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Radio Irrtum! Special: CHiPTUNE PuNk! On Air in Berlin this weekend (2024-07-06)

category: music [glöplog]
My monthly Radio Show "Radio Irrum!" will run a scene chiptune special ("CHiPTUNE PuNk!") this weekend in Berlin. One hour of mainly harsh aliased single cycle loop waves surging over Berlin right on FM 91 Mhz ;) ! Also Speccy beeper, TED, YM and all.
In case you are interested and want to know more about it, here is a in depth teaser (links to the actual stream in the description there).

And yes, the borderline between chiptune and not chiptune is a bit blurry — at least the way I handle it. So in the second half there will be more standard Amiga MODs (not so much single cycle stuff); apologies for anyone offended by this. In case you are going to listen: Have Phun! Berlin will be soo square waved!!
did you do the trailer at danziger straße? :D
added on the 2024-07-04 21:30:01 by dalezy dalezy
Damn it. I did! How did you... ok ok ;)
btw. @dalezy your music for TRIAD/Kinetics totally rocks - exactly my taste. If I had known it (but I didn't) I would have chosen it for this radio show. However the show is already uploaded to the station, so no way to change things now. But nevertheless: Respect!
Cool, not sure if I can listen to it live though. You might want to post the exact starting time in this topic too, not only have it in the trailer :)
added on the 2024-07-05 12:38:05 by break break
KEWL! Last time I recall someone doing a chiptune show on Radio Alex was like 20 years ago when the station was still called OKB :D

Btw, starts at 8pm UTC+2.
added on the 2024-07-05 12:49:14 by utz utz
right right. Thanks for the positive critique and the hints! ;)


  • Saturday, 2024-070-6 / 8:00pm / UTC+2 (Berlin time)
  • Ends 9:00pm UTC+2

Stream URL:

Name of the show

  • Radio Irrtum!

In case you'll really tuning in: Thank you!! :)
Almost last info.

The station is right now plagued by a buffer under-run issue (that's what I call it), which is not only apparent in the internet stream but also on DAB+ .
I encountered it already yesterday, told them about it, Today they told me, yes, there is an issue, but there is no solution yet.
Crap. I mean, it's just every couple of seconds.

Please stay strong! :)
Dit haste jar nich schlecht jemacht.
added on the 2024-07-06 20:56:17 by hfr hfr
btw. @dalezy your music for TRIAD/Kinetics totally rocks - exactly my taste. If I had known it (but I didn't) I would have chosen it for this radio show. However the show is already uploaded to the station, so no way to change things now. But nevertheless: Respect!

thanks! don't hold back; i hope there will be another episode. :D
i'm happy to see that kind of music being featured at alex. the last time i heard any demoscene/tracker music at alex was when alex was still okb in the mid-90s. back then, it was mods by bomb20 and some other guys whose names i sadly don't remember, who played their tunes live on their two amigas.
btw, i'm not sure if you've been there before, but the bcc party and deadline in berlin might be exactly your thing. bcc is a c64-only party with lots of music entries in the compos, alongside the demos. deadline features quite a number of releases from a good range of 8bit machines in various compos as well, which is a very good thing. :)
added on the 2024-07-06 21:08:37 by dalezy dalezy
Thx guys.

Of course I know about Deadline at least, but I lack the energy to go there usually. Maybe for the next BCC I'll make a tune – but I have respect for the SID (took me weeks to get into Sid Wizard last year, which maybe was not the best idea for starters, should have used Goat Tracker or JCHs really superb looking SID Factory II).

Anyway: If you couldn't make it in time here is my archive, including playlist, manuscript and additional remarks.

very good radio show - you did a lot of good explaining to people that are not familiar with the old computers and their capabilities. But come on - to lazy for deadline ? Lame ! ;) Save the date and come - 4th to 6th October 2024.
added on the 2024-07-07 18:50:29 by titus^rab titus^rab
I feel... provoked. So I have to approach this, seeking revenge!


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