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category: general [glöplog]
I'm considering to attend TUM this year as I seem to have one week of xmas holidays (oh the joy). The question is, as now the new party location is somewhat in the middle of nowhere in Germany, how to get there?

I heard some rumours about Digitale Kultur arranging a bustrip from Cologne to Karlsruhe - if this is true, Germanwings flight to Cologne and bustrip from there sounds possible. Or is there a easy way to get to Karlsruhe from Frankfurt Hahn (Ryanair)? Otherwise I'm a bit out of ideas...
added on the 2005-10-18 18:03:30 by melw melw
I'm definately going, well, provided I get paid. But by then I'll definately have been paid. So. I'm going.

However I doubt that I will be renting a car this year, UNLESS a bunch of us are all ending up in the same airport and so on.

So yes, I need to know what sorta ships will be sailing to the cove of TUM this year.
/me plans...
added on the 2005-10-18 18:15:40 by Gargaj Gargaj
There might also be flights to http://www.badenairpark.de/ oder Frankfurt.

Also, Karlsruhe is NOT in the middle of nowhere. Don't mess with my city, sir!
added on the 2005-10-18 18:27:51 by Spin Spin
denglish: oder => or
added on the 2005-10-18 18:28:40 by Spin Spin
i was trying not to go and save me some money for breakpoint instead..
added on the 2005-10-18 18:31:34 by psenough psenough
i'm also kinda considering taking the trip again...
added on the 2005-10-18 19:21:17 by kusma kusma
i'll probably be there too.
added on the 2005-10-18 20:43:35 by okkie okkie
jeh me too, i need a car ride okkie :P
added on the 2005-10-18 20:46:30 by el mal el mal
i will be there for sure. don't know anything about the DKev bustrip right now though, but we'll see.
added on the 2005-10-18 20:49:15 by dipswitch dipswitch
i need a car maali!!! no wait, two! two cars!! plzkthx! :)

maybe there will be a little bustrip, like last year.. no idea what the plans are yet and which of the dutch troopers is going.
added on the 2005-10-18 20:52:24 by okkie okkie
i guess i'll try to attend.
added on the 2005-10-18 20:58:20 by skrebbel skrebbel
Well, now it's 120 km closer to my place.
I think I'll be there together with some swiss pirates, probably on a car trip.
added on the 2005-10-18 21:02:34 by dixan dixan
okkie: count me in for a piggyback ride.

added on the 2005-10-18 21:26:58 by Shifter Shifter
Dutchies (and other): It doesn't matter how you come, it only matters you come. And don't forget: Don't buy cheap beer at German supermarkets - it doesn't taste.
'll be there again :)
added on the 2005-10-18 22:04:18 by las las
okkie: count me in for the trip too :-)
added on the 2005-10-18 22:05:15 by sparcus sparcus
madenmann, how narrowminded of you. of course we'll buy our cheap beer at *dutch* supermarkets! (at edah, to be exact)
added on the 2005-10-18 22:09:03 by skrebbel skrebbel
skrebbel: yes, bring the fizzball ammo!!!

if someone is booking for frankfurt hahn, please let me know.
added on the 2005-10-18 22:12:26 by psenough psenough
uh, i wish i get enough money to go there...
added on the 2005-10-18 22:55:53 by nosfe nosfe
ps: check with Smash, oh hell I'll drop the uk guys a line. You'd have to go thru London anyway, right?
for the general case of anyone thinking of going via ryanair stansted: it's an excellent option. the airport turns into a huge camping place, no need to book a hotel (unless you're swiss or plek, of course)
added on the 2005-10-19 15:04:15 by skrebbel skrebbel
um i meant of course at night the airport turns into a huge camping place.
added on the 2005-10-19 15:04:55 by skrebbel skrebbel
andrew: wrong. there are porto-frankfurt hahn ryanair connections (since oct 31st)
added on the 2005-10-19 19:12:13 by psenough psenough
the "red danger" will be available for carrying dutch troops and their hollandia supplies from enschede, as usual. however, due to new employment circumstances the time available for this expedition might be slightly limited :/
added on the 2005-10-19 19:50:17 by havoc havoc


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