kind of rad new thing. He's been doing it for the last couple of months. All over the internets. Necroraping the shit out of everything it can find, regardless of actual content.

I can bet my left leg on that if i were to dig up its grand-grandmother and rape her father to some kind of necrophiliac oblivion, take some really sick morbid pictures of the act and post 'em on some long dead BBS from the early 13:th century... bittin would be there, just minutes before me, posting some shit about a ubuntu meetup, or something...

Not even Anders Eklund would do what bittin is doing.
added on the 2017-08-01 07:23:04 by Frost Frost
I'm so irritated that I can't even construct coherent sentences...
added on the 2017-08-01 07:26:04 by Frost Frost
Is adding non-demoparties to Demoparty.net also a cool thing to do?
added on the 2017-08-01 11:40:36 by Radiant Radiant
only if you add your kids as releases on pouet
added on the 2017-08-01 12:35:51 by nagz nagz
Like FR-07 then.
added on the 2017-08-01 12:42:16 by tomaes tomaes
BB Image
added on the 2017-08-01 12:58:06 by psenough psenough
Radiant: Not as cool as adding them to Demozoo! Or adding prod duplicates. Or compos that didn't happen. Or just plain incorrect stuff...
I am currently writing a minimalistic importer of .blend to my soft, I have succeeded in importing basic meshes but I have some troubles with bones and armatures. it seems index of weights from bones are not affected correctly.

Did someone can help ?
added on the 2017-11-24 11:33:09 by Barti Barti
all those links are broken.
added on the 2017-11-24 11:33:24 by Barti Barti
We made our demo with blender, all models and animation were made in blender then we exported to MD2 (Quake2 format, it is very simple).. The Quake II's MD2 file format C++ tutorial.. it has no bone-system btw ;))) but you can export animations, the export tool is Python script which you can find easly.. and you can use js if you want SceneJS.
The biggest problem was texture coordinates which are stored in "short int" and thats not enough for big objects like our low poly 3d world.. to export correctly the exporter script was modified a bit and the "C" loader was updated for this too.

From the other side MD3 (Quake 3 model format) has no such problem, thus it is good idea to export/load MD3 or even something newer(MD5?)...

From the other side you can use Assimp Skeletal Animation With Assimp, but it is huge library and of course it has some issues... but the article can help to understand how bone-system works.
added on the 2017-11-24 12:26:43 by keen keen
GLtf is the future!
added on the 2017-11-24 12:28:55 by el mal el mal


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