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SceneCity will be shutting down Oct 31

category: general [glöplog]
Hi there, the Scene has voted with their feet - after trying hard for three years to establish it, SceneCity clearly is unneeded and unwanted. People prefer Discord/Twitch/YouTube/etc these days, and that is OK.

As there are no party streams scheduled, shutting the system down on short notice should not hurt anyone.

In case you have a private channel on SceneCity that you would like to have exported, please contact us on the #SceneCity channel.
added on the 2024-10-15 15:34:28 by scamp scamp
Sorry it didn't work out. This is the first time I even heard of SceneCity.
added on the 2024-10-15 16:12:02 by xeron xeron
thank you for writing and hosting it. I already dm'ed you about it some time ago, but I still think it's super cool to have a platform without moderators going full ham on you for random reasons and I really appreciated its existence. sorry to hear you're closing it. I think with 1119 people on there I'd not call it unwanted.

Anyway, it's a harsh time of the year, I recognize that I'm out of fuel as well. I wish you the best moving forward.
added on the 2024-10-15 16:23:47 by NR4 NR4
So I signed up and it seems quite nice. Sorry I was too late.
added on the 2024-10-15 19:23:17 by xeron xeron
Sorry to hear that. Was just about to forewarn about Gerp 2025 in January >>

It was Gerps choice of streaming service since no random bans due to "inappropriate pixel breasts" or tracker music that may sound like something else etc.

Not sure what to go with now, maybe we'll try out Twitch again, or YouTube. Haven't used any of them for a while since SceneCity just were there for us (with good direct support from Scamp).

Thanks for the service!
added on the 2024-10-15 19:28:25 by Pumbaa Pumbaa
Not sure what to go with now, maybe we'll try out Twitch again, or YouTube.

SceneSat are still around, you know...
added on the 2024-10-15 20:11:52 by Ziphoid Ziphoid
SceneSat is still around, you know

Great, will contact you (SceneSat) about it very soon then :).

Not really uptodate on which services still available, så thanks for the info.
added on the 2024-10-15 20:16:28 by Pumbaa Pumbaa
<3 for trying
added on the 2024-10-15 20:42:37 by skrebbel skrebbel
I am sad if this goes away. I like this service and I very much appreciate all the efforts put in to this over the years. I've been trying to push orgas to use this, but I've noticed that there is pushback. I tried to talk Assembly to use this, but they are a Twitch partner so that died right there and then. I suggested this to Alternative Party but they opted to use SceneSat instead, probably due to familiarity.

Today has been quite a day overall. And I hope you, scamp, cool down a bit to consider the amount work put into this and give it another chance of life. I feel this is not a contest, and fighting against the established big ones is surely not an easy fight and not one that can be won overnight. SceneCity has a lot of traction and has done so many things right.

I hope you reconsider.
added on the 2024-10-15 21:19:33 by T-101 T-101
Sad and sorry to hear that.. I actually loved scenecity ! I enjoyed watching the "tv" which made me discover some great demos.
Scenecity is great but I believe it suffers from a lack of communication.
but yeah...a little tired and drunk tonight so i ll just say..
yeah it's sad
and personally I prefer when demoparties are streamed to sites like scenesat, scenecity or ccc (I hate twitch..it ui and ux are terrible to me..Youtube is OK though)
added on the 2024-10-15 22:16:40 by Shantee Shantee
It's sad to see scenecity go. I really appreciate the work you put in this and I agree it's important to establish alternatives to the commercial platforms.

It's always a hard fight but I think it should be fought anyway.
Over the last twenty years, the capitalist economy has really conquered the sphere of internet communication to a point where it is difficult to roll back.
Pitty nothing lasts forever ofcourse.. thanks for trying with scenecity!
added on the 2024-10-15 23:24:47 by magic magic
To be perfectly honest, I had no idea what SceneCity was. I saw the name a few times, and I was exposed to the chat part (I had no idea until now that there were other parts) when registering for UC.

