Demo'ish objects
category: offtopic [glöplog]
quite beatiful ENV mapping, eh?

and even more beatiful realtime raytracing :D

and even more beatiful realtime raytracing :D
Beat this :)
Beat this :)

It's called Expander and can be seen at the Kiasma modern arts museum. Made an impression on me, in real life it's huge and it looks like a classic spikeball :)
RotoZoomer rz = new RotoZoomer("pr0n.jpg"); //demoish object, hahaha...
dixan: i heard that 640 metaballs should be enough for everyone, but NASA obviously didn't :(
Bloody great metaball behaviour :)
THe expander looks like futahr spikeball. Less liquid metal and more solid robotmetal.
THe expander looks like futahr spikeball. Less liquid metal and more solid robotmetal.
The Expander looks like welded together clarinets :)
thats just something you say because youre one of these old farts still into liquid metal spikeballs.
yes! nu-skool spikeballs are killing the scene!!!!
spikeballs with greeble-effect over it! :)

Don't make fun of the pouet or the pouet will make fun of you §§§

this vegetable is a romanesque broccoli

a closeup

a closeup

Beautiful vegetable! Now it's time for some raster(ized) bars:

some copper bars too:

some copper bars too:

even the directory fits the bill :D

pop demo!
Sparc, wtf? :o
Sparc, wtf? :o
Star Trek Voyager (s 5, ep 7) vs. fr-032