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category: general [glöplog]
Yes, this is the right thread for you to bring this up. Please take this off topic grudge anywhere but here, thank you very much.
added on the 2024-10-06 17:23:42 by dojoe dojoe
Not being very active here, I still want to thank you a lot Gargaj for all the hard work, and sorry when I've been an asshole from time to time as well...
added on the 2024-10-06 22:52:18 by mihi mihi
Hey Gargaj, thanks for all you did here for being it a safe place. Whatever happens with Pouet then, it'll still stay in my mind as an important place to find demoscene stuff and virtually socialize. Thanks for all!
added on the 2024-10-08 20:07:03 by aki aki
Hugs Gargaj! Remembering all the crap here over the years whilst mostly just checking in periodically and now reading how much fell on you it blows my mind that you've managed for so long, if there's to say such a thing then "You've more than done your duty!".
added on the 2024-10-08 22:49:58 by whizzter whizzter
Sounds like you needed to break away a long time ago mate. Thanks for your efforts, hugs, much love and most of all I hope you have some time to recoup and recover so we can share a beer and a demo party in the not too distanct future.
added on the 2024-10-09 00:46:01 by djh0ffman djh0ffman
So...who is willing to do the job?
Time is running.
added on the 2024-10-09 07:38:38 by _docd _docd
So...who is willing to do the job?
Time is running.

I feel like this isn’t something that’ll be discussed publicly, definitely not in this thread. Anyway, Analogue promised to answer all our questions in a separate thread, so we’re just waiting.
added on the 2024-10-09 07:54:33 by bitl bitl
Might be hard to find one, who will do this tasks on a long term.

  • look at bitfellas. seems to be discontinued. ( even no valid TLS certificate assigned what should be the minimum to drive a webside )
  • look at slengpung, somewhere between time and space. since 2020/2021 it seems no longer be maintained.
  • look at so many scene web pages. they are outdated / no longer available.

What does this mean to us. Maybe still to move to existing solutions by counting in, that some features will be lost because as some one mentioned, for now... we should not ask who does the job, we shall say "i do..this, that.

what i´m willing to do

  • Taking care of Bulletin / Onliner as an moderator but for sure, i won´t do this NOT alone.
  • Offering a test enviroument (LAMP Structure) if necessary for building web stuff.

The hard task maintaining posts can´t be done by me alone as my time is also limited through real live, our wonderfull scene/engineer/retro society DevLab as well as our group The Solaris Agency. Beside of this i´m active since many years as works council and economic council... So, i have enough excuses

However, if we can take back most the burden to moderate things from Gargaj it might help.. It also might help if the general behaviour in the scene to each other is more polite. However, this place is essential, it´s to important to fall. We have no real global address like wikipedia or archive.org, we are on our own.

As i said before, on a long term, we need a wide used solution developed by a huge group (like wordpress, typo3 whatever). Even if that means, that no extra modules specialised on scene related content isn´t available. On a long term, the danger to loose all is to big when it comes to solutions, developed only by a very small amount of people or even developed only by one person even if this pouet how it is, is the best i could imagine.

I think we all have exeeded that, what only a small bunch of people can take.

just my 5 cent´s with a little offer to help, if wished and if necessary.
o7 take care
added on the 2024-10-12 12:52:49 by pipe pipe
Thank you for your service. <3
added on the 2024-10-12 12:59:22 by looper231 looper231
In full honesty, reading through this thread reminded me of the same thing that m0d had to go through while maintaining the modarchive and, later, Saga Musix...
added on the 2024-10-12 14:04:13 by looper231 looper231
About using external tools and solutions: Why when Pouet is open source, and works perfectly fine from a tech stand point for the needs and environment (think sceneId integration for instance, but also the cron jobs that check for dead links and so on). "Re"-building Pouet (or a subset of Pouet) using other tools is no easy task, and for what ?

