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Video Effects Repository survey: what information do U want in the DB?

category: residue [glöplog]
Sixx cracked me up!
added on the 2005-06-29 13:35:53 by el mal el mal
I feel so Commodored!
dominé du cul rather :)
added on the 2005-06-29 20:01:32 by el mal el mal
so 69'd...I mean 64'd...
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Well guys, it's time to stop war.
Please send REAL, CLEVER, USEFULL fields you want to be added in this db to my email.

Thank you very much.

Peace & Love

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added on the 2005-06-29 23:07:26 by ep ep
Fuck off.
added on the 2005-06-29 23:13:57 by hitchhikr hitchhikr
if that's the standard way to communicate, let's try.

your concept ->
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added on the 2005-06-30 00:18:40 by Gargaj Gargaj
Well guys, it's time to stop war.
Please send REAL, CLEVER, USEFULL fields you want to be added in this db
I count that as a "fuck off MadenMann". Ok, that was it for me.

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added on the 2005-06-30 02:02:57 by el mal el mal
ep's scribbles ->
added on the 2005-06-30 02:15:08 by havoc havoc
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added on the 2005-06-30 02:15:43 by havoc havoc
what keops likes:

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ep's girlfriends:

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this thread:

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added on the 2005-06-30 11:30:56 by okkie okkie
5 girlfriends.

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added on the 2005-06-30 12:56:16 by hitchhikr hitchhikr
EP saves the scene again.

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Please use this and stfu.
added on the 2005-06-30 13:25:42 by EvilOne EvilOne
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i am the defender of EP. BEWARE!
added on the 2005-06-30 19:48:02 by makc makc
Well, I'm still waiting your fields comments about this DB.
So if you've any idea, don't hesitate.

And yes, I love mayonnaise and I brush my teeth, I'm not a farmer and here in UK tube trains had some problem recently.

When it comes to my five girlfriends they are all alive and you'll see some photos soon. If somebody knows how to store plenty of datas with hotlinking enable for free then this would improve my time response to my post of girlfriend's photos.

See you.
added on the 2005-07-08 04:07:52 by ep ep
Just use flickr.com and link to that page.
So if you've any idea, don't hesitate.

added on the 2005-07-08 04:22:21 by Shifter Shifter
Thank U MM, I'll upload girlfriends photos later in the day.
Now I'll sleep.

Good play and see you all soon.
added on the 2005-07-08 04:51:36 by ep ep
he won't really do it... right???? -.-' so sad
added on the 2005-07-08 13:14:30 by makc makc
an 'ep day' lasts about 12 years.. so i heard
added on the 2005-07-08 13:19:31 by okkie okkie
ep: http://www.imageshack.us/ .. you can even put 10 gfs there!
added on the 2005-07-08 14:41:23 by el mal el mal
Maali, I know imageshack sadly it's not really convenient as all pics are renamed, I'll try frisk perhaps.

But what I didn't say, is that I focus now on my DB and on my game so as Okkie have said, a day for me is longer than what it's for U.

As a consequence, now that I know what motivates you, I see what kind of reward I can add to my game to make it more attractive for the winner: girls photos.
added on the 2005-07-08 15:08:23 by ep ep
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added on the 2005-07-15 00:42:03 by defbase defbase


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