dear coders of all groups around the scene...
category: general [glöplog]
...please learn to code your demos to work properly with double desktop systems. thank you.
what do you call working properly? rendering on both monitors? :D or what?
or half screen on each monitor? That would look really nice!
Left monitor gets the odd scanlines, the one of the right the even ones!
dear coders of all redmond company around the world...
...please learn to code your os to work properly with double desktop systems. thank you
...please learn to code your os to work properly with double desktop systems. thank you
i'm also curious what "properly double desktop coding" means.
i think he wants a dialog box with a "choose your favourite screen"
or is the guy talking about multihead cards ?
could be one of 2 things:
Wanting demos that run across both screens (which rules, a few demos support that, but to look good you need to support some crazy aspect ratio)
Those fucking annoying buggy drivers... if i have my dual-head card set to span both monitors, demos run fine. If I set it to dual display, most demos run with a black screen, and theres a 50% chance of a blue screen. Thats with a fresh install, latest nvidia drivers (and its been like that for at least the last 2 driver releases..)
Wanting demos that run across both screens (which rules, a few demos support that, but to look good you need to support some crazy aspect ratio)
Those fucking annoying buggy drivers... if i have my dual-head card set to span both monitors, demos run fine. If I set it to dual display, most demos run with a black screen, and theres a 50% chance of a blue screen. Thats with a fresh install, latest nvidia drivers (and its been like that for at least the last 2 driver releases..)
dear pro, get me a second screen and i'll do it :)
Maybe he means something like what Nooon did with Stars: supposedly you could play Nibbles on a 2nd screen during the demo if you had an old Hercules card next to your VGA card (never saw it in action though).
I know, let's show David Hasselhoff pictures on the second screen!
pro: DXM is the sollution to all of your problems.
i see... don't we all want to watch demos like this?
eh. no?
that'd gimme a stiff neck pretty quickly :)
Hehe, no. Try to use your ICQ client on the right monitor while watching a Demo on the left. This always results in fuckup of the engine, some demos are crashing totally, others don't start at all...
just a suggestion ;)
just a suggestion ;)
when watching demos your not supposed too chat! you're supposed too watch and enjoy! This is not a coding matter, just a matter of showing no respect for the hard work on display on your left monitor! ;D
i'm sorry. :)
a demo on a system like this would also be great...
Also a demo on this would be nice
piccadilly circus anyone? :Q_
When i was last in hong kong, there was a company selling some robot massage chair thing that connected to a tv and surround system. It was able to play music cds with some visualization stuff on the screen, and the massage synced to the music. That looked like a great demo platform to me... the possibility of being able to give genuine "thumping" or "punchy" beats, and stuff would be great.
Yeah and gabber demos would break your spine :D
Subjecting somebody to a noise demo, attached on the chair might be sort of interesting. As a research experiment of course.