Scene politics (what side you're on ?)
category: general [glöplog]
best is ofcourse ISO who combines abtract guruness with joke folkiness.
i'd like the diagram to be rectangular.
This classification seems somewhat odd from the point of view of an 8-bit coder.
I mean, if you make some abstract artsy-fartsy stuff, it still looks somewhat "oldschool" because of the platform limitations. However, if you write some hardcore code to overcome these limitations, the result will look even more "oldschool" because of the amusement factor :)
I mean, if you make some abstract artsy-fartsy stuff, it still looks somewhat "oldschool" because of the platform limitations. However, if you write some hardcore code to overcome these limitations, the result will look even more "oldschool" because of the amusement factor :)
yeh i agree, the oldschool in that chart is abit skewed from reality :)
do we can assume annoying users are joke folks ?
nice idea, willbe :) but that model seems more like a first draft :)
The "desing ravers" slice is too big compared to "hardcore coders".
"Design ravers" should be a tenth of "hardcore coders" imo.
"Design ravers" should be a tenth of "hardcore coders" imo.
optimus should own his own category! :p
Like plasma-powered demos or something? ;)
Sure it's a draft.
If i was thinking that my categorization theory was 100% true, i would have written an article in Hugi *cough, cough*.
About the proportion of each part, what you can see is from my own (windows musician based) point of view, that is obviously not correct. Sorting all Pouet demos would help alot, i bet.
If i was thinking that my categorization theory was 100% true, i would have written an article in Hugi *cough, cough*.
About the proportion of each part, what you can see is from my own (windows musician based) point of view, that is obviously not correct. Sorting all Pouet demos would help alot, i bet.
i suggest this updated chart:

Well,. I am also a hugi reader, euro weeny and scene killer too ;)
Oh,. and hugi writer of course :)
/me changes handle to design-raver YOW!
Havoc, you forgot the BASS corporation !
Havoc, you forgot the BASS corporation !
Haha great scheme!
Francis P.: I think coders are made pink because that's the color they always use for debugging stuff. Yay for the horrid 255,0,255 rgb value! :D
Francis P.: I think coders are made pink because that's the color they always use for debugging stuff. Yay for the horrid 255,0,255 rgb value! :D
0xFF00FF rulez
Well i'm not totally a coder (hardcore ?), i'm not totally a poet, i like CPU burning and oldskool prods, i'm not an oldskooler because i'm to young, and my interest to the scene is dated just before 2000.
I enjoy joke prods which mak me laugh a lot and i'm sensibly atrackted by guru abstract and wired prods...
so, i'm nothing or i'm all
note: i'm not a scener yet, but I enjoy everything you made (:
I enjoy joke prods which mak me laugh a lot and i'm sensibly atrackted by guru abstract and wired prods...
so, i'm nothing or i'm all
note: i'm not a scener yet, but I enjoy everything you made (:
and the cracktro fanatics ?! those deserve their camembert!
you forgot my side!!!
"guys coming to parties with not any releases and that always say every things you hear isnt that great but you're not releasing anything coz no one will appreciate your huge talent"
"guys coming to parties with not any releases and that always say every things you hear isnt that great but you're not releasing anything coz no one will appreciate your huge talent"
Ok, i'd say i belong to the David Hasselhof fans =D
zest: but they aren't even human, like gamers and communists!