category: general [glöplog]
future crew and triton demos were "the demos"
how about keops-chaos-rcl-boyc united?
Uberdemo. New 2005 Second Reality.
future crew and triton demos were "the demos"
how about keops-chaos-rcl-boyc united?
Uberdemo. New 2005 Second Reality.
moredhel: you dont se the problem there?
how about kozmik-kenshi-keops? That Would Be The Popular DEMO

No, that'd be a KKK demo.
looks cool yeah!
Where's overscan dist?
Where's overscan dist?
looks cool yeah!
Where's overscan dist?
Where's overscan dist?
looks cool yeah!
Where's overscan dist?
Where's overscan dist?
looks cool yeah!
Where's overscan dist?
Where's overscan dist?
This Uberdemo actually exists already.
Its here.
Its here.
that's an 'uberdemo' only if you're german :)
until recruited by EOA :(
i cannot see that whacking coders that are responsable of a few good productions, together would result in an uberdemo, since whatever they did seemed to be a teamwork thing. (eg. the success of conspiracy is mostly coz of zoom's nice way of using the tool that boyc only coded and thus not operates)
Cease to blindly praise coders, without zoom/fiver2/gizmo/nova + all the relevant musicians these demos you appreciate so much wouldn't have seen the light of a day.
who is this "rcl"?
Russian coder of Double Plus and Suspend and generally a nice guy to have a beer with :)
sounds to me like a poophead.
future crew and triton demos were "the demos"
i'd like to blindly praise rainmaker.
I must agree with Hitch here. My first thought was that I would like too see that uberdemo if Keops,Chaos,Rcl and BoyC too would be responsible for code, design, graphics and music. A good coder is almost nothing these days if he doesn't have good designers and musicians backing up his code, atleast when it comes too making an uberdemo. But this four people might prove me wrong on BP06. :)
more likely, two of them (chaos+boyc) would go and make a killer demotool, and one of them (keops) would flatly refuse to use it. =)
Good luck getting chaos to work with anyone else on a common codebase in his spare time.
To my knowledge, I'm the first to get that questionable honor :)
To my knowledge, I'm the first to get that questionable honor :)
I wonder.. it seems so common with coders not to be able to accept working on something they haven't initiated in their spare time. Anybody known to gracefully work with other coders on the same code base?
Who is this "chaos"? Seems like a pretty generick moniker to me.