bass! (player)
category: general [glöplog]
i'm looking for a bass player (or a guitar player), preferably from the netherlands/germany/belgium for an ultra-secret demoscene related project. mad 1337 skillz are not required, but would be nice if you would know which notes you are playing.
it's... uh... kinda urgent, so please react fast to jeenio AT inercia DOT org (or here).
if you are not a bass or a guitar player, YOU HAVE NOT READ THIS. when i slap my fingers, you will act as a chicken.
it's... uh... kinda urgent, so please react fast to jeenio AT inercia DOT org (or here).
if you are not a bass or a guitar player, YOU HAVE NOT READ THIS. when i slap my fingers, you will act as a chicken.
Ok, ok, you had your fun, now make him normal again:

Btw: Searching for a bass player who can read notes is a waste of time. ;)

Btw: Searching for a bass player who can read notes is a waste of time. ;)
madenmann: i didn't say "who can READ" but "which note is he playing". it's a different thing... :)
well the names of the notes are not important, but to know where the E or the A is i think every bass player knows. even whiteshade, i would say! :D
well the names of the notes are not important, but to know where the E or the A is i think every bass player knows. even whiteshade, i would say! :D
thats one mighty big cock you gots there...

R. Bassist even knows where E is.
Sorry, I am neither leet or in EU.
/bass player
/bass player
You realize, Troll, we're searching for your replacement. You were the original person I mentioned first for the job (:
als je niets te zeggen hebt.. ZEG DAN NIETS!!!

does that mean you volunteer, kebby?
unbelieavable, pouet being actually USEFUL.
it was thanks to this thread that we (Ultrasound) got in contact with Knuetzler, who turned to be a great bass player and a wonderful musician to work with.
thank you pouet!
and don't forget to vote for ultrasound on :)
it was thanks to this thread that we (Ultrasound) got in contact with Knuetzler, who turned to be a great bass player and a wonderful musician to work with.
thank you pouet!
and don't forget to vote for ultrasound on :)
vote bass ffs :P
vote bass and be a stripper
vote ultrasound and win a discount ticket for inerciademoparty2005
so, where's my ticket ? :)
/lame guitar player
/lame guitar player
so, where's my ticket ? :)
/lame guitar player
/lame guitar player
for some odd reason. now there are two lame guitarist right here...
i want BASS videos.
including myself, there would be 3 of us
(the royal familly does not count)
(the royal familly does not count)