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Silly Venture 2024SE - 35th Atari STE Anniversary

category: general [glöplog]
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We would like to remind you that at the summer edition of Silly Venture we will celebrate the 35th anniversary of Atari STe! On this occasion, there will be many attractions waiting for you, about which we will gradually inform you. At this moment, we can reveal that there will be an artistic cake to celebrate this event, competition entries using STe capabilities. We encourage everyone to participate in competitions!

Thanks to Hospes for preparing the poster.

p.s. There will also be strong accents for Atari XL/XE fans - after all, it's a party for all ATARI fans. Due to the anniversary, we are considering a prize in the form of an Atari 1040 STe. We are also thinking about The 400 Mini.

Do not forget to visit our website for more info!

SV2024SE website

p.s. I left the hospital last week. I promise to catch up on previous editions of SV in 2023 - I haven't forgotten anyone and I will catch up.
added on the 2024-06-04 21:29:36 by grey grey
please stay out of hospital a bit longer this time!
added on the 2024-06-05 16:07:59 by havoc havoc
Hospital you say. Please, take care and pay attention to you health.
Do not overload your party-work. The party does not have to perfect. That's already great to meet the ppl, to be at the party.
Be well, Grey. Be strong as well.
added on the 2024-06-05 16:28:41 by sim sim
@havoc: really hope so! :/

@sim: well, I pay much more attention to health than ever before, matey.
added on the 2024-06-19 12:02:17 by grey grey
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The summer edition of Silly Venture will feature the premiere of Grzegorz Struminski's (Gregfeel / Lepsi De) new album, "LONDONCLUB 2024"!

Gregfeel combines different musical genres. During the concert there will certainly be a solid dose of music in the atmosphere of electro acid (with elements of trance and house) and certainly r&b.... in fact, it is difficult to define Gregfeel's style unambiguously, but one thing is certain - the new album will undoubtedly appeal to fans of electronic music in the broadest sense.

Gregfeel comments: "I was eager to reach for sounds that inherently seem to be incompatible and yet I think it's a successful combination. It's just that I've been experimenting for 25 years over and over again. So the album is not clear-cut and certainly at times surprising with sudden changes.... this was due to a simple reason - each of my songs was, is and will be a reflection of the mood I was in, and since I have been sitting in the music of "synth" sounds since my teenage years, I am imbued with it like Al Pacino's hat with the smell of a Cuban cigar.... 🙂 What came out of it listeners will find out during the premiere on SV2024SE. I hope there will be something for everyone..."

The concert is scheduled for August 16th (Friday).

Thanks to Hospes for preparing the poster.
added on the 2024-06-23 14:31:22 by grey grey
Due to the 35th anniversary of Atari STe, which we will celebrate during the summer edition of SV, the prize for first place in the ATARI XL/XE DEMO COMPO will be an Atari 1040 STe funded by DaruG.

Remote entries are welcome of course!

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added on the 2024-06-24 20:52:10 by grey grey
Ok, Sommarhack is behind us - a cool party in Sweden with tons of cool Atari competition entries 🙂 And ahead of us - the summer edition of Atari-only party: Silly Venture 2024! As you know, we will be celebrating the 35th anniversary of Atari STe, so we are making every effort to ensure there is something to watch for compo 🙂

Below you will find two photos from yesterday of one of the groups working on a demo for our party 🙂 We had to blur both people and monitor screens, so as not to reveal too much... 🙂 One thing is certain - it will be an interesting anniversary of Atari STe!


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added on the 2024-07-07 00:40:45 by grey grey
I encourage you to order SV2024SE T-shirts! We are waiting for your completed forms until August 5 (Monday). There are 4 colors to choose from (black, navy blue, burgundy and yellow). On the back of the T-shirt there are the "Atari", "SV2024SE" and "Gdańsk" logos.

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SV2024SE t shirtsDesigner: mOOnie / Mystic Bytes
SV2024SE logo author: Vasyl / S16^JKR^LBD


By purchasing a T-shirt, you support the event's budget by covering part of the costs, which are still increasing.

