Silly Venture 2022 WE - 45th A2600 VCS and 30th Falcon Anniversary!
category: general [glöplog]
Winter is coming! :) So the next, 15th edition of Silly Venture is ahead of us! Mr. Quiet has traditionally composed fantastic music for the SV2022WE website, which will be available soon... and for the time being, enjoy listening!
Feel the mood and see you in December!
Feel the mood and see you in December!

We are pleased to present you the official website of the Silly Venture 2022 winter edition! We cordially invite you to the 15th edition of the biggest event, dedicated to all ATARI fans worldwide!
If you plan to go to our event - please register in "VISITORS" section. In the "LOCATION/ACCOMMODATION" section you can find information about discounts while using "ATARI" as a password - it applies to accommodation, as well as transport from/to the airport!
List of changes made on the website:
- the list of participants is moderated by admins!
- the voting code for the competition entries will be sent automatically after purchasing the ticket!
- on the website there is a link to the section where the stream will be located!
ATTENTION! New, updated Compo Rules are being prepared and will be published till the end of September, together with form for entries' upload. Stay tuned!
Thank you for being with us.
While I'm still sending out SV2022SE prizes to winners, at the same time, the SV2022WE prize pool is growing! Below you can find photos of various wonders for people taking part in the SV2022WE competitions that were funded by...

Thank you!




Thank you!




And now one of the prizes that will land in the competition prize pool for Atari ST / STe!
Radovan Sabo from Atari.SK once again supported our event with CosmosEx 3 - but attention! It is unique because... this is the LAST piece of this device: CosmosEx 4 is planned in a period of about a year, but due to difficulties with access to some components, it is difficult to define specific release date.
Radovan, thank you!

Radovan Sabo from Atari.SK once again supported our event with CosmosEx 3 - but attention! It is unique because... this is the LAST piece of this device: CosmosEx 4 is planned in a period of about a year, but due to difficulties with access to some components, it is difficult to define specific release date.
Radovan, thank you!

The winter edition of Silly Venture 2022 also includes concerts! Behind the controls of the musical console will perform:
Wacek / ARISE (Poland)

DMA-SC / Sector One^YM Rockerz (France)

...and Felice/Maggie Team (UK). Information on the date of Felice's concert will be announced soon.
Many thanks to Hospes for preparing the posters!
Wacek / ARISE (Poland)

DMA-SC / Sector One^YM Rockerz (France)

...and Felice/Maggie Team (UK). Information on the date of Felice's concert will be announced soon.
Many thanks to Hospes for preparing the posters!

We are just over a month away from the 15th edition of the biggest event dedicated to Atari fans from around the world, so it's time to present you the introductory SCHEDULE. Of course, we reserve that certain points of the program (independent of SV Team) may change. During this edition, we will make every effort to ensure that the starting time of the competitions takes place at the planned time, so we do not plan any changes here - even at the expense of other parts of the program.
THURSDAY December 8
time. 03:00pm - the gates open
time. 07:00pm - opening of the first barrel of beer (traditionally, for free and no limits!)
time. 08:00pm - presentation of demoscene productions from VCS, to XL / XE, ST / STe / TT, PoFo, Lynx, Falcon and Jaguar #1
time. 09:00pm - DJ set by Felice / Maggie Team (UK)
People who want to help with preparations for the event are traditionally welcome and desirable 🙂 For you, entry is possible before 15:00 (from 14:00).
FRIDAY - December 9
time. 11:30am - Friday refreshment with Red Bull! (Red Bull for participants for free!)
time. 01:30pm - screening of the film with RJ Mical and his reaction to the entries presented during the 30th anniversary of the Atari Lynx console at SV2019!
time. 02:40pm - presentation of demoscene productions from VCS, to XL / XE, ST / STe / TT, PoFo, Lynx, Falcon and Jaguar #2
time. 04:15pm - gathering before the party place, departure with the Hummer H-2 for concerts at the City of Angels club! Chip-tune music and a glass of champagne during the trip
time. 05:00pm - live concert Wacek / Arise (Poland) - "DJ Set of original ATARI remixes! Retro sound dancefloor extravaganza!"
time. 06:00pm - live concert DMA-SC / Sector One ^ YM Rockerz (France) - "Atari ST tunes, enhanced live with beat and effects!"
time. 07:00pm - return to the party-place
time. 07:45pm - official opening of the event + video
time. 08:00pm - Crazy Compo# 1 led by the polish band's vocalist... details soon!
time. 09:00pm - Wild Compo
SATURDAY - December 10
time. 11:30am - Saturday refreshment with Red Bull! (Red Bull for participants for free!)
time. 12:30pm - visit of the Special Guest - the founder and keyboard player of the KOMBI group - Slawek Losowski
time. 01:30pm - Crazy Compo #2
time. 02:00pm - Multiplayer duel in game... (surprise!)
time. 03:00pm - artistic birthday cake with an Atari theme 🙂
time. 04:00pm - interview with the Special Guest (surprise!)
time. 05:00pm - repetition of the opening of the event (video)
time. 05:30pm - Gfx, Msx, Intro, Demo & Game Compo (all Atari platforms)
time. 11:00pm - Crazy Compo #3
SUNDAY - December 11
time. 10:30am - announcement of the results, award ceremony
time. 14:00pm - closing the gates
Many thanks to Hospes for preparing the graphics and to Unseen Menace for grammar checking.
I am pleased to announce that the main prize for the first place at Silly Venture 2022WE (8-11 December) in the ATARI FALCON Demo Compo category will be MEDUSA Retro SCANDOUBLER.
Prize worth: PLN 891.45 (~€ 190.24)
Thank you!

