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category: general [glöplog]
someone who plays in a league to create things like this:


cross-category-wise at the very highest level: gfx sound code

in my opinion, shouldn't waste time maintaining a website.

if you enjoy and find it a challenge to maintain chaotic code over the
years, putting rude people in their place & just following up - and you
find satisfaction in it - then stick with it.

if you don't, then turn your back without a second thought, without
consideration, doubt or regret.

even if that means not waiting until the end of the year to take action
because you're a good, decent, fair playing guy and you feel like you´d
let others down by doing so.

cut a few branches off the tree to get some fresh air & continue to be
able to grow again. in a joyful, lighthearted way.
I've done my share of community management during several years, way back when web2.0 was new and php/ajax was the hottest shit. I know how draining this can be. I want to join the others in expressing my deepest respect and gratitude to Gargaj for having kept it up until now.

I hope you can enjoy your well deserved break, and that you can find the time and energy to focus on things that will hopefully be fun for you.

I admire your creative side, your music, your 64k intros, being a key pillar of your well-known group conspiracy. Given enough time and space, maybe you can again find a small bit of joy in the demoscene. In the end we're here for the art and creativity.
added on the 2024-10-01 00:02:16 by xTr1m xTr1m
Thank you Gargaj for all you did invest. ❤️
added on the 2024-10-01 08:01:13 by G-Fellow G-Fellow
"okay everyone shut the fuck up i hate you all"

"At this point I fucking hate you all."

"who the fuck even are you"

"fuck y'all."

Thank you Gargaj for all you did invest. ❤️
added on the 2024-10-02 00:54:42 by SiR SiR
I guess it's not just a thankless job, there will even be people who resent others doing the thanking.
added on the 2024-10-02 09:57:25 by dojoe dojoe
Thanking for all the hard work is fine and necessary. That's not my point.
Fighting fire with fire is.
Fighting toxicity with even more toxicity is.
added on the 2024-10-02 10:34:08 by SiR SiR
no, drastic words have to be said. we had long enough to get our act together.
added on the 2024-10-02 10:43:44 by arm1n arm1n
added on the 2024-10-02 11:43:24 by SiR SiR
Fighting fire with fire is.

I generally agree with you there. It didn't quite become clear from your post though that this was your point ;)

And I think we should cut Gargaj a bit of slack, he's had to deal with this shithole for years - can't keep all the frustration inside. I don't think this even nearly qualifies as fighting fire with fire.
added on the 2024-10-02 12:34:13 by dojoe dojoe
you also have to pick your battles. Gargaj is overal a decent as hell poster so when he lashes out of being sick of this shit, it's different then one of the trolls/shitposters being a jackass.

by equating them you are part of the problem, hth.
added on the 2024-10-02 12:55:31 by okkie okkie
I think SiR post bringing up all "f u" comments from Gargaj is as toxic as it gets. It was clearly designed to provoke and keep discussion heated that would be slowly resolving otherwise. And now "fire with fire" thing is just turning thing around. It's trolling 101.

Saying this, this is IMHO still within "rules", so what can you do. That's really the nature of Internet forums - all of them as I recall. One person feels like cranking up the temperature of the discussion and everyone falls for it. Some people hate it, some people live for it and even enjoy the "drama".

And Gargaj is always doing best moderation you can. Personally I think he is even too considerate at times and overly respectful - maybe that's why it affects him personally and drains him so much more. So you guys, like SiR, maybe should think twice what you are trying to do here.
added on the 2024-10-02 15:12:10 by tomkh tomkh
So you guys, like SiR, maybe should think twice what you are trying to do here.

added on the 2024-10-02 15:19:02 by _docd _docd
added on the 2024-10-02 15:57:26 by SiR SiR
I can't believe I'm being tonepoliced by this guy.
added on the 2024-10-02 16:25:36 by Gargaj Gargaj
T101: You need to adress... :-)
added on the 2024-10-02 16:27:18 by _docd _docd
Internet is internet. SIR's actually a decent guy. I can personally vouch for that. Dunno why some people love the oneliner sooooo much, though ;)
added on the 2024-10-02 19:37:19 by SunSpire SunSpire
I can't believe I'm being tonepoliced by this guy.

