category: general [glöplog]
So did Analogue make his mind about all this? I assume it's not that he's expecting any input from this thread, nor it makes any sense to write here before his decision?
Well unless it’s to give a shoutout to Gargaj for keeping this lovely thing going for years.. =)
Well unless it’s to give a shoutout to Gargaj for keeping this lovely thing going for years.. =)
Well unless it’s to give a shoutout to Gargaj for keeping this lovely thing going for years.. =)
Well, He has already done it. We are expecting the Second Coming.
Just came here to utter my respect and thanks to Gargaj for the long time supporting this site. I can't imagine the scene being quite the same if there wasn't a centralized hub where prods are collected and discussed as passionately as on here.
Gargaj, I hope you'll soon recover from the stress moderating the BBS and dealing with all the BS has obviously caused. I'm glad you're putting your health first now.
Gargaj, I hope you'll soon recover from the stress moderating the BBS and dealing with all the BS has obviously caused. I'm glad you're putting your health first now.


Thanks for the show must go on.
Thank you for all the hours spent here and your work Gargaj.
As a causal I just wanted to chime in and say thanks for all of your hard work. I come back to pouet time and again to reconnect with my youth and relive those days for a second or two.
Thanks for providing that opportunity and I'm sad it came at the high cost of your love for the scene.
Thanks for providing that opportunity and I'm sad it came at the high cost of your love for the scene.
Only want to say that pouet is THE(!) demo scene site for me. It has been an
important constant in my life and helped me - as being a hillbilly - to stay
informed in this wonderful field of (sub)culture.
From an emotional point of view what iTeC wrote describes it pretty much for me.
Gargaj, thanks a lot for your work and the many hours of joy and excitement I
could experience through pouet. All the best for your future.
Pouet, I love it :-)
important constant in my life and helped me - as being a hillbilly - to stay
informed in this wonderful field of (sub)culture.
From an emotional point of view what iTeC wrote describes it pretty much for me.
Gargaj, thanks a lot for your work and the many hours of joy and excitement I
could experience through pouet. All the best for your future.
Pouet, I love it :-)
I am late to the show, but: Thanks a lot Gargaj (and the others) for all the work on pouet! I hope we can find a solution so that it can continue without Gargaj and I am ready to help (as in invest some time to support the team) to make it stay.
I can only tip my hat and stand silently in awe for the work, effort, heart and stamina that Gargaj has shown while maintaining this site. A rare very few have the qualities required for this task, for years and years.
That being said. This place, for me, has been a site where good people say horrible things to good people. And bad people say horrible things to everyone. This forum, in essence, is a demoscene hating site. Don't get me wrong. There are lots of good people saying good things. It's just overshadowed by the bad things. And for someone doing moderation, I can 100% agree with Gargaj saying "I hate you all". You did this. You. And not just once, but with years and years of repetition.
After Gargaj walks away, this site will go on. Until the first software or hardware failure. And then it is gone. Maybe then it's time for all of us to reflect on the footprint we left behind here. All the good that was done. All the horrible things we said.
If pouet dies, I will not be sad. Since it's death may offer some deliverance for some, closure to others. Some will find another place to get in contact with people. Some will find another place to troll. Some will find another place to be despicable. Some will move on. Natural flow of life.
That being said. This place, for me, has been a site where good people say horrible things to good people. And bad people say horrible things to everyone. This forum, in essence, is a demoscene hating site. Don't get me wrong. There are lots of good people saying good things. It's just overshadowed by the bad things. And for someone doing moderation, I can 100% agree with Gargaj saying "I hate you all". You did this. You. And not just once, but with years and years of repetition.
After Gargaj walks away, this site will go on. Until the first software or hardware failure. And then it is gone. Maybe then it's time for all of us to reflect on the footprint we left behind here. All the good that was done. All the horrible things we said.
If pouet dies, I will not be sad. Since it's death may offer some deliverance for some, closure to others. Some will find another place to get in contact with people. Some will find another place to troll. Some will find another place to be despicable. Some will move on. Natural flow of life.
After Gargaj walks away, this site will go on. Until the first software or hardware failure. And then it is gone
After all, no one in the world knows PHP! Sceners only know Assembly, C, GLSL... but they’re powerless to comprehend PHP and MySQL. All is lost!

