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if you happen to be in Amsterdam the 9th of July...

category: general [glöplog]
come to this party in the Occii (yeah, it's pronounced as 'okkie' :D)

Zaterdag 9 juli
Low Tech Music for High Tech People
!ELECTRONIX meets C64 Tour!
gameboy & ukelele
GOTO 80 .swe
Visuals by: C-MEN
deur open 22.00 - 04.00
prijs 6,-

seems like a blast!
added on the 2005-06-18 16:00:18 by okkie okkie
you can almost buy a 64 for the price of the covercharge!
a c64 for six euros? sign me up! (i payed 15 euros yesterday to see Jeroen Tel spin sids and Peter Greenaway vj on vague electronics :D)
added on the 2005-06-18 17:19:56 by okkie okkie
Yes. Last night was nothing short of awesome.

added on the 2005-06-18 17:34:20 by Shifter Shifter
I want to live in amsterdam...

i want to be..Amsterdamned!!!
yeah! :) i'll be there.. roger @ amsterdam, but where exactly?
added on the 2005-06-18 17:47:01 by earx earx
My plane _leaves_ from Amsterdam on the 9th!!!
added on the 2005-06-18 17:53:35 by dixan dixan
(august, tho)
added on the 2005-06-18 17:53:49 by dixan dixan
BB Image
added on the 2005-06-18 17:55:48 by havoc havoc
wat een lowbudget kaart is dat zeg :D
added on the 2005-06-18 17:59:01 by el mal el mal
fuck this is great... if i would be in germany already by that time i'd go.
added on the 2005-06-18 18:11:24 by dipswitch dipswitch
havoc komt ook? en maali?
added on the 2005-06-18 18:16:39 by okkie okkie
blip blop
added on the 2005-06-18 18:20:57 by Scali Scali
Maali: Trust me, the place befits the map ;)
added on the 2005-06-18 18:40:27 by Shifter Shifter
commodore64-dub?! Tell me more please! Namedrop some bands/people who do that.. I really want to hear it.
added on the 2005-06-18 18:48:14 by violator violator
okkie, can't say yet, but i'll try to make it :-)
added on the 2005-06-18 18:51:03 by havoc havoc
ok if havoc's coming...

count me out.
yeah same here.. his shoes shall occupy the entire dancefloor! :P
added on the 2005-06-19 15:33:33 by el mal el mal
weaklings :)
added on the 2005-06-19 15:40:49 by okkie okkie
great. im having a party in denmark!
is someone coding a device that lets us go to these things without massive advanced planning?

Cuz we need one.
intrested in digital-reagge-dub??? set you sail to: http://www.jahtari.org/ gtx d!RT!E
added on the 2005-07-07 16:23:46 by dirtie dirtie
a concert like this would be nice at this years evoke!
added on the 2005-07-07 16:24:59 by dirtie dirtie
woah, dirtie, thx for the link. the tracks are lovely!
added on the 2005-07-07 16:49:55 by dipswitch dipswitch


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