sueing ep?
category: general [glöplog]
shifter, yeah it might be funny to laugh and ignore but if you get 150+ mailinglist subscriptions and death threats and police report threats it's definetely not funny anymore.
I actually omitted the example of who had to be held on a leash whenever ep posted, but yeah... you fit the bill :) You might want to consider that you made yourself a target to his trolling only because you *almost eagerly* went into that shitfest? Just checking, old chum :)
Also, please copy/paste those threats, be it here or trough email. I'd love to see what the big fucking deal is.
I am pretty certain that death threats emitted over the net are not actually considered serious by authorities. I don't think they are considered that serious by phone. That's usually considered harassment and all what the police can do is visit the harasser to check out on the seriousness of the affair and to help cool it down a bit.
Ignoring a troll is a lot easier and efficient if it is down from the start. Now it is of course a tad too late, because this man is obviously mentally unstable.
What *might* work is to find out where this guy is an exchange student at, and phone the authorities there to warn them he is misusing their network access to perform vendettas on others. But as he seems delusional he surely has a full story already made up in his brain to answer any accuser.
Or phoning his mother and father to tell them their child is apparently not feeling too well as an exchange student.
But I personally would not even bother. Pity the man, but his mind he is the only one able to fix. Is ultimate lazyness is our ally, and it is not worthwhile to collectively lose more time on his case.. and well, use the technical means we have at our disposal to exercise indifference. Treat the mailing list stuff as spam. Add a white list to the email address he is abusing, and forward that mail to a clean one. Or something like that :)
Ignoring a troll is a lot easier and efficient if it is down from the start. Now it is of course a tad too late, because this man is obviously mentally unstable.
What *might* work is to find out where this guy is an exchange student at, and phone the authorities there to warn them he is misusing their network access to perform vendettas on others. But as he seems delusional he surely has a full story already made up in his brain to answer any accuser.
Or phoning his mother and father to tell them their child is apparently not feeling too well as an exchange student.
But I personally would not even bother. Pity the man, but his mind he is the only one able to fix. Is ultimate lazyness is our ally, and it is not worthwhile to collectively lose more time on his case.. and well, use the technical means we have at our disposal to exercise indifference. Treat the mailing list stuff as spam. Add a white list to the email address he is abusing, and forward that mail to a clean one. Or something like that :)
i remember a case (here in finland?) where death threats done over irc were taken seriously and people who did it were sentenced to some fines or something..
I can point out some cases (here in Italy) where serious death threats, no matter the medium, have been totally downplayed :)
Just wait 'till the first post that says "dipswitch sent those people after me".
next step in the story.. got this in my mailbox today (classified as spam) why the fuck does he think i would read his french blabla? of course i understand french but no one would ever send me a french mail if he wanted me to read it.. any have fun (and yes, the fucked up chars certainly are french special chars):
He's brabbling stuff, wants to bring me to the court and whatever. also, he says he's going to live in new york (there might be less bicycle thiefs there ;-)) oh and he'll close down and thus pouet and he'll use old issues of pain as an evidence for 3 mails i sent him politely telling him that we won't publish his articles in pain (when he wasn't even known yet). poor boy with big problems i guess..
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
ha ha ha ha
pourquoi quoi?
pourquoi pouet?
parceque c'est là que tout à commencer:
les menaces, les fucks, les ci, les machins et j'en passe à mon
Ils me visaient donc j'ai fais le ménage.
ça ne vous à pas plus?
Et bien cela ne m'as pas plus d'être spammé pendant des mois et de
devoir fermer trois boites emails.
ça ne m'a pas plus non plus d'en prendre plein la tête de la part
de geble, de subir ces attaques non fondées.
C'est de la diffamation, de la calomnie.
Et c'est punissable par la loi, même sur internet.
Je m'y connais, j'ai des amis et de la famille dans le droit...
pourquoi dipswitch?
voir ci-dessus
pourquoi toi?
ha ha, parceque tu établis des régles pour ton canard et que tu ne
les respectes pas et tu es responsables de ce qui est arrivé à 3 de
mes boites emails.
Donc ce n'est que justice qu'il arrive la même chose à la tienne.
Si tu n'es pas content c'est le même prix.
Va te plaindre, au tribunal, je dirai et prouverai que tu as
commencé: c'est facile avec un portable de montrer le texte de pain
et les dates de parutions.
Quand à faire tomber mon site, alors là , vous pouvez vous
de toute façon il va être hébergé sur plusieurs hébergeurs en
simultané et aura une visibilité maximale.
C'est ce que l'on appelle la liberté d'expression.
Note que tout ce qui est écrit dedans est non seulement vrai mais
aussi prouvé voir copie d'écran.
Il n'y a pas d'insulte dedans, il est poli.
Mais encore aurait il fallu que les préjugés dont je fais l'objet
n'exitent pas.
La scene est ce qu'elle est: il y a toujours eu des fortes têtes,
bornées et incapable de voir plus loin que le bout de leur 64K.
Vous passez votre vis le nez dans le guidon, c'est ce que je vous
Bref ce qui vous ai arrivé est ce qui m'est arrivé pendant l'année
dernière et avant.
Je vous ai renvoyé la balle.
