Going to Assembly?
category: general [glöplog]
Just curious---anybody going to Assembly this year? Will you hang out in the Oldskool area? Releases?
(If you're wondering, I'm not affiliated with the organizers :-)
(If you're wondering, I'm not affiliated with the organizers :-)
there's a lot of people going to boozembly this year.
that's a kinda weird question. I mean, it's not that there were no sceners at asm/bzm the last years... so why should it change suddenly ?
I'll be there for sure.
yes, either in oldskool area or at bzm.
release is planned.
I'll be there for sure.
yes, either in oldskool area or at bzm.
release is planned.
why hang out at the oldskool area when you can go to boozembly ;)
styx: Ofcourse I meant---are any of _you_guys_hanging_here_at_pouet_ going to Assembly?
boozie: Will we need some kind of invitation to visit bzm? Seems lame but the website from last year says something about that.
Anyway, we will be sitting on seats O1 1-6 in the Oldskool area. Would nice to meet some of you poueters. Come by!
boozie: Will we need some kind of invitation to visit bzm? Seems lame but the website from last year says something about that.
Anyway, we will be sitting on seats O1 1-6 in the Oldskool area. Would nice to meet some of you poueters. Come by!
tickets to boozembly are about 5 euros
i always thought the tickets to boozembly where free as long as you where drunk :(
does lame non-drinking people should pay a nice fee for hanging out with the rest of the alcoholics.
does lame non-drinking people should pay a nice fee for hanging out with the rest of the alcoholics.
See you there ! (with a new demo, ofcourse :-))
yeah the invitation for bzm will prolly be released afterward. Prolly.
The invitation for TIJR is : GET YOUR ASS TO TIJR
The invitation for TIJR is : GET YOUR ASS TO TIJR
The nonofficial Boozembly t-shirt...

See you at BZM. It's actually the 11th year, but who's counting - I'll be the first in line to buy that shirt :)
Of course it's mandatory to visit ASM every now and then to check out the compos, and beat Blueflame at Dynablaster in the oldskool areaa44..
Of course it's mandatory to visit ASM every now and then to check out the compos, and beat Blueflame at Dynablaster in the oldskool areaa44..
Navis: Do you think you will top last years Planet Risk? And more importantly, do you think you will beat us this time? ;-))
Tomcat: Since I support the worldwide jewish plot I support you. I'll buy a shirt. ;)
:-) I have a feeling you are going to utilize that nteresting motion capturing hardware you got..
Anyway, the new demo has only be watched by the 5 people in ASD, and nobody can really tell whether it is good or bad (as it happens with all productions).
But I think people will like it eventually.. (it is strange).
Anyway, the new demo has only be watched by the 5 people in ASD, and nobody can really tell whether it is good or bad (as it happens with all productions).
But I think people will like it eventually.. (it is strange).
I wish i could go. But I'm stuck in a lame country called America instead.
yep, first time for me, is it invite only on boozembly?
it's 11th time and 10years anniversary.
and ManJIT, if you need to ask about invitation to bzm, then you're not 1337 enough.
nosfe: I guess you're not going either then. Maybe you and I can have a beer and discuss lame things such the asm code we wrote in the 80's while the elite guys sit at bzm and chat about _real_ oldskool stuff. Damn, I wish I could be one of them, don't you?
im not going : (
its too far and it would be too expensive.. it always has been my dream anyway.. once ill come!
i promise for gods sake!!1
erm...... anyone bothering me? ; ))
its too far and it would be too expensive.. it always has been my dream anyway.. once ill come!
i promise for gods sake!!1
erm...... anyone bothering me? ; ))