Gays at The Party 93
category: general [glöplog]
ROM #1 by essence.
In this mag there was an article about two gays at TP3. According to them some ppl at The Party were putting up signs which were saying. "aware of the aids team", and "dont vote for the gays" etc.
They even had to leave their group, when their leader found out that they were gays.
My question is. Who were those gays? According to ROM #1 they were musicians and from Sweden.
ROM #1 by essence.
In this mag there was an article about two gays at TP3. According to them some ppl at The Party were putting up signs which were saying. "aware of the aids team", and "dont vote for the gays" etc.
They even had to leave their group, when their leader found out that they were gays.
My question is. Who were those gays? According to ROM #1 they were musicians and from Sweden.
"Aware of the aids team"?! Thats absolutely disgusting. If they're good musicians, who gives a shit what their sexual orientation is. :-(
interesting how paradigms inside the scene change. perhaps , besides the factor of general developement of acceptance over the last 10 years, it's due to the scene participants getting older and more mature. on tum2004 there was a transvestite to be spotted, and as far as i know there was no discrimination directed to his/her side. also i know at least two german pc sceners who are openly admitting being gay, and i would know of no discrimination against them, besides of some friendly jokes.
bah! even if they're shit musicians it still doesn't matter what kinda sexual preference they have.
i am ofcourse, multisexual, which means i'm sexually arroused by almost everything around me.
ooooh desk.. chair! MONITOR!
*passes out*
i am ofcourse, multisexual, which means i'm sexually arroused by almost everything around me.
ooooh desk.. chair! MONITOR!
*passes out*
i mean, let's face it, even if they are not musicians it doesn't matter what is their sexual orientation.
i once had a very good friend, and then he told me he was gay, and now we only see each other like a couple of times per year!
My question is. Who were those gays?
My question would be: Why the heck do you care about the sexual preferences of 2 people who went to a party which happened 12 years ago?
ok... my point was... if you're the leader of a group, you would want good musicians regardless of their sexuality.
I was not saying that its only ok to be gay if you're a good musician ;-)
I was not saying that its only ok to be gay if you're a good musician ;-)
Still, the most annoying thing is that some people don't get that using "gay" as a swear word is childish like talking about farting in the pool.
dipswitch, everyone knows them :DD

freeze: thought the latter is quite fun.
dwangi: i can only think of 2 reasons why you want to know who they were:
1) date them
2) burn them alive for breaking one of God's laws
now i'm curious to know which one.
dwangi: i can only think of 2 reasons why you want to know who they were:
1) date them
2) burn them alive for breaking one of God's laws
now i'm curious to know which one.
* G A Y *
jeenio: Well, you're right, farting in the pool is indeed fun. :D
@so steamy
Who is "Farbrasj"? ;-)
Who is "Farbrasj"? ;-)
oh, and if you thought amsterdam is the 'gay mekka' think again
sad to see that we are not as tolerant as we thought we where :( (then again, it's these fucking morrocan bastards again)
sad to see that we are not as tolerant as we thought we where :( (then again, it's these fucking morrocan bastards again)
a man who prefers to have sexual intercourse with men and a man who prefers to have sexual intercourse with women are standing in the elevator. after a minute or so, the man who prefers to have sexual intercourse with women says to the man who prefers to have sexual intercourse with men: "it smells like fluid discharged from a male reproductive organ during ejaculation in here!"... to which the man who prefers to have sexual intercourse with men responds: "no wonder, i just violently released some of the gases produced by the symbiotic bacteria and yeasts in my gastrointestinal tract!"
In South Korea, homossexuality is treated like a sexual disfunction.
why not have a voucher entry system :)
okkie: die klote buitenlanders!
Man, political correctness is really a killer =/
voucher entry system=some sort of deductive voucher system
jeenio: vooral jij! gore kutportugees^_^ (yes, i'm not nuanced :))
iblis: fag!!! ^_^
iblis: fag!!! ^_^
jaaaaaa! ik spuug vandaag ook op al die kut-namaakspanjaarden! en dat heeft echt NIX met het voetbal van gisteravond te maken ofzo... stelletje luizige mazzelaars dat 't zijn.. @#$%&*