Thank you in advance!

If you are interested, please fill out the form at the link:

SV2024SE T-SHIRTS ORDER FORM - https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScS6hKlB2gDfNBMzRzujDuFVknOsJ-SGpWHSAAF1UyoEzhyHg/viewform

It is possible to collect it in person during the event or send it by post after the party.

p.s. People who expressed their willingness to buy T-shirts from SV2023WE and did not receive an e-mail asking for a payment - please contact me. Due to my health condition at the beginning of the year, some things are beyond my control, but I'm making up for it now. As a reminder - on the back of the T-shirt there are greetings from the designer of the Atari Jaguar console - John Mathieson.
added on the 2024-07-24 18:52:15 by grey grey
There are less than 3 weeks left until the party, so it's the right time to present the...

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THURSDAY - 15th August

at 06:00pm - Opening the gates
at 08:00pm - Presentation of demoscene productions from VCS, to XL/XE, ST/STe/TT, PoFo, Lynx, Falcon and Jaguar
at 09:00pm - Crazy Compo #1

People who want to help in preparations for the event are traditionally welcome and desired :) For you, entry is possible before 6pm. Please contact me directly.

FRIDAY - 16th August

at 12:00pm - Friday refreshment with Red Bull! (Red Bull for free for all participants!)
at 12:30pm - Silly Talk #1 "Programming on Atari 2600". Hosted by MGO/Altair.
at 02:30pm - Presentation of demoscene productions from VCS, to XL/XE, ST/STe/TT, PoFo, Lynx, Falcon and Jaguar
at 05:00pm - Dynabusters game tournament (.tSCc.) for Atari STe - 4 players. Hosted by Hospes & Piter
at 07:00pm - official opening of the event (including consumption of an artistic cake for the 35th anniversary of Atari STe!)
at 08:00pm - Gregfeel / Lepsi De concert
at 09:30pm - Crazy Compo #2

SATURDAY - 17th August

at 11:00am - Silly Talk #2 "Infection stories - were there viruses on Atari?". Hosted by KAZ
at 12:00pm - Saturday refreshment with Red Bull! (Red Bull for free for all participants!)
at 01:30pm - Compo part#1 (MSX, GFX, WILD)
at 04:00pm - Silly Talk #3 "a few words about MADE's activities (Museum of Art and Digital Entertainment w USA)" - Hosted by Jesse Burns
at 05:30pm - Compo part #2 (GAME, INTRO, DEMO)
at 08:30pm - Crazy Compo #3

SUNDAY - 18th August

at 11:00am - announcement of results, awards ceremony
at 01:00pm - closing the gates

Traditional thanks to Hospes for preparing the graphics.
added on the 2024-07-28 20:03:47 by grey grey
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We would like to remind you that today (5th AuguST) is the LAST DAY (until midnight) to order T-shirts from the summer edition of Silly Venture 2024! By purchasing a T-shirt, you support the event and its subsequent editions - regardless of whether you are physically at the event or you are following our event on the internet. There is no need to pay in advance - the T-shirts can be picked up during the event or will be sent by post - you will receive an e-mail with your choice of T-shirt and a request for payment.



Thank you in advance!
added on the 2024-08-05 11:20:05 by grey grey
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We encourage all ATARI fans who cannot participate in our event
physically to buy a ticket for "Sofa Sceners". Make time for the next one
Saturday, August 17, at 1:30 p.m. (GFX, MSX, WILD) and 17:30 (GAME, INTRO,
DEMO) - new entries come to us every now and then, starting from Atari 2600, through
XL/XE, ST/STe, PoFo, Lynx, Falcon and Jaguar series! It's worth being with us! :)

Link to tickets:

Thank you for your support! Thanks to it, we are able to pay our debts on time
obligations, and provide you with a solid portion of entertainment :)
added on the 2024-08-15 00:02:19 by grey grey


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