fix me beautifull
category: general [glöplog]
mysql> alter table prods modify partycompo enum('invit','none','8bit demo','16 seconds demo','32bit low demo','32bit hi demo','32k game','96k game','acorn demo','acorn intro','acorn 4k','acorn 1k','alternative demo','amiga demo','amiga intro','amiga fastintro','amiga 128k','amiga 64k','amiga 40k','amiga 10k','amiga 4k','amiga 2k','amiga 256b','animation','atari demo','atari intro','atari 192k','atari 96k','atari 4k','atari 128b','BASIC demo','BK demo','BK 4k','black&white video compo','bootsector intro','browser demo','C16 16k','C16 128b','c64 demo','c64 intro','c64 1k','c64 4k','coding','crazy demo','combined demo','combined dentro','combined demo/intro','combined intro','combined 64k/4k','combined 64k','combined 4k','console demo','cpc demo','disqualified demos compo','dreamcast demo','dynamic demo','fake demo','falcon demo','fast demo','flash demo','gamedev','gameboy demo','handheld demo','java demo','java intro','lamer demo','mac demo','megademo','mobile demo','musicdisk','music video','oldskool demo','oldskool intro','OHP demo','pc demo','pc intro','pc fast intro','pc 256k','pc 128k','pc 100k','pc 80k','pc 64k','pc 16k','pc 8k','pc 5k','pc 4k','pc 1k','pc 512b','pc 256b','pc 128b','pc 64b','pc 32b','pc 3d acc demo','pc non 3d acc demo','playstation demo','recycle.bin','scrooler demo','silent movie','shortfilm','textmode demo','useless utility','website','wild demo','windows demo','windows95 demo','windows98 demo','zx demo','zx intro','zx 4k','zx 1k','zx 512b','zx 256b','zx 128b');
Query OK, 16948 rows affected (2.46 sec)
Records: 16948 Duplicates: 0 Warnings: 0
mysql> update users set level="gloperator" where id=2498;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.18 sec)
Rows matched: 1 Changed: 1 Warnings: 0
mysql> select id,name from prods where download like '%';
| id | name |
| 678 | superstar dj\'s |
| 679 | trem muls |
| 717 | bucephalus |
| 2855 | surveillance |
4 rows in set (0.04 sec)
i quit pouet, stop asking me for things -_-
Query OK, 16948 rows affected (2.46 sec)
Records: 16948 Duplicates: 0 Warnings: 0
mysql> update users set level="gloperator" where id=2498;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.18 sec)
Rows matched: 1 Changed: 1 Warnings: 0
mysql> select id,name from prods where download like '%';
| id | name |
| 678 | superstar dj\'s |
| 679 | trem muls |
| 717 | bucephalus |
| 2855 | surveillance |
4 rows in set (0.04 sec)
i quit pouet, stop asking me for things -_-
stryx: check your mail, just sent you the info you need to know.
\o/ filipe rules!

\o/ filipe rules!
I'd submitted this release as "Gentlemen Software" and "demo".
Please change it respectively as "ATI", and "slideshow", thanks.
I'd submitted this release as "Gentlemen Software" and "demo".
Please change it respectively as "ATI", and "slideshow", thanks.
Gem: Info added + Link fixed.
Remove - link is broken and its a duplicate of has an incorrect screenshot, replace with image here
..oh and ps, I never got that mail. has an incorrect screenshot, replace with image here
..oh and ps, I never got that mail.
maybe you should have a valid email account on sceneID then.. hint your valid one to ps[] and i'll fwd you the other one..
before xmas preferably.. -_-
Sent a mail to you at last night at 21:17 BST - didn't get returned so I assumed you received - and my email at is the correct one (same as the one on my Pouet account....)
i received one now. replyed already. i guess hotmail and portuguese isps dont like each other.
Does this mean my logos may not have reached Basill :'-( and are [b]duplicates[b].
Does this mean my logos may not have reached Basill :'-( and are [b]duplicates[b].
basile aint .pt
actually i have no fucking clue who basile is, never met him, some mandarine dude i think. is just as idle, you're better off mailing analogue about them. read up the bbs thread about new logos, analogue gives a new email where to send the logos there i think
actually i have no fucking clue who basile is, never met him, some mandarine dude i think. is just as idle, you're better off mailing analogue about them. read up the bbs thread about new logos, analogue gives a new email where to send the logos there i think
Download link to points to the wrong file, it should be
ps: basile is actually a bot :) (seriously)
Please remove
It has been replaced with which has the demo name the group themselves state. Party info has also been submitted.
It has been replaced with which has the demo name the group themselves state. Party info has also been submitted.
zsazs & " ": Fixed.
Message for Stryx:
"This is the 256b version of the original 4k"
Actually we have a field for that, you as an gloperater may set it: Submit -> add prod affiliation -> read carefully and have fun. :)
"This is the 256b version of the original 4k"
Actually we have a field for that, you as an gloperater may set it: Submit -> add prod affiliation -> read carefully and have fun. :)
MadenMann: Thanks for the pointer!
dead link:
new link for the prod :
new link for the prod :
venomsoup: done.