If you want to change/improve something, file an issue or better yet submit a PR.
added on the 2024-10-12 15:51:12 by p01 p01
i've been managing online communities for the past 20 years myself, and while i don't always see eye to eye with gargaj, he's done a better job than most of ny'all could

i would have had far less patience with like half the people here, myself included 💀 i don't think this place should be shut down, but i wouldn't blame him for doing it, some of ny'all are significantly more thankless than anything i've personally experienced

cheers 🫡 looking forward to whatever you do with the time free from dealing with the weenies producing garbage on this website 🥰

come to think of it, i think everyone else should stop posting and make a demo about it, too
added on the 2024-10-12 23:54:20 by lynn lynn
You will be missed. Thank you for all the years!
i've been managing online communities for the past 20 years myself,

yeah I witnessed that
added on the 2024-10-16 08:43:06 by NR4 NR4
i've been managing online communities for the past 20 years myself,

yeah I witnessed that

care to elaborate on that?
added on the 2024-10-16 12:09:52 by lynn lynn
would post screenshot of me leaving a public telegram group you manage, but I can't be bothered to upload stuff just for a random argument from a year ago that I don't even really care about.

to elaborate exactly: I believe that gargaj's moderation skills are very high in comparison to what is considered acceptable moderation skills.
added on the 2024-10-16 13:04:30 by NR4 NR4
Fully agree. He's a gigantic loss. Or, better put - "the previous, non-fed-up and non-destructive gargaj that says he hates us all" has been a gigantic loss.

I believe it will take MULTIPLE people with shared tasks to replace him.

But with the current atmosphere, it might be hard to build such a team.

And people who would be willing to contribute are getting scared off by all the aggression, because it may make them feel they are going to invest love and energy into just another platform that influential frustrated destructive people in the scene are going to take down with their constant desire for drama. That's the feedback I am getting from people who would be willing, but are now even scared to offer their help because they may be greeted with hostility.

As I tried and failed to get a discussion on in my infrastructure thread is: If you want people to invest time and energy to run scene infrastructure, they must feel support.

bitl has just indirectly touched an important point here: You can not even discuss rescuing pouet on pouet!
added on the 2024-10-16 13:26:10 by scamp scamp
a random argument from a year ago that I don't even really care about

ah, the good old "I care about this just enough to throw shit around, but not quite enough to be held accountable when people respond to having shit thrown at them"
added on the 2024-10-16 13:33:02 by gasman gasman
multiple people already expressed their will to help with pouet moderation, including me. I guess everyone is waiting for analogue regarding next steps atm. can we close this thread?
added on the 2024-10-16 13:33:36 by v3nom v3nom
yo gasman, just join the demoscene telegram group and read up yourself?

I gave exactly as much information as is necessary to read up exactly what I was referencing
added on the 2024-10-16 13:34:30 by NR4 NR4
what venom said. until then, it's all pie in the sky
NR4: Well, let's see now... I could install telegram and join a group just to read up on some personal drama that's apparently so fascinating that not even the person involved in it cares about it any more.

Or I could extrapolate from the available information and decide that the person being a passive-aggressive dickhead towards Lynn and dragging personal beef into an already-heated thread might not be the best judge of how to keep a community civil.
added on the 2024-10-16 15:02:48 by gasman gasman
Lynn: I feel the need to express that I respect you (for example for the DJ sets you play that I watch regularly) and I'm not interested in any kind of ongoing beef with you. The post is feedback on the moderation strategy you applied a year ago. I can and will give detailed reasons for my posts via discord DM if you're interested.

gasman: please do proceed in exactly the manner you find is appropriate (I do not mind being called a dickhead if that's necessary for making peace with the interaction). I will do the same and stop posting on the BBS for now, as my BBS contributions (and general mood as well) really are sub par at the moment.
added on the 2024-10-16 15:27:02 by NR4 NR4
I'd be sad to lose the Pouet prod archive. Anywhere else on the net demos are forgotten in seconds, mostly to be never discussed again - here they get permanent comments and can be found by people who browse by year or party.

(Well, Demozoo has that too, but the comments seem to be here for now.)

Would the administrative work be easier if we'd let other functions of the site go? Like the BBS for example. For generic demoscene discussions (or indeed drama or other bullshit) we already have dozens of other generic discussion platforms that serve just fine.
added on the 2024-10-16 19:03:14 by Byproduct Byproduct


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