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Versus #10 (official thread)

category: general [glöplog]
Versus #10 is brewing in case you missed that, here is a reminder and thread.

Some call it diskmag, some a chartmag. We call it the last alive and legacy of charts with a vast support from people who vote and submit articles. But we miss YOU!

Vote - fill in what you feel for here
Article contributions - get in touch with staff* for submit
Scene news - Amiga and other scene news (use vote-link and dedicated field)

We offer a scenish platform with articles, and charts with wide perspective of 13 categories, released on OCS/ECS, OS4, online, and smartphones.

Versus (vS) has a footprint of the post-millenium scene history providing trends, scene news and perspectives. Because of the authors ego-boosting? No, because of the contributors. Because of this, vS is dedicated to serve the scene and sceners like YOU. We believe in content, good stories, and perspectives.

Do not miss this opportunity to be part of the Jubilee issue #10. It is going to be epic.

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* Versus staff
Nukleus (Balder, Browallia, cefa68000, Ghandy, Menthos and Smaugur)
Void (hukka, Powerslave, and Puni)

join Versus (FB,X,web)

ps: chatGPT says the message was clear :)--<
added on the 2024-04-04 09:54:15 by browallia browallia
What we need most are votes at the moment. I've been walking around at Revision party and gave around 20 people a votesheet. I've got three filled votes in return, which is not much.

On a party people want to have fun and not to fill any nasty paper sheets it seems. ;-)
added on the 2024-04-04 15:39:41 by ghandy ghandy
Votes are comming, but I recommend more to vote unless computers should take over humanity making us all lazy...

...About articles and AI, you may want to see this one, one fo the topics for upcoming Versus. Here used 60 sceners opionions down to an article. Art or not?

AI-generated article using the pouet-thread “AI crap in compo entries?”

- I would answer my own thoughts of such an article: I prefer the human work behind an article. AI can however be used for analysis as shown here. But its just more respect to people doing things with their own mind.
added on the 2024-04-05 13:02:12 by browallia browallia
I voted! Got to say I feel the AGA productions of the last few years are a bit lazy compared to the OCS ones. Few demos exceed the 1998 AGA standard :)
added on the 2024-04-07 16:57:52 by rloaderro rloaderro
very good spotted observation, totally agree :)

I also think that very few graphicians want to do AGA palette in compos or released in demos. Even if its a really good AGA-picture, the A500 pictures are casting a shadow difficult to convince that they are good made perpaps
added on the 2024-04-09 15:09:41 by browallia browallia
I voted! Got to say I feel the AGA productions of the last few years are a bit lazy compared to the OCS ones. Few demos exceed the 1998 AGA standard :)

It's normal, AGA killed the scene and it's coming back from the grave with a vengeance.
added on the 2024-04-10 23:30:46 by hitchhikr hitchhikr
It's normal, AGA killed the scene and it's coming back from the grave with a vengeance.

only AGA can bite that shiny AI-ass back to basic.
added on the 2024-04-15 22:20:04 by browallia browallia
When you vote: some categories have filled-in based on previous votes, but you can also add what you think should be in the charts. It can not be much simplier to submit a vote, can it?

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added on the 2024-04-19 13:44:37 by browallia browallia
Finally got some time, seems deadline wasn't missed yet, going to vote then.
added on the 2024-04-21 14:39:12 by wayne wayne
added on the 2024-04-21 16:46:16 by chavez chavez

Cheers! :-)


Thanks to all who have voted so far! We are very happy for all your support!

For those who have not yet voted, there is still time to make an impact and have your say. ;-)

Thanks again!
added on the 2024-04-24 20:41:12 by puni^void puni^void
ascii vote sheets should now be out on BBS:es.

In addition to put some extra spice on the dune-plate, a fresh ascii collection is out. baked beans to jPV and spot

one more thing: a vS-seduce-tro is brewing, stay tuned ;)

VERsus - you are not the only one!
added on the 2024-05-07 14:35:31 by browallia browallia
We are now soon closing down voting. If you havent voted yet, now is your chance.

Some headliners (sneak peak) of the diskmag in the fresh released seduce-tro (Votebastards), Amiga500 OCS

Do not forget to leave info about you, your group, plans, rumours or truth in the vote field for the new generations to take over your ctrl the day we parish :)
added on the 2024-05-20 08:07:29 by browallia browallia
I voted early yesterday morning. It was a nice opportunity to reflect on all the Amiga gold in our collective treasure chest.
added on the 2024-05-24 09:39:20 by Motion Motion
Vote close: Wed. 29.05.2024, 23:59 (CET)

We have F-A-N-T-A-S-T-I-C support from the Amiga scene.
Great amount of votes and articles, but maybe your voice is still missing?

last call for boarding, go to gate Versus #10.

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added on the 2024-05-28 05:52:52 by browallia browallia
Finally nagged myself into voting.
added on the 2024-05-28 19:59:38 by Nosferatu Nosferatu
I see the voting deadline is over, looking forward to the release then ;D
added on the 2024-05-30 18:56:48 by wayne wayne
A small update:

still waiting for a couple of articles and info to gather from some groups (aaaand a bit of Versus staff members trying to find time to do the fixes). We are very excited to drop Versus 10 with such a large support from you + Amigans anno 2024

Sorry for delay and happy Midsummer celebration
added on the 2024-06-19 11:36:54 by browallia browallia


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