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What do you want to be improved on pouet website?

category: general [glöplog]
oooh, im sooo going to dickcream that one :)
added on the 2005-08-02 23:14:21 by el mal el mal
And I saw that clyde have formulated in a shortest way my main ideas concerning broken link, that's what I've asked for, thanks for clarifying Clyde.

Maali: nobody else than you have their eyes near the ass, so don't generalize your situation to mine or others please. As I'm a good guy, and to help you see what I wrote and wipe out all the negative vibes you have with me let's reformulate:

1/ When we go to prods we don't see the number of "downloads", just go now to any prods and you'll see "popularity", it's not the same as seeing 100 download since upload. Some have a 1.00 popularity with 3 votes!
It's useless, IMHO.

2/ Auto killing of lame pouet users? Why not! Are you ready to die?

Others improvments?

1/ Maali: you dickcream? Ha yeah, you're a wanker, I've forgotten, thank you for remembering us this detail, thanks mate. And how are you on your travel to boozambly? Didn't meet any sharks? That's could be a great improvment to pouet: people who say rubbish on bbs should be sent to sharks, this way they will not waste our time.

2/ wysiwyg preview of the post before posting to avoid mistakes, enable to test links, ...

3/ screen shot sends directly from the prod entry you want to send screenshots for

4/ one vote per login name per prod (login + ip check: same login, one vote, ip have already voted the same day, one vote counted): no fake vote, you can still post comments if you would.

5/ a vote category for improvments: people want this feature XXX? They vote for it, so the most wanted come higher in the precedence order of implementation. Of course the administrator have a veto right: they know better than others what is good for the site.

6/ bbs: one picture post per week per login: less shit on the screen.

7/ bbs: auto-archiving of the old threads, inactive (less than 50 readers / week) from 6 months, so less will be displayed.

8/ bbs: categories will bring something interesting like EP not beeing on the top of the bbs page all the time. I know it's annoying seeing all the time this "lamer" beeing on the top of the bbs listing, but if I want to post and express myself there's no choice. In a category, I'll post and only people watching this category will be annoyed, not all!

Moreover looking for some kind of info will be easier, ... All the advantages of categories.

9/ limited size of posts: less crap and better expression.

Let's pouet be the best web site.
added on the 2005-08-03 01:36:37 by ep ep
ep please go and "save" another scene.

hint: the pope scene is almost dead.
added on the 2005-08-03 02:08:56 by Zest Zest
Zest: the scene is alive, you've saved it: 0 prods whatever medium!
You seems to love cross and old tradition, beeing in the shadow, and loosing your time reading strange stuff who objectively have no meaning. You're perfectly able to save the pope scene so and it would be not fair as a bad christian I'm to steal you this chance. So you've first get the idea, save it now and get rid of pouet!

Bye bye and good night everybody.
added on the 2005-08-03 02:28:54 by ep ep
- "link" on video, i mean you can watch the video by clicking on it
- a delete button to delete instantly the prod
- pouet should allow more than one vote per nick per prod
- dont allow pictures/link in prod comments
- dont allow prod comment, only 3 buttons : thumb up, thumb down, pig
- maybe to add a double thumb down would be great
- random free porn links on the right should be better than the last comments added
- add a sound on the website, maybe the most popular song in the prods
- add music & graphics & porn categories
- a button to buy pizzas with glops
added on the 2005-08-03 04:22:06 by skarab skarab
I want a feature which is almost like "HEY ps you old spainiard, I want that damn feature! implement it NOW or I'll hit you into your ugly face!!!" combined with a webcam of ps' actuall place.

Oh and... searches for pr0n, pron, porn (and so on) should result in the displaying of all FAG and JML prods. That would increase the new releases by these two groups.
8/ bbs: categories will bring something interesting like EP not beeing on the top of the bbs page all the time. I know it's annoying seeing all the time this "lamer" beeing on the top of the bbs listing, but if I want to post and express myself there's no choice.
If you want to express yourself, get an account on Skyblog
9/ limited size of posts: less crap and better expression
begin with that c\~/ please.
added on the 2005-08-03 08:26:34 by p01 p01
4/ one vote per login name per prod (login + ip check: same login, one vote, ip have already voted the same day, one vote counted): no fake vote, you can still post comments if you would. <--- Thats lame. a lot of places there are more than 1000 users behind one IP. Where I am now there is about 2500 users behind the same IP. so... well...
added on the 2005-08-03 08:43:23 by Proteque Proteque
I would like something to edit comments, pvmsg and some info from the groups (list members etc)
and 2€ + a mars ;P
I'd like it to be faster, sometimes posting a comment can take a minute or more.
added on the 2005-08-03 09:58:10 by evil evil
can i post stuff i do not want to be improved on pouet?
added on the 2005-08-03 20:05:42 by red red
1. More 3d. 3d is beterrer!
2. I should be able to just think 'god what a wanking pussbag lamer' and have the thread I'm reading go to the nearby sticker printing shop, print up a ton of copies of the lame comment, and plaster them in interesting patterns all over the lamer's home.
3. More fart jokes. Everyone loves fart jokes. They involve farts.
4. Elites should get the beer of their choise poured for them upon entry.
5. Pouet should go to wherever Jon Bon Jovi is and slaughter him.
i agree with evil, the site can be too slow. it becomes a drag posting comments due to the speed..
added on the 2005-08-03 20:52:38 by darkus darkus
Pouet improvements suggestions