So as far as I can tell, before any potential execution or interest problem, maybe there was just a marketing problem.

Maybe it'd help to have some kind of hub referencing the existing infrastructure?
added on the 2024-10-16 00:18:11 by Zavie Zavie
this is sad news, but also understandable. too tired to type meaningful stuff into the phone now. i hope we can keep the streaming paltform alive in one way or another.
added on the 2024-10-16 01:09:36 by yodatest yodatest
Sorry it didn't work out. This week is the first time I even heard of SceneCity.
added on the 2024-10-16 07:30:43 by sol_hsa sol_hsa
That's quite puzzling.

In 2022/2023 quite a bunch of parties had been using our services - Revision (partly), Evoke, Deadline, Nordlicht, so if you watched those you should have stumbled upon then.

Now, mostly due to the heavy "we don't want you anymore, and as we now no longer need you to provide us Internet/Streaming/whatever, you can fuck off" movement in the scene, including very much the German party orga scene, in 2024 hardly no-one has used it anymore.

That's what I meant in the "infrastructure future" thread when I said that getting such a service to shine requires support from key stake holders, which include party orgas. But they all voted with their feet, and their viewers did, too, that Twitch/Youtube/Discord is just easier and gives them a bigger audience. So the chances of SceneCity taking off has never been lower than today. The key players don't want it to succeed, because the key players want me gone. Which is OK, I have found a better home when it comes to a welcoming Nerd/Artist community. But for SceneCity it clearly means game-over.

(Yes, someone could take over doing administration and hosting. But even some of the people originally building it have decided they prefer Discord. So I don't have someone who would be willing to take over the burden. When it comes to hosting you have to keep in mind all of this is running on custom hardware on 12 physical servers, with each box having hardware encoders/decoders. So you can not just virtualize and move to some standard hosting.)
added on the 2024-10-16 12:31:54 by scamp scamp
Now, mostly due to the heavy "we don't want you anymore, and as we now no longer need you to provide us Internet/Streaming/whatever, you can fuck off" movement in the scene, including very much the German party orga scene, in 2024 hardly no-one has used it anymore.

Sounds a bit like the well known syndrome of cancel culture.

Anyhow. People have the given right to decide to stick with crap/commercial companies and censorship. People have also the right to live in their own bubble. Leave them there so you don´t need to be upset anymore and they are happy how things are....Till the day, the companies who drove the Systems change their mind, flooding them with advertising, pay micro services, censorship and other funny things.

As again, it´s interesting to observe, how some people be treated and how forgiveness seems to be an unknown fact... Well, i hope more kindness for each other will come back as well as the work people do. (Also Party Orgas coming into my mind as they have also a hard job which deserves so much respect)

be kind and respect your opposite
I will never again use that culture-term because it is far too loaded.

But I will say that the tolerance in regards of neurodiversity in the scene these days is much lower than it was 20 years ago, no matter that there are some people very loudly claiming otherwise, not noticing that their tolerance of neurodiversity is limited pretty much to their OWN kind of neurodiversity.

I have experienced the same outside the scene. You would assume that people on the autistic spectrum are tolerant towards other people on the spectrum, but the opposite is the case. They are FAR more intolerant that normies.

So, my personal view is that "those who rule the scene these days" and me are incompatible, and that the contributions I did in the last 30 years simply are not NEEDED and wanted anymore. And I am taking this without any rage or bad feelings, it's just an observation.

I will give a very unemotional example: I used to be needed for German demoparties to provide Internet because for years this country had been third world when it comes to Internet connectivity. Now all parties do have Internet. So I can no longer contribute, and those who I believed to actually value me as a friend now focus solely on my social defects, and no longer see me as a net-positive.

But that's very off-topic here.

I am not shutting down SceneCity out of emotional reasons, but because there is nobody who would take over the work, and the scene has voted with their feet that is totally redundant.
added on the 2024-10-16 14:20:30 by scamp scamp


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