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fuck you all, i quit.

category: offtopic [glöplog]
no please dont quit quite
added on the 2005-06-13 22:49:11 by the_Ye-Ti the_Ye-Ti
added on the 2005-06-29 11:08:50 by Ghost Ghost
Nosfe, calm down.
The phase of beeing unmotivated and getting sick by scene had many of us.
If u need a break - take it. But never say never.
I retired in 94 just to be back in 95.
And i know so many who did similar.
Youre too curious to leave complete and turn your back.

Your retirement wont stay long....a scene original like you would handle against its nature.

Do what you have to do, but with leaving complete - you´ll loose your face

kind regards
added on the 2005-06-29 13:54:08 by _docd _docd
.. some guys need to read the other 4 pages too. =)
added on the 2005-06-29 15:04:06 by dalezr dalezr
*update* you know that nosfe currently has problems with his stomach and intestines?
added on the 2005-06-29 15:17:11 by el mal el mal
yes, i crapped out all my intestines.

my flatmate got the same desease and she puked them out.

added on the 2005-06-29 15:46:59 by nosfe nosfe
added on the 2005-09-21 12:48:57 by F34R F34R
nosfe: dont forget to make a short film about it :D
added on the 2005-09-21 12:51:07 by Gargaj Gargaj
maybe that's where the concept of that mfx demo came from :)
added on the 2005-09-21 20:54:55 by el mal el mal
for all who are intrested: there was blood in my shit for 3 days couple of weeks ago!
i quit drinking for couple of days because of that!
added on the 2005-09-21 23:05:02 by nosfe nosfe
for all who are intrested: there was blood in my shit for 3 days couple of weeks ago!

Well that's one way of quitting, I suppose.
added on the 2005-09-21 23:12:09 by CiH CiH
quiting for a coupe of DAYS :)

nosfe IS hardcore! \o/
added on the 2005-09-22 00:07:06 by okkie okkie
nosfe is not hardcore, he is silly. there is nothing cool about posing as an alcoholic, but some finns don't quite seem to have understood this. it's them and the 13 year old kids in sweden.
added on the 2005-09-22 00:32:28 by gemini gemini
gemini just shuddup
added on the 2005-09-22 04:06:09 by dipswitch dipswitch
and nosfe, no, i'm not really interested :P
added on the 2005-09-22 04:06:53 by dipswitch dipswitch
BUT I AM! This pops up new idea for sequel Presswurst.... something like nosfe-liquidblood-edition... yeah, sounds good to me... :o)
added on the 2005-09-22 09:04:41 by Drago_VOZ Drago_VOZ
not talking about nosfe but gemini you're right :)
added on the 2005-09-22 13:54:31 by chavez chavez
there's no such thing as "quitting" through making that decision and trying to act upon it, it comes naturally.
added on the 2005-09-22 14:37:20 by superplek superplek
yea, i kinda agree. its lame to pose alcoholic. alcoholics are sad people. SAAAAAAD PEOPLE!
added on the 2005-09-22 17:39:59 by uns3en_ uns3en_
i'm an alcoholic. but yeah, it's sad.
added on the 2005-09-22 22:06:19 by superplek superplek
dipswitch: listen, you don't have to be rude just because you don't agree with me. this is not a popularity contest and i think we are adult enough to be able to say what we think without it ending up in flamewars. don't you?
added on the 2005-09-23 07:11:11 by gemini gemini
pouet and the demoscene are about fame.
if scene would be only about fun sceners only would booze and watch pr0n.. =)
madenmann i hate you =)
added on the 2005-09-23 20:36:54 by dipswitch dipswitch
gemini then how about stopping judging people you don't really know? and i dont really get what the populatiry issue is about.
added on the 2005-09-23 20:37:56 by dipswitch dipswitch
fighting groupmates, now that's a worlds first.
added on the 2005-09-24 01:56:02 by dalezr dalezr


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