1/ divide and sort bbs topics in categories

a.non scene related

a.1. real life
a.2. useless / spam
a.3. leisure
a.4. culture
a.5. quirks

b. scene related

b.1. newbies wiki / definition
b.2. demos philosophy
b.3. how to make demos
b.4. polls / charts /
who are the kings of the scene nowadays?

b.5. closed topics
(at least 6 months without any post)

b.6. frequently asked questions to leading demomakers / ask your questions to the scene stars

b.7 effects discussions / technical topics

c. bbs download area

c.1. topics thread by date
c.2. topics thread by categories
c.3. topics thread by user
c.4. topics thread by regular expression criterion

d. what we need to improve pouet

d.1. gfx
d.2. sfx
d.3. code
d.4. hosting / hard disk space
d.5. volontary skilled labour
d.6. ideas


add clearness / better communication in the whole bbs
allow people without internet access to download some topics at work / school to read them at home
allow sceners to contribute to pouet


need more work and perhaps somebody around to do the sort
need some discipline from the bbs posters

2/ add a better download area

e.1. download caddie to download all selected demos in a row (limited to 10 per login per day)
e.2. automatic 404 report


fasten download


increase at least by two the monthly bandwith needed

3/ Counters to know:

1/ how many people have read a bbs topic (since posted; for the last 24h)

2/ how many people are connected now

3/ bandwidth used today since midnight

4/ top 5 downloads of the day

4/ reply posts

1/ enable to use tabs in the post window
2/ review the reply before final post
3/ edit the reply / post before anybody have answered it like at scene.org
Hum, does the administrators read this thread?
added on the 2005-08-03 20:55:53 by ep ep
the question rather is : Considering who created this thread, does the admins care about it ?
added on the 2005-08-03 21:36:30 by p01 p01
The question really is:
Where's the real party?

The answer is:
e.1. download caddie to download all selected demos in a row (limited to 10 per login per day)

The most stupid idea in months. Please ask the guys from farbrausch for a brainfixing machine.
added on the 2005-08-04 00:27:15 by skarab skarab
i think, besides the demoscene related things that is here, we should add several other prod types, such as "tv series", "tv talkshows", "movies", etc... this would make pouet avaiable to a much huger audience - even though they wouldnt have any ideas what demoscene is, they could still vote for their favourite shows and stuff and, which is the most important things, add useless threads at the bbs. On the other hand, this huuuger audience would result into a lot of bandwidth and server load, so we should add a lot of banners and popups on this site as well... wouldn't that be a pouet everybody dreams of? :X
added on the 2005-08-04 00:29:24 by red red
ep u sux, you've forgotten the PDF output of your "doleances".

and you've missed the biggest clue (as usual) : why do we love Pouet ?

because it's UNIQUE and DIFFERENT from all the common sites/forums you want it to look alike...
added on the 2005-08-04 01:12:55 by Zest Zest
Seperate Ratings for music, graphics, and design / flare / style. - and maybe allow for voting on any of them not all at once per post.

Sounds very nice for me.
added on the 2005-08-04 08:00:42 by willbe willbe
willbe, we all remember you want 3d graphs for votes i think ;)

reddor: i agree, and suggest that the initial banner offer might be reserved to "ye olde clue shoppe", to better promote demoscene merchandising
added on the 2005-08-04 08:37:51 by makc makc
personnaly i'ld prefer that people have to vote this 4 seperate things (sfx,gfx,cod,styl) in same time, like it works now. and maybe a thumb up in all case should add a coup de coeur.. but i wonder where the actual votes will be sorted... (an overall vote?)
added on the 2005-08-04 14:37:25 by skarab skarab
main thing that sucks is leaving comments takes so long.

overall the system is not perfect, but it works quite well.
added on the 2005-08-04 15:03:24 by gwEm gwEm
just pray statistics will take care of trolling ;)
added on the 2005-08-04 15:14:12 by el mal el mal


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