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Acryd^farbrausch passed away

category: general [glöplog]
Today it is my sad duty, on behalf of the revision organizing and as his friend, to announce that Acryd^Farbrausch suddenly passed away last Wednesday in his Home in Hamburg.
I've known Ben for 27 years, we've already sat in his children's room in the 90s between endless amounts of hardware and cables and celebrated the demoscene.

Ben has done an incredible amount for the demoscene. His commitment to the demoscene and especially to the Easter parties was unprecedented and outstanding. He organized the Siliconvention, the Mekka^Symposium, he organized Breakpoint and was a co-founder of Revision.

He was the secret eminence behind the scenes on every party.

Ben was an important decision maker in so many projects, even outside of the demoscene.
He was on the board of the Full Metal Army (Wacken), he organized countless events in Hamburg and abroad and leaves so many gaps, human and professional, that are impossible to fill.

We, his family of choice, are speechless.

If you have stories or words to share, please do so.
We would like to hand out these to his Sister, Aunt and Uncle.
added on the 2023-05-06 12:21:04 by _docd _docd
I’m stunned and incredibly sad. Acryd was a wonderful, kind and calm person. He supported me when I was host for the first time at breakpoint. Knowledgeable and calm. Condolences to all that knew him and so much love to all of you. Hold your loved ones close.
added on the 2023-05-06 12:27:47 by okkie okkie
I want to share but am unable to at the moment.... Later.. perhaps...
added on the 2023-05-06 12:28:30 by franky-- franky--
I've known Acryd for close to 25 years. I'll remember him as a wonderful and friendly person. As docd said he's been a cornerstone of German demoparty organizing, starting back in the days of Mekka&Symposium. He's been an extremely reliable source of support back during the Breakpoint times, and has done so much good for the scene.

It's hard to imagine an easter party without him.

Due to Corona I hadn't seen him from quite a while. It's therefore a great pleasure that I had the opportunity to see and cuddle him one final time at this Revision, where he again had a huge part in making it such a wonderful event.

Acryd will be missed, and sure everyone would have loved for him to get some more time on this planet, but I am confident that the time he had he's used very well, doing good.

Fashion and me are sending out hugs. We hope that both his physical and chosen family will get through those hard times, remembering him as the great person that he was and always will be.
added on the 2023-05-06 12:31:44 by scamp scamp
Oh :(
I loved to see him doing magic stuff with DMX at Revision. Very warm and knowledgeable person. My condolences.
added on the 2023-05-06 12:58:45 by numtek numtek
Words are failing me right now. I've only known him from Revision where we spent countless hours together hauling around and setting up multiple tons of event gear, but I can say that he will be sorely missed, not just for his incredible expertise in everything sound, light, and stage tech, or for the hard work, but also as the kind and cheerful person that has brightened our lives.
added on the 2023-05-06 13:03:45 by Steltek Steltek
when i started as an orga, acryd and steltek were my main teachers/buddies. steltek, you know a shit ton of stuff - but acryd knew e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g and never got tired to explain a third time. there was never a we-cannot-get-this-done, always a positive attitude to our beloved parties and always the willingness to carry on on the highest level.
due to me being sick i didn't make it this to this year's revision and meet in person. never would i have thought i'm not going to see him again.

condolences to everyone who knew and loved him. ben was rad and excellent and i enjoyed working him soo much and i cannot imagine an easter party without him.
i'll raise a few glasses tonight to his memory.
Devastated. Not sure what to say.
added on the 2023-05-06 13:32:13 by Gargaj Gargaj
while i knew him for maybe 20years, i have not seen acryd much for the last few years due to having a kid and all that, but i always considered him a good friend. wanted to go motorcycling with him. this leaves me quite speechless as well. :(
added on the 2023-05-06 13:36:29 by yoda yoda
i'm with gargaj, too flabbergasted by the news, and too devastated to understand. will write something better when things in my head make sense again
added on the 2023-05-06 13:38:29 by havoc havoc
My deepest condolences to his loved ones.

We lost someone of enormous reach (metaphorical as well as physical!), someone whose voice was not just one of reason and competence but also just genuinely pleasant to listen to. A person you always liked to have on your side, and who generously offered that wherever he could.

Goodbye Ben.
added on the 2023-05-06 13:40:57 by wayfinder wayfinder
Quick story before I forget: It's easy to miss, but notice how in the Revision timelapses, the lights keep moving during the last night before the party opens, while basically all the organizers are asleep: That's Ben sitting at the grandMA lighting desk, burning the midnight oil to program all the scenes, sequences, and show bits to be used during the party! By the time he's finished, the sun has come up and the first organizers crawl out of their beds and sleeping bags to get breakfast...

2016: https://youtu.be/v7-0FPV9jVo?t=464
2023: https://youtu.be/iIOFuohImR4?t=363
added on the 2023-05-06 13:58:02 by Steltek Steltek
the best thing I can share at the moment is a habit I have since the very first Revision party: during buildups, when I felt I lost track of things a bit, I always went to acryd just to talk through some points with him, no matter what.
his calm, professional and - especially - friendly appearance always helped a lot in those moments.

it's really hard to express right now how much I will miss him.
added on the 2023-05-06 13:58:52 by styx^hcr styx^hcr
It feels very hard to find any words right now..

Acryd was one of my dearest friends in the demoscene, he was the single biggest influence in me getting to know grandma2 and professional light stuff in general, a great mentor for me and many other orgas.
We spent many nights together at the FOH, talking, partying, drinking hamburger mische and programming lights. I already miss him so much and surely will remember him for the rest of my life as the kindest person with the biggest heart.

Maybe I'll find some better words to say later and tell a few stories, but right now i'm too paralyzed and shocked to make any senseful post.
RIP my dear friend! :/
added on the 2023-05-06 14:10:16 by messy messy
I’m lost for words cause I’ve got too many.

Jan—<3 for your courage

I need time to integrate this.
added on the 2023-05-06 14:31:46 by rp rp
The few times I had helped as Orga, I sat all night together with Ben at the light console, I watched him adjust and participated. He always explained everything in detail, so that I looked forward every year again to set up the DMX at the party.
He was such a warm, friendly, honest person, every year I felt so welcome with him.

Thank you for being like that!
added on the 2023-05-06 14:42:34 by Green Green
I'm so sad and shocked. It's really difficult to find words, but 16 years ago Ben was so kind to let me stay at their home for several weeks during a rough time in life. Very grateful for such kindness. It was a pleasure organizing some parties next to you. Thank you so much Acryd, dear friend, you will be missed.
added on the 2023-05-06 16:08:28 by _faith_ _faith_
Unreal. Much strength to his family and loved ones. Grateful for all the chit-chats and laughs during so many years, his kindness, and the fuzzy feeling of "everything will be alright" in his presence.
added on the 2023-05-06 16:25:50 by losso losso
He was the secret eminence behind the scenes on every party.

I have been called the Stealth Ranger of the Amiga scene, but if there was an OG Stealth Ranger for the whole scene, it was Acryd. There would be too much to say, so I just say, farewell Ben, and thank you.
added on the 2023-05-06 16:35:24 by Charlie Charlie
I still can't process it and I feel I should say to people that didn't really know him, as he maybe wasn't very visible as a scener how incredibly important Ben was for the Scene!

Like, you will notice the difference at parties and not just Revision. He was a goddamn ROCK when it came to running the technology of a party. He knew so much about so much but also, as many people have said before, was the calm, the quiet, the place you could pick yourself up in a the flurry of organizing. I was terrified hosting my few parties, but Ben made sure everything worked, together with everything else. We could create madness at breakpoint because he made sure we had everything to do it with!

Rest in peace my friend, I will miss you and am sad we didn't get to chat that much at Revision as it was so busy, but I will cherish our last hug.
added on the 2023-05-06 16:44:13 by okkie okkie
Some people knew you as F4. The year was 2000 and I happened to work as a student intern just next to the admin office at VCC Hamburg, where you were located together with F1-F3. The whole company was a collection of demosceners, but your office especially felt like the epicentre of Easter party organizing with F1 (Gandalf) kicking it off with (Black Box) Symposium and then Mekka & Symposium, F3 being Decca, and F4 being you. So I hope you won't mind me sending a unique ALT-F4 in memory of those days and in your honour as an admin. RIP, Ben.
added on the 2023-05-06 17:53:43 by noname noname
Terrible news :((
Thank you so much for what you've done
Rest in peace Acryd
added on the 2023-05-06 18:07:33 by willbe willbe
that is very sad news... knowing him from back in the 90ies, it has been some time.....
we were not close friends or such but we were always having a chat or two when we met at several occasions, meetings, parties meetups etc.

this comes way to early... may you rest in peace
added on the 2023-05-06 18:33:29 by slator slator
What? Why? Knew him since the early 90's and I was so happy seeing him again this year and talk with him for some time twice outside the Revision at the burger stand after the corona years when we haven't seen each other.

Read the news on the couch with tears in the eyes. :'(

Nevertheless I'm truely grateful to have known him and that I had the opportunity to at least talk to him again for a final time at the Revision.

Farewell. :'(
added on the 2023-05-06 19:12:49 by Raven^NCE Raven^NCE
terrible news :(
added on the 2023-05-06 20:22:31 by psenough psenough


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