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Any demos with blues or bluegrass style music?

category: general [glöplog]
I've not seen one to date, but I'm wondering if any exist!
added on the 2005-06-06 20:58:11 by legalize legalize
the middle part in this one has a banjo-tune atleast..
those aren't particularly popular european music genres.. :)

i think the soundtrack to m12's "show" (which we put on mindcandy 1) can almost qualify as "blues rock".

but this isn't to say there aren't any blues/bluegrass mods, you could probably find a bunch.
added on the 2005-06-06 21:15:44 by phoenix phoenix
Bluegrass is going to be particularly hard; blues, not as much; not to say that I can think of any off the top of my head.

I tend to remember those with country or anything country-like more. (I separate country from bluegrass, I know some don't.) And at the moment the only thing I can think of that has a hint of that is of course Panjabmoore meets 007 again. That that's because it 0wnz.
yeah.. anything where sid and chorus got involved in can be considered blues (rock) ;)
added on the 2005-06-06 22:10:15 by el mal el mal
phoenix troll pointed me at a pretty rockin' bluegrass mod a while back, but I'll have to poke him again to get the name as I can't recall it. I'll repost back here when I find the reference.
added on the 2005-06-06 22:40:33 by legalize legalize
bluegrass mod? i remember loonie doing a song called 'Hillbilly billy bob' or something similar which was country and there was the awesome mod called HARDFOLK.MOD which was quite speedy folk music.
added on the 2005-06-06 23:01:28 by okkie okkie
i believe some TG long ago had song2.s3m (unsure about the extension) which was basically a country version of the Blur song. it kicked butt.
added on the 2005-06-06 23:11:19 by skrebbel skrebbel
I guess bluegrass riffs with techno stomps don't count? =)

added on the 2005-06-06 23:39:41 by teetow teetow
I like blues though. Hm. Maybe once :)
added on the 2005-06-06 23:49:37 by Gargaj Gargaj
Found it: riot.xm
added on the 2005-06-06 23:56:46 by legalize legalize
teetow \o/
candela for demogroup of the year!
added on the 2005-06-07 00:12:05 by skrebbel skrebbel
second skrebbel!
added on the 2005-06-07 00:35:09 by okkie okkie
Found it: riot.xm

Bluegrass with drums?!? Sacrilege.

Actually, that sounds more like rockabilly to my poor ears.
thom: it was what troll burped up when I asked around :-). I don't know that I would necessarily call it bluegrass, but yeah more rockabilly. If you know any bluegrass mods, speak up :-).
added on the 2005-06-07 06:02:16 by legalize legalize
panjabmoore is only successful one, but I'm not sure this is waht you're really after.

Maybe some amiga demo, polish dreamer was all about bluegrassish things.
tough guys' blues (tough.s3m)
added on the 2005-06-07 15:56:59 by tomaes tomaes
yeah, the swedes have toyed with bluegrass/folk/hodown here and there.. hillbilly billybob by loonie is awesome, especially the spoon solo :) legalize, if that's the great zoo riot by tito, then yeah, another fave.
added on the 2005-06-07 16:15:05 by phoenix phoenix
Mr. Twist: sorry, but panjabmoore is not only a lame demo, but it isn't blues or bluegrass at all. The inserted "country" bit is about one of the lamest country songs I've ever heard (and yes, I've heard it before; its a fairly famous one). *technocolor barf*
added on the 2005-06-07 18:23:22 by legalize legalize
I'm an asshole from El Paso!
added on the 2005-06-07 18:48:01 by okkie okkie
well, panjabmoore isn't exactly lame. it is not technically superior, but well-done.
added on the 2005-06-07 20:14:17 by rac rac
I will give a beer to the first person who comes up with a reasonable explanation of what the hell Legalize is saying in his review of Panjabmoore.
his explanation is lame!!! ;)
added on the 2005-06-07 22:08:17 by el mal el mal
also.. his review is... damn minddrifting there :)
added on the 2005-06-07 22:09:06 by el mal el mal


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