hel s
category: general [glöplog]
How do you do rich people of the west, when that your government has ruined our country, and all we turned out to be in very difficult position.
My parents have borrowed the large amount of the money, but beside us money no even on meal.Now I ask the help beside you, usual people.
I want to SELL the BUD think anyone be interested its buy if yes that little about itself:19 years, man, not hen, not pius alcohol, not use drugs, blood type 2 rh-factor +, MUCH WANT to EAT, and can not look at small brother which does not go in school from for absences footwear Your offers send on E-mail, shall is much thanked if you will SEND little money if beside you their too no, that copy this letter on the other forums of your country
Our count E-gold 2408019 thank you for meal!The God all see!
My parents have borrowed the large amount of the money, but beside us money no even on meal.Now I ask the help beside you, usual people.
I want to SELL the BUD think anyone be interested its buy if yes that little about itself:19 years, man, not hen, not pius alcohol, not use drugs, blood type 2 rh-factor +, MUCH WANT to EAT, and can not look at small brother which does not go in school from for absences footwear Your offers send on E-mail, shall is much thanked if you will SEND little money if beside you their too no, that copy this letter on the other forums of your country
Our count E-gold 2408019 thank you for meal!The God all see!
ok, umm...
right on
no tv and no bear make Homer go CRAZY!
Çäðàâñòâóéòå áîãàòûé ëþäè çàïàäà êîãäà òî âàøå ïðàâèòåëüñòâî ðàçâàëèëî íàøó ñòðàíó, è âñå ìû îêàçàëèñü â î÷åíü òðóäíîì ïîëîæåíèè.Ìîè ðîäèòåëè âçÿëè â äîëã êðóïíóþ ñóììó äåíåã, à ó íàñ äåíåã íåò äàæå íà åäó.Òåïåðü ÿ ïðîøó ïîìîùè ó âàñ, îáû÷íûõ ëþäåé.ß õî÷ó ÏÐÎÄÀÒÜ ÏÎ×ÊÓ äóìàþ, êòî-íèáóäü çàèíòåðåñîâàí å¸ êóïèòü, åñëè äà òî íåìíîãî î ñåáå:19 ëåò, ìóæ÷èíà, íå êóðþ, íå ïüþ àëêîãîëü, íå óïîòðåáëÿþ íàðêîòèêè, ãðóïïà êðîâè 2 ðåçóñ-ôàêòîð +, Î×ÅÍÜ ÕÎ×Ó ÊÓØÀÒÜ, è íå ìîãó ñìîòðåòü íà ìàëåíüêîãî áðàòèøêó êîòîðûé íå õîäèò â øêîëó èç çà îòñóòñòâèÿ îáóâè Âàøè ïðåäëîæåíèÿ îòïðàâëÿéòå íà E-mail, áóäó î÷åíü áëàãîäàðåí åñëè ÂÛØËÅÒÅ íåìíîãî äåíåã, åñëè ó âàñ, èõ òîæå íåò, òî ñêîïèðóéòå ýòî ïèñüìî íà äðóãèå ôîðóìû âàøåé ñòðàíû
Íàø ñ÷åò E-gold 2408019 ñïàñèáî çà åäó! Áîã âñå âèäèò!
Íàø ñ÷åò E-gold 2408019 ñïàñèáî çà åäó! Áîã âñå âèäèò!
Ňí˛�gikf.ŽÇ>ťć˝k˝�=xŽ�HA��Z+,<8ŔŃŠŇ�Ś� �XĄÍđ�Yk˘°Ń{k DIMŘ%$Hí'�á dQßSĽÁ gî×&�ÄI�ˇ_ `�Ľ÷ĺćb\0˘��80Ô�%E÷ęOĹ4ŻlN˘j��ĎŰL^�ý @ŃŐL ëv[JŔAŔH$��IŢ�ŚŠ89^�ŚaQ,çź�p?3Š ě×3�ĆąP ~gÂ,É°��|
hitchhikr t'es un gros connard!
Go hand in hand with your friend Dipswitch and Unlock: you've the same level (LOW).
I repeat
hitchhikr t'es un gros connard!
Go hand in hand with your friend Dipswitch and Unlock: you've the same level (LOW).