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asm -> se

category: general [glöplog]
if the ticket is non-transferable but noone else from CNS is willing to come, what do i do with the other one? :)
added on the 2005-04-18 22:33:38 by Gargaj Gargaj
um, prolly remind TRX that Purple Motion will be there again (:
I meant Scene Event but ok :D
added on the 2005-04-19 00:07:31 by Gargaj Gargaj
gargaj: temporarily recruit me as a new member of conspiracy ;)
added on the 2005-04-19 00:22:48 by psenough psenough
remember not to post about it ps. Organizers are reading along.
added on the 2005-04-20 11:25:29 by Shifter Shifter
bah, all se organizers is a bunch of bigtime wankers, but they sure wank out a good free steak.. gratz
added on the 2005-04-20 12:00:52 by dwarf dwarf
Okay, dwarf.. you get the *special* sauce this year -and I don't mean Delicon's BBQ sauce.
added on the 2005-04-20 14:01:05 by Shifter Shifter


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