C'est peut être pas toi qui à spammer mes boites mais c'est
l'article de dipswitch que tu as publié et qui est une resucée de
son argumentation publié sur pouet dans le bbs sur hugi 29 qui a
déclanché cette furie de spam, d'ignorance et de colère à mon
Je vais faire fermer et donc pouet: vous gaspillez
l'argent du contribuable allemand, et dieu sait si actuellement ils
en ont besoin. "L'art" ça viendra après le renouveau économique:
donc après les études réussi.
Je ne te salut pas et j'attend vos excuses, Ã tous.
en ce qui concerne geble, il n'y a pas de menaces à son égard dans
mon site.
Qu'il apprenne à lire encore une fois:
il est écrit que je l'ai balancé aux flics.
C'est du passé, c'est fait.
Dans une menace, il y a menace SI la partie menacée ne s'exécute
pas avant une date donnée, mais dans notre cas, il n'y a pas de
Il y a juste que geble va allé voir les flics (we are all a big
family, scene, warez, whatever: stop that train) et va prendre une
amende et de la prison.
Je te quitte j'ai un avion à prendre pour new york.
Je vis aux states now.
He's brabbling stuff, wants to bring me to the court and whatever. also, he says he's going to live in new york (there might be less bicycle thiefs there ;-)) oh and he'll close down and thus pouet and he'll use old issues of pain as an evidence for 3 mails i sent him politely telling him that we won't publish his articles in pain (when he wasn't even known yet). poor boy with big problems i guess..
Dipswitch : among all the litigation stuff, threats and stuff, i would like to remind you that:
Most countries have laws that impose a fine and even a court process, if someone harrases you to sew you
Also, some countries have or are preparing to have anti-spam laws. Even if they dont, you can still sew under the unwanted advertisement law (or whatever it's in your country - basically the law that forbids some companies trashing your physical mail box with commercials. I saw this in the NL with the nice stickers on the inbox that hat a Yes/No sign for commercials and Yes/No for Dagblads - newspapers)
Also, you are 100% right to sue for trashing pouet. Thats a disruption of public service, and most countries have this as a felony of some sort. Prolly any lawyer could take up the case.
Oh, and if he DOES go to the states his ass could be handed to him on a plate by the lawyers there.
I am by no means a lawyer, but i saw enough legal cases while doing stuff in Debian, and this is only for your consideration.
Most countries have laws that impose a fine and even a court process, if someone harrases you to sew you
Also, some countries have or are preparing to have anti-spam laws. Even if they dont, you can still sew under the unwanted advertisement law (or whatever it's in your country - basically the law that forbids some companies trashing your physical mail box with commercials. I saw this in the NL with the nice stickers on the inbox that hat a Yes/No sign for commercials and Yes/No for Dagblads - newspapers)
Also, you are 100% right to sue for trashing pouet. Thats a disruption of public service, and most countries have this as a felony of some sort. Prolly any lawyer could take up the case.
Oh, and if he DOES go to the states his ass could be handed to him on a plate by the lawyers there.
I am by no means a lawyer, but i saw enough legal cases while doing stuff in Debian, and this is only for your consideration.
i'm not up to paying a lawyer for that... ale dziekuje za ionformacje.
and actually it's quite scary - ep quotes from an ascii collection of mine in the mail above - what the fuck?
and actually it's quite scary - ep quotes from an ascii collection of mine in the mail above - what the fuck?
can someone please translate the last passage of the mail for me?
hey at least it proves there's still an audience for ascii stuff.. :P
haha he wants to shutdown prolly because it hosts free stuff and the website he regularly trashes :D
once again he's completely pathetic and pathological...
The USA really don't deserve such a calamity after Katrina, even if they elected twice a president that fuckin doesn't care about Earth health but about cheap oil and federal funds for his own military industries.
once again he's completely pathetic and pathological...
The USA really don't deserve such a calamity after Katrina, even if they elected twice a president that fuckin doesn't care about Earth health but about cheap oil and federal funds for his own military industries.
okay, got the last bit translated, thx keops.
ep you idiot, do you really think the german police will react to some crazy frenchie email from nowhere? ridiculous ridiculous. you know there is a law in germany against wrong accusations, right? punishable with up to 1 year of prison afaik. so if there will be a court process you will be the one who will be seriously fucked.
ep you idiot, do you really think the german police will react to some crazy frenchie email from nowhere? ridiculous ridiculous. you know there is a law in germany against wrong accusations, right? punishable with up to 1 year of prison afaik. so if there will be a court process you will be the one who will be seriously fucked.
this whole thing is getting extremely laughable.
I wonder what the reaction will be like if it ever turns out that EP is someone like stefan 'just trolling'...
I wonder what the reaction will be like if it ever turns out that EP is someone like stefan 'just trolling'...
who is ep, really? place your bets now!
recent quotes:
adok 7/4
dipswitch 2/1
optimus 3/1
uncle-x 9/2
iblis 5/1
recent quotes:
adok 7/4
dipswitch 2/1
optimus 3/1
uncle-x 9/2
iblis 5/1
havoc: reality often exceeds fiction ;)
uncle-x: nice thought ;-) but then again, does stefan speak french?
i quoted the mail there for public amusement, guess that worked ;-)
i quoted the mail there for public amusement, guess that worked ;-)
unlock: if EP's french is as bad as his english then it could be machine translation from swedish :-)
unlock: or he could have french minions...
uncle-x: lies!
calling yourself "ep" is quite dangeours. you might get your account banned for no other reason than just be called "ep" ;-)
and therefore
i am not Edward P
Methinks this is the Edward P. were looking for. Poor kitties..
to make it worse, the real Edward P.