Other main prizes include:
Atari 2600 VCS in the box + extras - donor: RJ1307
Atari 7800 in the box + extras - donor: RJ1307
Atari 1040 STe - donor: of DaruG
Atari Jaguar in the box - anonymous donor
ZX Spectrum +2 in the box (NOS!) - anonymous donor
We would like to thank all our donors! Later this week, the prizes will be linked to the respective platforms.
Prize worth: PLN 891.45 (~€ 190.24)
Thank you!

Other main prizes include:
Atari 2600 VCS in the box + extras - donor: RJ1307
Atari 7800 in the box + extras - donor: RJ1307
Atari 1040 STe - donor: of DaruG
Atari Jaguar in the box - anonymous donor
ZX Spectrum +2 in the box (NOS!) - anonymous donor
We would like to thank all our donors! Later this week, the prizes will be linked to the respective platforms.
We present a photo of the main prizes for the winter edition of Silly Venture 2022 (December 8-11). It still lacks MEDUSA Retro SCANDOUBLER, which is on its way to us.

- first place in Atari 2600 VCS Demo Compo - Atari 7800 + - Ultimate Atari Video mod + Dragonfly SD Cartridge
- first place in Atari XL/XE Demo compo - Atari 1040 STe
- first place in Atari XL/XE Game Compo - Atari 2600 VCS + 2600 UNO
- first place in Atari ST/STe Demo compo - Atari Jaguar
- first place in Atari Falcon030 Demo Compo - MEDUSA Retro Scandoubler
- first place in Atari Jaguar Demo Compo - New games to choose from (cartridge)
- first place in Atari XL/XE Game Compo - Atari 2600 VCS + 2600 UNO
Attention! Assigning prizes to specific platforms are suggestions. Talks with the creators of the works are underway (we want the equipment to go to people who are planning some demoscene activity on a selected platform).
The above-mentioned prizes will be awarded only if there are at least 2 entries in each category (but note! We reserve the right to make a selection!). Otherwise, the prizes will end up in the prize pool of the next SV in 2023.
Atari 65XE and ZX Spectrum +2 (NOS) have not yet been assigned to any category, because we are hearing rumors about competition entries for other platforms - including Atari 5200 and Atari 7800.

- first place in Atari 2600 VCS Demo Compo - Atari 7800 + - Ultimate Atari Video mod + Dragonfly SD Cartridge
- first place in Atari XL/XE Demo compo - Atari 1040 STe
- first place in Atari XL/XE Game Compo - Atari 2600 VCS + 2600 UNO
- first place in Atari ST/STe Demo compo - Atari Jaguar
- first place in Atari Falcon030 Demo Compo - MEDUSA Retro Scandoubler
- first place in Atari Jaguar Demo Compo - New games to choose from (cartridge)
- first place in Atari XL/XE Game Compo - Atari 2600 VCS + 2600 UNO
Attention! Assigning prizes to specific platforms are suggestions. Talks with the creators of the works are underway (we want the equipment to go to people who are planning some demoscene activity on a selected platform).
The above-mentioned prizes will be awarded only if there are at least 2 entries in each category (but note! We reserve the right to make a selection!). Otherwise, the prizes will end up in the prize pool of the next SV in 2023.
Atari 65XE and ZX Spectrum +2 (NOS) have not yet been assigned to any category, because we are hearing rumors about competition entries for other platforms - including Atari 5200 and Atari 7800.
Christmas is coming and so is Silly Venture! :) You probably wondered what will appear in the "Welcome Pack" this time? Well, we will not reveal everything for now, but today we are taking a sneak peek for everyone who has already purchased or will purchase "Strong Support" ticket! Thanks to the Polish company "Retronics", which probably all fans of retro consoles and retro computers know, to each "Welcome Pack" set will be added a beautiful Christmas tree bauble with the "Atari" logo! :)

