It's a geeks life - episode 9
category: general [glöplog]
i'll start the new thread in that case...
i'll start the new thread in that case...
you meant
.. err. close enough, right?
not an actual photo, but some collages about how life would be if l337 dudez ruled the world..=)
rasters forever, rasters alive
these are kinda shareware rasters...
but we got the Reg.No :))
but we got the Reg.No :))
hm, let's dig it out again....
check the rasta's tshirt!
check the rasta's tshirt!
I've found that in the good old Geekcamp picture pack:
stop all the downloadin'!!!
help computer
hell no, wassup dog?
I don't know much about computers
shi"#¤ boy Schnupl(&%bløfh
loaderror, stop trying to sing schni schna schnappi when you're drunk.
this cafe we found in den haag:
Little spelling mistake, but what the heck...
Something we found in Ludwigsburg during fmx: