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Acryd^farbrausch passed away

category: general [glöplog]
I’m really sad to hear this.

Thanks for being a major part of giving us so many awesome demo party experiences over the last decades.

My condolences to his family and close ones.

Rest in peace.
added on the 2023-05-07 22:08:35 by Puryx Puryx
I've been trying to get my thoughts and feelings in order for more than two days now, and I'm still not able to process this in a coherent fashion, so sorry if this is a bit random...

In the more than 25 years that I've known him there are just too many stories to share. Suffice to say, for the whole time that I've been an organizer, Ben's presence was always there. He was a fixture of German Easter Parties since the mid 90s, and over time became a mentor and then esteemed colleague and dear friend. When I first joined the Beamteam at Mekka&Symposium I was told that that team was the face of the party. But what he did was more. He was the backbone. He always put in all the work to enable us so we could enable you all, and without him Mekka&Symposium, Breakpoint, and Revision wouldn't have been what they were or are, even remotely. Always going 100%, always pushing for just a bit more.

And this reached far beyond the confines of the demoscene. As other people already told, he did that at VCC Entertainment (where a lot of the people that eventually should become Elitegroup and then Farbrausch also worked) but he also was instrumental in Hamburg's Gothic scene, at a lot of music festivals, and first of all in our circle of friends. As DocD said - he was always there for us, inviting us to come to or even stay at his flat when we had a problem, trying to understand and help with all the conflicts we others had with each other, be it within the Revision team or just as friends, and even if he and I also had some rough patches in those many years, he was always open to fix our relationship.

And the more I think of it the more I know I'm so going to miss it all. All the party planning, the collective rush of adrenaline in the whole week around Easter, the literal tens of thousands of kilometers going to and back from demoparties and other events, the nights full of friendship at his place, all the weird stuff we experienced at festivals and the surrounding hotel parties, or just the long bike rides and nerding out about all things tech.

This is just not fair.

Farewell my friend. The hole you leave in all our hearts will be hard to fill.
added on the 2023-05-07 23:14:54 by kb_ kb_
I didn't know Acryd (I never went to any of the parties he organized, nor did I ever talk to him on IRC), but it's always sad when someone dies, so I'd like to offer my condolences.
added on the 2023-05-08 07:38:09 by Adok Adok
I first met Acryd in person on Tum 2008, but experienced his magic first time on breakpoint the years before.

He kinda got me into delving into Event stuff and also me being a Revision Orga because the rig and lighting was so much fun to build.

I learned a lot about event stuff while working with him at Revision and I‘m glad I hung out with him at the Infodesk this year and had the usual compact and mostly nonverbal agreeing conversation we sometimes had.

I actually wanted to ask him if I could join the main gothic party Orga in Hamburg occasionally, since I just moved there.

But that has to happen in the next big show.
Rest in peace Acryd.
The show must go on.
With a giant sized hole.

And we’ll have to too.
added on the 2023-05-08 11:00:38 by neuralnet neuralnet
It's immensely sad that a part of our community, and someone in the prime of his life, should be taken from his loved ones, friends and family so prematurely. Condolences.
added on the 2023-05-08 17:51:20 by farfar farfar
Well this fuckin' sucks :(
added on the 2023-05-08 18:08:06 by uncle-x uncle-x
I just want to give a hug to all of you who called Acryd a friend. I didn't even know him, but it's so clear from the outpouring that he was such an important person to those who knew him and that his passing leaves an immense void. I wish you all strength and ever lasting memories.
added on the 2023-05-08 19:28:22 by Zavie Zavie
My condolences to his family and friends.
I knew Ben since the early Mekka& Symposium Partys. He was the guy I handed my first release to because he was near the infodesk ('t was back in the days where you had to fill out a paper and hand it over with your disc. Imagine the horror at my first Demoparty when due to my handwriting that release was shown on the big screen not under mbb/tUM but mbb/the obsessed maniacs).

A few years passed.

At the first few Breakpoints I butchered my compos pretty bad (after he explained the workflow to me multiple times but I still managed to fuck some part of it up [like not checking the vu-meter while recording and preparing a whole compo without sound {delaying it thereby for 8 hours}]) he never got mad (kb did thoug :) )

As time did go by he gained trust in me again and we did some janky shit like mounting cameras in the ceiling on a 10m high scaffolding without rails together. Not because we were tired of live but we both knew we could trust eachother enough to not die doing so.

A few years passed.

Now it was Revision and here he had the most impact on me. I couldn't count all the stuff I learned from him, even if I wanted to. He was a master in everything event-tech and he never looked down on you for making amateurish mistakes. I especially loved loading the truck with him after the party.

And somewhere there.

One year while loading the sati&fy truck I was climbing over the already loaded truss to get more stuff on top. Doing so my Leatherman fell out of my pocket and through 10 layers of trussing - which was already build in the truck pretty good. Unloading all the cases and stuff was not really a feasible option, and since it was a cheap one, I didn't really care all too much. Lo and behold, Ben's first reaction was "I'll fix this." And he made it so, that someone at Satis looked out for it during unloading and kept it safe to send it back the year after.
I still have it and now I fear of losing it so much, that I'll never carry it with me again.

Once he made me calm down and not escalating the situation with an especially unruly visitor at 3 in the morning by just looking at me and saying a few calm words.

I'm also very proud that he found me competent enough in improvising building stuff that I was his go to guy if a random contraption was needed at the party _right_now_.
He was one of the few people whose opinion about me mattered to me. I love him like a best friend and ever will even if we only met once or twice a year and I'll never forget him.
added on the 2023-05-08 20:55:35 by mbb mbb
I didn't actually wanted to write here, but I kind of feel like sharing.

It hit me a lot harder than I thought it would, although I didn't even know him that well and have just seen him every other party, especially every easter since 2010. This feels a lot like ripping the spleen out of the scene in germany, like: anatomically.
I found myself thinking about Ben a lot more than I thought I would, so I guess he had quite the impact on me, even if it went unnoticed by me until now; which he obviously had. The others phrase it quite well: brother dropped the knowledge and mentored the hell out of his periphery, enabled everything and everyone, me as well.

I drank that bottle of belgian brew I received at revision, after I read the knells are sounding.

My deepest condolences to everyone affected.

Ben, Alter... Danke für alles.
added on the 2023-05-08 22:01:45 by bitch bitch
heavy loss. my condolences.
added on the 2023-05-08 22:21:32 by nosfe nosfe
The Scene will miss him very hard, ill miss Ben in person ...
If Demoscene related or not ... YOU WILL BE F**KING MISSED - AT SO MANY MOMENTS
Deepest condolences ...
added on the 2023-05-08 22:54:28 by _H2o_ _H2o_
It is difficult to accept that Ben will not be there next year.

No enthusiastic talks about whatever has been improved about the sound and light setup from last year. No fun stories and deeply geeky sessions over some detail about this year's rig, including looking up the specs of the subwoofers on the manufacturer's website to make sure they will hit those low notes I was worried about (they did, like he said they would). No lighthearted muttering about whatever delay or unforeseen circumstance that once again would cause him to have to sit up all night to program light cues.
And worst of all no Ben to spread good mood by just being around, telling stories and being a super nice guy.

We did a little bit of preprod for cupe and myself's set this year. I had a couple of moments I wanted some specific moods for. He just got what I wanted, made a couple of suggestions and then had a quick listen to the tracks and went "yeah, ok, got it". Probably took about 30 seconds of listening for him, and that was it.
The ending he did by himself. He knew we wanted to just have the last tones of the Numb Res remix be a "quiet" ending. When I looked back at the recording to see how it actually looked it was perfect. Thanks Ben, it was a pleasure to work with you one last time.

It's just really fucking sad to think about all the nice little things that won't be anymore. I'm glad we got to spend one more party together so that you could give me a few more nice little memories to cherish.

Rest easy, buddy. I will miss you immensely.
added on the 2023-05-09 01:42:11 by lug00ber lug00ber
This still feels very much unreal, to say the least.

Back in the days, we (Acryd, Gandalf, Hardball, Raw Style, Decca and me) have been mainorganizing the Mekka & Symposium Demoparty series starting in the late 90s, in good old Heidmarkhalle in Fallingbostel. And working together on numerous other subsequent events.

With me moving to another city, away from Hamburg, and choosing a "passive" role in the demoscene, we kinda lost connection a bit. But that does not matter in scene, as you all know. If you meet again, it's all there.

I am keeping a bunch of memories very much worth preserving: from event-series "back then", numerous smaller meetings, event-afterparties, road trips, very funny and foolish talks, comical and whimsical encounters, fixing technical things, and, as you might put it these days, "projects".

I'm not really into choosing "the one" memory right now, but for now:
I went into my old facebook messages these days, digging up my most recent chat with Ben.
Unfortunately, it dates back from 05 August, 2020. It was right after Gandalf, from our Mekka & Symposium MainOrga-Crew, had unexpectedly died. I wrote: "Große scheiße." ("Big shit"). Ben replyed: "auf jeden Fall" - "und noch keine 50 der Junge" ("for sure" - "and not yet 50, the guy").

Scheiße Junge, Ben, 45 Jahre. And that puts us very close in age, as of writing this. Hallo, was. Life's not fair.

I will not forget. Thank you, Bbbbbben.
What a loss! My deepest condolences :-(
Since I first met Acryd in the late 90s at a Mekka/Symposium he's been always there, around, up to a good chat. I never got to know him closer than just random meets and chat. Mekka/Symposium organizers were super heroes to me back then, and I think Acryd stayed a demoscene super hero and legend. In my mind, he's always been elite - whatever that meant back then :-). Rest in peace.
added on the 2023-05-09 13:28:34 by unlock unlock
It's been a week and I'm still in shock and disbelieve about the news.

And even though I only got to know him since I started helping to organize Revision in 2016, we instantly had a good connection. Just like many here already told, his near infinite wisdom of all things stage/rigging related and tech in general as well as his calm presence will leave a really gigantic hole in our orga team, as well as the demoscene in general.

Farewall and rest in peace.
My first demoparty was breakpoint 2003. So for all my life in the scene so far, Acryd has been a substantial part in shaping those memories. He was simply always there - an now he won't be. These news hurts.

The last few days, I thought a lot about a weekend many years ago. I just moved to germany, did not really know many people in the city I was staying at and my 20st birthday was coming up. Not really knowing what to do I thought "well, Hamburg sounds like a city to have fun". So I asked around on IRC and the next thing I know is me staying at Acryd and Tobis place and having a blast. He made me feel welcome and I vividly remember just how good that felt at a time in my life where I really needed that - without even realizing it at the time.

Thank you Ben.
added on the 2023-05-10 11:58:04 by psykon psykon
Ben, working with you so closely at Breakpoint and Tum 2006-2008 was super fun and teached me so so much about how making cool inspring events and how can be done in a friendly yet productive way, I'm still drawing energy from that experience to the day! Especially how you lead us as this crazy event team during sleepless BP nights, wow wow wow! Can't believe it's almost 20 years ago, unbelievable! Yet this shows me how I'll never forget you! Thanks and goodbye Ben ❤️
added on the 2023-05-11 15:07:11 by orange orange
My sincere condolences to those close to him.
added on the 2023-05-12 12:23:32 by superplek superplek
May you rest in peace!!
added on the 2023-05-12 20:13:11 by winden winden
Somehow I had missed out on actually talking to Acryd on the many parties we both must have attended, not sure why. My only real interaction with him that I can remember was this Revision, just over a month ago now, during the setup that lug00ber also mentioned in this thread. While setting things up together I distinctly remember the feeling of being seen, and this aura of ease he seemed to project. I thought "This guy is just so nice to be around, I'd love to get to know him more". Not going to happen anymore. But I'm glad I at least got this tiny glimpse of a great human.
added on the 2023-05-12 20:54:41 by cupe cupe
A big loss in our demoscene family. I have no words. See you on the other side, Acryd.
added on the 2023-05-12 21:31:40 by TMA TMA
Ben. You will always have a warm place in my thoughts. I was allowed to share a time of your life! I could experience your humanity and your always open heart in all ups and downs. Thank you for the time you shared with me, buddy. It was a roaring pleasure.
added on the 2023-05-13 17:20:59 by sTEELER sTEELER
Very heartbroken... R.I.P :(
added on the 2023-05-13 20:11:46 by looper231 looper231
I did not know the guy, nevertheless I hate reading news like that..
We're yet too young to die..

My condolences to everybody who was personally connected to Acryd.
added on the 2023-05-18 13:07:50 by hollowone hollowone


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