Breakpoint 2005 party report now online
category: general [glöplog]
Let's just say Breakpoint had finally a party theme which has arrived at former Mekka&Symposium party theme qualities.
Yeah, and it was about time.
Brisbois is Bingen's local version of Boels and the name sound more french than english.
The Brisboyz are comin' to your town!
I also wonder why Adok thought that "Brisbois" sounds british. Boring trivia: Brisbois is the family name of the guy who rents out the tents. Their family once immigrated from france, but that was generations ago. So while it's a french name, and if you read it you tend to pronounce it french, some generations ago they decided to now pronounce it as a german word. So, "Brisboys" indeed is the correct way to pronounce it.
But three toilets for men scattered over the party place
Next time we'll put up a few additional ones outside.
Visitors came from most of Central Europe. Of course most of them were Germans.
"most of them" implys "at least 50%", I doubt that.
Right. Most visitors were non-germans.
if visiting the party consitutes doing research then i see your point scamp ;)
Thanks for the comments, Scamp and MadenMann! I've fixed these details in the report.
Maybe I should write a report too..but it's kinda late now..forgotten too much details. and nothing interesting happened when I got home.
Once again, the second part is a "who cares?" part. Anyway, I'm still happy I hadn't to wait for the next issue of Hugi.You had to enter the hall by a tent that was placed just in front of it (rented from a company named Brisbois).