What's hot and what's not?
category: general [glöplog]
After being away for about 10 years or so, I find it difficult to understand what people nowadays consider as cool. Back then you just got the latest version of Crusadars' Eurochart, downloaded (!?) the top 10 demos and then you new what and who was ruling at the moment.
How do you do that today? Everything seems so confusing today... different machine, 3D acceleration, even different operating system. Everything used to be much easier. Everyone one had an Amiga 500 (or a C64) and knew just how difficult that recently released effect actually was.
How do you do that today? Everything seems so confusing today... different machine, 3D acceleration, even different operating system. Everything used to be much easier. Everyone one had an Amiga 500 (or a C64) and knew just how difficult that recently released effect actually was.
i mean.. keep funny threads with my name in it, this just sucks :)
i mean.. keep funny threads with my name in it, this just sucks :)
Just watch the fucking demos.
Only 10% of what's released is worth watching. I don't have time to download the remaining 90%.
Heh, I just love people giving such warm welcome to a scene legend like Celebrandil.. Shows the true Pouet.net spirit: bitching, whining, flaming and total lack of respect for anyone or anything. Good job guys!
I've had the same problem as you Celebrandil, after being away from the scene for some 7 years. There _is_ a new Eurochart-like thing coming up (www.theworldcharts.de), but in the meantime how about starting with Pouet's most popular productions list? Then again, it might not always (ever?) tell anything about the actual quality of the demos..
While I don't care much about how these, um, people present their message, nf has a point.. Just watch the demos. Charts only tell what's popular, and that might not always equal your personal taste.. Browse around this website, there's a lot of good new stuff listed. But don't bother looking at the comments or this forum for any insight. :)
I've had the same problem as you Celebrandil, after being away from the scene for some 7 years. There _is_ a new Eurochart-like thing coming up (www.theworldcharts.de), but in the meantime how about starting with Pouet's most popular productions list? Then again, it might not always (ever?) tell anything about the actual quality of the demos..
While I don't care much about how these, um, people present their message, nf has a point.. Just watch the demos. Charts only tell what's popular, and that might not always equal your personal taste.. Browse around this website, there's a lot of good new stuff listed. But don't bother looking at the comments or this forum for any insight. :)
I guess I can't expect that people were born when I released my last demo. It's nice to here that some kind of chart will be available. So far I have done what you suggested, but there is a difference between Eurochart's 2000 monthly voters and some accumulating scoring-system
for fuck sake we had 10 bbses about this the last week, now who is bitching ... i mean.. do you expect people here answering on the same question 10 times in less than 7 days... i dont get it... just go check demoo and top10 etc... you will get the idea.. HOPEFULLY or youre the TRUE bitch!
now stfup
now stfup
http://demoo.calodox.org is indeed a good answer
in your case.
in your case.
Ah... thank you for that link! Damn... we never used internet like that back then... we only had like irc, ftp and gopher :)
Wow, gotta agree with Break, if this is the 'real' Celebrandil, show some respect, if I recall correctly this is the man who actually invented glenz vector, and the first to do a demo with spacecut.
Why no one can use search engines? Have some queries and you'll find out sites like www.ojuice.net, demoo.calodox.org, www.monostep.org and www.scene.org, full of viewing tips.
Who needs democharts? Isn't Pouet enough?
Who needs democharts? Isn't Pouet enough?
'Pain' diskmag got charts. There is also a chartsmag called 'planet'.
You can find issues of both mags here.
You can find issues of both mags here.
Well... you are probably right! A chart might be more important to the demo creators, than to the viewers. Topping the Eurochart once used to be the finest thing you could do as a scener and everyone knew the lastest chart. I guess winning an important compo has the same status today.
i am hot
The almighty RANDOM link is always there for you... :)
Go to the parties link here on pouet.net and click on the parties, the prods for the partys do usually have their ranking number shown (if that matters :))
amiga-ball? ten years in scene? are you THE celebrandil?
apart from pouet i really like www.monostep.org. by clicking on "demos sorted by year" and then directly on "2002" you get a long list of top demos with three small screenshots each. its very well moderated, almost every one is worth the download, and you can usually see from the screenshots if it fits your taste.
the pouet charts have thier own strange rules, but i can live with that :-)
in the last weeks and mouth the scene had so many releases that it is easy to miss something.
apart from pouet i really like www.monostep.org. by clicking on "demos sorted by year" and then directly on "2002" you get a long list of top demos with three small screenshots each. its very well moderated, almost every one is worth the download, and you can usually see from the screenshots if it fits your taste.
the pouet charts have thier own strange rules, but i can live with that :-)
in the last weeks and mouth the scene had so many releases that it is easy to miss something.
Well... yes... that was my last (released) demo, but I really hate that screenshot. People never understood that particular part of the demo (some reviewer actually called it "poor 3-image animation"). I was most proud of the space-cut thing, but people concentrated on the glenz vectors (I never called it that though... Photon did) and blobbed 3d objects.
I thank you all for the suggestions. I'm sorry for being such a lamer, but I really haven't spent much time in the world of the scene lately.
I thank you all for the suggestions. I'm sorry for being such a lamer, but I really haven't spent much time in the world of the scene lately.
maybe you will be interested in my site where i try to do the same for Amiga as the great monstep does for pc.
Amiga Demoscene Archive
maybe you will be interested in my site where i try to do the same for Amiga as the great monstep does for pc.
Amiga Demoscene Archive
Celebrandil: how can you say that only 10% of todays demos are worth the download, while you at the same time claim not to know what's hot-or-not in todays demoscene? :-D
^^ paradox!
^^ paradox!
macaw: Yes, I agree that statement was quite harsh, but in my mind suitable for the responses just preceding. On the other hand, when I was active it was quite true. Few demos included anything really innovating.

is megahot.

is megahot.
The scene is hot
I had the same problem. Comming back to the scene after a long break. Welcome back Celebrandil.
For the top demos, check out as said. monostep.
For the top demos, check out as said. monostep.