I lol'ed! Gotta wonder though, do you remember all of these? Do you have a log of all pouet'ers worst behavior? This is from 9 years ago! I'm very impressed (and I kinda feel like looking up someone's awful drunk oneliner quotes from 9 years ago can only come from a place of love)
added on the 2024-10-02 19:51:07 by skrebbel skrebbel
What dojoe (page 9) and xTr1m said. I don't think anyone who has ever had the joy of running a community website couldn't say they didn't see this coming. Take care, Gargaj, and thank you for everything you did for Pouet. Mad respect.
As mostly a demoscene-lurker (but an admirer of the ingenuity and enjoyer of eye/ear-candy many prods present) I have more or less constantly been visiting pouet to check new prods. For this purpose pouet has been very handy. So thanks to Gargaj for your work on keeping this running. Also seconding cosmicollie few messages back. If demoscene resembles meritocracy, not many would have as much merits as Gargaj.
added on the 2024-10-02 21:02:12 by Nupo Nupo
I have the feeling that a lot of humans judge other people on the basis of 80% what/how those communicate, and maybe 20% based on what those people do.

I would prefer it to be other way round. Which, obviously, is a selfish wish.

I don't mind about Gargaj giving people FUs or not.

Priority for me is that someone ran and that someone will run this site.

Bitching around about something going on a platform becomes a bit silly if there is a significant risk of that platform going away.

Again, selfish: There is a lot of visibility through e.g. demo compos. The people running the infrastructure are less seen, and therefore sadly less valued. But the infrastructure is essential. No platform = No community. And not having a platform anymore might even pose a problem to our trolls here.
added on the 2024-10-03 18:15:32 by scamp scamp
Again, selfish: There is a lot of visibility through e.g. demo compos. The people running the infrastructure are less seen, and therefore sadly less valued. But the infrastructure is essential. No platform = No community. And not having a platform anymore might even pose a problem to our trolls here.

That´s the point. Also often, the people with the biggest mouth are more often perceived as the calm and silent ones.
If we start to say "only who has contributed xyz to the scene should have a saying, how this all could be handled in the future, then we are on a wrong track. Every idea if constructive should be worth being noticed.

Different people with different thoughts. Even if those thoughts are sometimes not that, what we would do, it´s important to listen.
Tamara: “I'll admit something to you. I hate the so-called common people. It is enough just to start talking about the shortcomings of society and everyone will immediately curse corrupt officials and stupid politicians. And no one will be allowed to say that the main cause of the idiocy of this world is found in them, in that mass of social idiots. In that terrible, global passive mass. It is impossible to hand them over to themselves. They will not stand themselves. The big secret of the great new world is not in frozen scientific discoveries, but in the fact that the main mass of the population is not needed for economy and progress. As soon as this becomes known, in any form, we will find ourselves within a meter of fascism. Ordinary people dejectedly suspect that they are being cheated to make the world worse. But here is the paradox: if someone wants to make the world a better place, they will have to deceive them as well. All! Because they need a holiday, as they imagine it. They should only be told what they want to hear.”
added on the 2024-10-04 14:08:05 by 4gentE 4gentE
You're definitely helping.
added on the 2024-10-04 15:29:27 by Gargaj Gargaj
I have the feeling that a lot of humans judge other people on the basis of 80% what/how those communicate, and maybe 20% based on what those people do.

Coming from anyone else, I might agree. But *your* definition of "communicating" includes destroying my competition entry with scissors, physically assaulting me and invoking Hausrecht, all because you were upset about the new competition rules that you wrote.
added on the 2024-10-06 04:23:53 by immibis immibis


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