Deep, pained sigh.
After Gargaj walks away, this site will go on. Until the first software or hardware failure. And then it is gone. Maybe then it's time for all of us to reflect on the footprint we left behind here. All the good that was done. All the horrible things we said.
Why would it be "gone"? Just put it in stasis or turn it into a Wayback Machine archive for the Scene? True, the downside is there will be no updates and broken links will soon abound, but don't just delete it all, if that's what's in mind.
If pouet dies, I will not be sad. Since it's death may offer some deliverance for some, closure to others. Some will find another place to get in contact with people. Some will find another place to troll. Some will find another place to be despicable. Some will move on. Natural flow of life.
Maybe Pouet.net shouldn't have had a forum in the first place? Forums and message boards always turn toxic: Look at IMDb boards, and now MovieChat, essentially it's replacement, has become just as bad, for a long time now. Does Demozoo have such messaging facilities? If it does, maybe the toxicity will head there and turn it rotten, too.
I highly commend and thank Gargaj for his extreme hard work of maintaining Pouet.net over the many years he's been doing it, and his patience and stamina with dealing with so many stressful and heated discussions as well as plain and simple bullshit as moderator is something that not many of us could do in his place, he's been remarkable in that regard, a true professional!
Well done, Gargaj, thank you, and best of luck for your future endeavours!
Foebane72: why not redefine the meaning of the word "gone" while at it.
Foebane72: why not redefine the meaning of the word "gone" while at it.
T-101 said it, not me:
After Gargaj walks away, this site will go on. Until the first software or hardware failure. And then it is gone.
And how have I redefined it? Do tell.
If pouet dies, I will not be sad. Since it's death may offer some deliverance for some, closure to others. Some will find another place to get in contact with people. Some will find another place to troll. Some will find another place to be despicable. Some will move on. Natural flow of life.
...I would be sad, because Pouet is my #1 resource when it comes to scene pages. It will be a big loss because it is a part of the digital history. People should be able to remember.
Anyhow, the offer to take care about moderation stands from my side. If there is any need and if this makes sense in/for the future. If this will be grabbed by some kind of wget and stays as an archive, this would also be ok, better than losing all.
Foebane72: maybe I don't understand what do you mean by gone vs not gone. I understood you say that if a website is only in Wayback Machine archive, it is not gone? While to me this is pretty much gone. Or if a website is still hosted, but unmaintained, and you cannot post anymore on forums, kind of like flipcode.com is it according to you alive or gone?
Foebane72: I understood you say that if a website is only in Wayback Machine archive, it is not gone? While to me this is pretty much gone.
Rubbish. It's not gone, you can see it right there, it's just inactive, or dead if you prefer. I thought you meant deleting Pouet.net from all data servers, which I thought was going too far, that's why I reacted.
Foebane72: yeah, let's argue more what is the meaning of the word gone vs dead. That's exactly was my point. It's pointless.
What exactly?That's exactly was my point. It's pointless.
SiR: that Foebane72 is just bending the defintion of "gone", which is pretty much pointless and doesn't contribute anything to the topic.
Hey Gargaj, it's great to learn that you made this brave decision, as a change for the better. Well done (seriously).
With your massive involvement all around the scene – operating various platforms (including pouët) and being a highly skilled and respected and successful artist – there were moments when it seemed to me like you might be running half of the scene yourself.
To me, pouët is a place where I can come to every now and then, even after years, and somehow feel somewhat at home again, with so many great people around – some of which I even had the chance to meet in person. And this site helped in making that happen.
But as I could just disappear from pouët again for a while just as I felt like it, it is my understanding that you very likely could not – so far. And I cannot even remotely imagine all the shit you had to deal with here, especially with all the different hats you're wearing.
So big kudos to you and sincere thanks for all you did to make the world a nicer place – it is much appreciated.

With your massive involvement all around the scene – operating various platforms (including pouët) and being a highly skilled and respected and successful artist – there were moments when it seemed to me like you might be running half of the scene yourself.
To me, pouët is a place where I can come to every now and then, even after years, and somehow feel somewhat at home again, with so many great people around – some of which I even had the chance to meet in person. And this site helped in making that happen.
But as I could just disappear from pouët again for a while just as I felt like it, it is my understanding that you very likely could not – so far. And I cannot even remotely imagine all the shit you had to deal with here, especially with all the different hats you're wearing.
So big kudos to you and sincere thanks for all you did to make the world a nicer place – it is much appreciated.
T-101 said wise words. It has been great, but I think The Scene would be better off without a site full of trolls and terminally online people :P
Thanks Gargaj.