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Early birds at ASM

category: general [glöplog]

Hello there.

Suppose that someone is getting to ASM one day earlier (on the 27th of July, Wednesday). What are the (cheap) options for accommodation ?

added on the 2005-07-24 20:48:58 by Navis Navis
Youth hostels. Check Stadion Hostel (in the Helsinki olympic stadium, you can't miss it), it's relatively close to the partyplace and tested by demosceners since 1995 :)

Otherwise, beg some finns for hospitality (offering booze will help).
added on the 2005-07-24 20:53:30 by dixan dixan
come to preparty at suomenlinna, then booze with sceners and pass out somewhere.
added on the 2005-07-24 20:54:04 by nosfe nosfe
Hopefully the pre-party won't end up in the DTM club like a few years back. At least, I wouldn't suggest Navis to pass out in there.
added on the 2005-07-24 20:55:23 by dixan dixan
hahah dtm is the pride of helsinki
added on the 2005-07-24 21:10:41 by violator violator
dixan: haha the dtm party was great :-) iirc you passed out in the park afterwards. (or was it me?)
added on the 2005-07-24 21:16:49 by uncle-x uncle-x
navis: stadion hostel is closed due to the near world championships in athletics. getting a room can become hard, it was even hard for me when I booked some weeks ago.
check www.hel.fi and there the tourism page for a list of hostels and hotels.
and be prepared: all hostels raised the prices due to the championships. so expect a hostel room for a hotel price.
best idea might really be asking some scener =)
added on the 2005-07-24 21:54:30 by styx^hcr styx^hcr
It almost sounds like when Rolling Stones playet in HKI right before Assembly... We found an hostel some 30 mins by train away (and it was _scary_).
Best idea is to go to suomenlinna and convince some scener there to let you crash on their floor.

No, i didn't pass out in the park out of DTM, it was uncle-X and Synteesi. I had some interesting conversation of an hour or so with a drunk gay fashion designer which kept on saying how cool italian music from the 60s was. :)
added on the 2005-07-24 22:13:34 by dixan dixan
Meet you all at BZM-preparty...
added on the 2005-07-24 22:34:18 by tomcat tomcat
ask nosfe if you can crash at his place. he lives in a big house by the sea. it would suit a president!
added on the 2005-07-24 23:01:44 by dodke dodke
Hm, thanks alot, it is for me but for my only companion from greece (last minute decision..). Well we'll see.. 75E for Holiday Inn...

added on the 2005-07-24 23:26:07 by Navis Navis
well, i have already a bunch of hungarians coming here. :)
added on the 2005-07-25 00:36:57 by nosfe nosfe
yeah. pwned. muhaha.
added on the 2005-07-25 01:57:09 by tomcat tomcat
nosfe, and one german =)
added on the 2005-07-25 02:00:33 by dipswitch dipswitch
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added on the 2005-07-25 02:16:38 by tomcat tomcat
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added on the 2005-07-25 02:17:23 by tomcat tomcat
Tomcat: DDT is still saying 50 will go 'like that' - so maybe get another opinion?
navis: come to the preparty with us, and afterwards there are probably someone to give shelter for the first night. when people get drunk they are much easier to persuade ;)
added on the 2005-07-25 14:36:44 by leijaa leijaa
"titten ziehen immer" a.k.a. I'll buy such a shirt. ;)


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