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Your favorite dance moves at demoparties

category: parties [glöplog]
Oh Jesus Christ kusma
added on the 2025-03-26 13:23:30 by okkie okkie

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added on the 2025-03-26 13:33:05 by okkie okkie
kusma is indeed an awesome person but idk about comparing him to jesus christ
added on the 2025-03-26 13:51:26 by havoc havoc
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added on the 2025-03-26 14:49:14 by el mal el mal
Definitely this.
added on the 2025-03-26 15:52:30 by Depeche Depeche
On the next party I shall demonstrate "The death of JIRA" dance, but only for select individuals with tickets bought before I even knew about the dance. Or the horror known as Jira.
added on the 2025-03-26 16:28:04 by leGend leGend
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added on the 2025-03-26 17:00:16 by rudi rudi
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added on the 2025-03-26 18:23:22 by SiR SiR
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added on the 2025-03-26 22:24:28 by scamp scamp
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added on the 2025-03-26 22:49:14 by dwarf dwarf
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added on the 2025-03-27 08:50:25 by RbR RbR
btw, tft do you recognise yourself? :P
added on the 2025-03-27 12:40:57 by el mal el mal
btw, tft do you recognise yourself? :P

haha...not really but that file has my name on it, so must be....

Mandetory danceatpartygif:
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added on the 2025-03-27 15:24:09 by tFt tFt
Thats very nice :D
added on the 2025-03-27 19:04:25 by leGend leGend
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added on the 2025-03-28 12:25:03 by trc_wm trc_wm


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