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Music making software recommendations (Debian) + Where do you guys release music these days?

category: music [glöplog]
I doubt that anyone remembers me, I've released maybe 3 tracks in my lifetime. It hit me today, that I should upload some stuff for my kids to hear after I'm gone, otherwise it will disappear in the depths of old ftp's. I've uploaded an old track to YouTube today (it's here if you want to check it out: https://youtu.be/UoFmoEnG9o4, it won Breeze 2007 mp3/ogg category so maybe someone remembers it after all).

I haven't released anything since then, in fact I haven't made any music in years. I'm circling around the idea of re-learning musicmaking but to be honest I don't know what software would be good to run on Debian and what are the good places to release my work these days. Life, work, kids, sleep, you know the drill, no time for old hobbiies and you lose track of the novelties in the area.

Glad that Demoscene is still alive, parties still happening with people getting drunk like the old days (I hope you guys are still old school). If you have any recommendations, I'd be glad to read about software and places to release these days. Will look through BBS in the meantime to see what I can find. Hope that the "fix me beautiful" thread is still alive somewhere IT IS!
I've made some sample-based music with Reaper on Xubuntu Linux. Works really well. I don't use a MIDI keyboard so audio latency is not an issue with just PulseAudio.
added on the 2024-09-23 18:29:34 by cce cce
Dunno about debian as we use Win+Ableton but...

Using DistroKid its everywhere for us: YouTube and Bandcamp being the main ones we use.
added on the 2024-09-23 19:55:53 by leGend leGend
i remember listening to it live at the party itself, does that count? :D

to answer your question:
software, i would recommend reaper or a random modern multiplatform tracker (openmpt, milktracker, there are a lot) if you are used to tracker software instead. some even work directly on browsers these days (basstracker 0.5 released last week for example)

as for places to release: if it's a demoscene tracked music release you can upload to scene.org, if it's just tracked music you can upload it to modland or modarchive. streamed music single tracks are a bit hard to justify releasing on scene.org alone (people can claim they are not demoscene releases). you can do a musicdisk out of them if you get someone to code an interface. moving a bit away from demoscene, there are online labels that you can do a release on and get it more or less archived for history on archive.org

as for standard music releasing, the trend these days is uploading it to bandcamp and youtube like legeng mentioned. o guarantee bandcamp wont get nuked at some point by new overlords though, last i heard it was bought by epic and then resold and lost most of it's team, still seems alright atm but who knows how it'll look in a couple of years.

if you want to put stuff up on commercial streaming services there are multiple digital distribution services, we use routenote for enough records, some folks use distrokid but it's shittier from what i heard. soundcloud and jamendo also have those kind of services these days if you used those services before.

anyways, welcome back to activity!
added on the 2024-09-23 21:37:13 by psenough psenough
I'm also a linux user (OpenSUSE, Mint, Ubuntu) and I stick to Renoise for anything modern. Also, for classic modules there are many good options like Milkytracker, Schism Tracker, Protracker Clone and Fasttracker II Clone.

You can release in many places like Soundcloud, YouTube, Bandcamp, Jamendo... Routenote is great (as ps said) if you wanna put something on Spotify and similar sites.

And you can release something at some demoparty too! :]
added on the 2024-09-23 22:12:56 by ham ham
Some Linux-using musicians go with Ardour, a more mainstream like DAW if trackers aren't your cup of tea.
added on the 2024-09-23 22:59:35 by Marq Marq
In my opinion, Reaper is a better option if you want a mainstream DAW for linux.
added on the 2024-09-23 23:09:39 by ham ham
i used ardour when i was on mac and it was mostly alright for it's job but reaper feels more comfortable for multiple reasons.
added on the 2024-09-23 23:13:14 by psenough psenough
> I've made some sample-based music with Reaper
i'd reccommend using a tracker like renoise or my personal fav, fasttracker 2
added on the 2024-09-24 00:01:33 by BLU32X BLU32X
I've made some sample-based music with Reaper on Xubuntu Linux. Works really well. I don't use a MIDI keyboard so audio latency is not an issue with just PulseAudio.

Looks OK, will give it a try at some point cce.

I've made some sample-based music with Reaper on Xubuntu Linux. Works really well. I don't use a MIDI keyboard so audio latency is not an issue with just PulseAudio.

Cool music guys, "After Before", "The Reach" and "Elegy" work perfect for me tonight.

i remember listening to it live at the party itself, does that count? :D

You've made my day ps, wasn't expecting to find someone who'd remembered it, let alone heard it live! I haven't been there myself. Gotta check that basstracker out of interest, in-browser trackers are new to me. Also WaveTracker you've mentioned in one of your vids looks good too and they're working on a multiplatform version. Thanks for your in-depth reply, very usefull. Oh and thanks for your work on the party reports, good to see who's still kicking and releasing stuff.

I'm also a linux user (OpenSUSE, Mint, Ubuntu) and I stick to Renoise for anything modern.

Nice, that one looks interesting, well documented too. FTII clone? Man, the nostalgia is strong with this one.

And you can release something at some demoparty too! :]

For sure if I energy to release something.

Some Linux-using musicians go with Ardour, a more mainstream like DAW if trackers aren't your cup of tea.

Bookmarked together with Reaper.

Thanks everyone, I'll play with Renoise for now since I like the GUI and we'll see where it takes me.
I am Fedora user and GPL fan. I reach for https://www.bespokesynth.com/ when I want to tinker with beats.
added on the 2024-09-24 04:14:12 by ig0r ig0r


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