And in a slightly smaller, limited edition edition also a bauble for our Friends from the sister scene "Commodore" - a bauble with the "Commodore" logo :) The bauble itself without the size of a large orange - the photo does not reflect it, but its diameter is 10cm!

We hope that despite the resignation from competitions for C64, our Friends who have been coming to SV for years will appreciate this gesture :) We encourage you with all our hearts to submit your competition entries for Atari!
Many thanks to Duddie from Retronics for the idea and implementation! <3

And in a slightly smaller, limited edition edition also a bauble for our Friends from the sister scene "Commodore" - a bauble with the "Commodore" logo :) The bauble itself without the size of a large orange - the photo does not reflect it, but its diameter is 10cm!

We hope that despite the resignation from competitions for C64, our Friends who have been coming to SV for years will appreciate this gesture :) We encourage you with all our hearts to submit your competition entries for Atari!
Many thanks to Duddie from Retronics for the idea and implementation! <3

On the occasion of the special anniversary that we will celebrate at the winter edition of Silly Venture 2022, we have prepared equally special T-shirts for you! Over the years, there have already been t-shirts at SV with a dedication from designers of systems such as the Atari ST, Atari Lynx and Atari Jaguar, so it's time for... another handwritten dedication, this time from the designer of the last great computer from silicon valley, the Atari Falcon 030! An absolute precedent, but this is not the only surprise related to the 30th anniversary of the Falcon! That is why it is worth attending the winter edition of Silly Venture, as well as buying a T-shirt, which will be a priceless souvenir! Please ONLY PERSONS DETERMINED TO BUY, fill in the form:
SV2022WE T-shirt form
The t-shirt can be collected at Silly Venture, or received by post for an additional fee. Emails requesting payment will be sent when the T-shirts are collected from the printing house.
Closing date for accepting orders: November 27 (Sunday)

Drygol joins the SV2022WE prize pool with his great mouSTers designed by Willy/Lamers!
More information about the product, which turned out to be a bestseller the retro world, can be found here:
mouSTers info
Thank you!
After 3 years, "Silly Drinks" are back! Canned energy drinks with specially designed SV2022WE labels by mOOnie. Of course, free of charge in every "Welcome pack" at the entrance! Special thanks to our Friends from Nawia Games!

Attention! We have quite good news for you :) One of the gadgets at SV2022WE, which participants will receive completely free of charge immediately after the Friday concert of Wacek/Arise, is his new album entitled "Atari adVenture", featuring remixes of iconic chiptunes from both Atari XL/XE and Atari ST/STe!
"Atari adVenture" consists of 15 remixes in an energetic, electronic style known from Wacek's demoparty performances, and the graphic design of the album is the work of magnificent mOOnie / Mystic Bytes!
Wacek's Friday concert will be the world premiere of the material from the album and some bonus tracks.
After SV2022WE, the CD will also be available to purchase online, we will inform you about the details in due time :)

"Atari adVenture" consists of 15 remixes in an energetic, electronic style known from Wacek's demoparty performances, and the graphic design of the album is the work of magnificent mOOnie / Mystic Bytes!
Wacek's Friday concert will be the world premiere of the material from the album and some bonus tracks.
After SV2022WE, the CD will also be available to purchase online, we will inform you about the details in due time :)

Hello! We would like to inform you that after long battle, we have (finally) shared a form for sending entries. We have made every effort to eliminate problems and protect ourselves from possible errors, but life proves to us every day that it can surprise us, so in case of problems, do not be irritated, just let us know at
Atari Falcon 030 - 30th Anniversary T-shirt (deadline for orders is coming!)
A little reminder: this Sunday, November 27, is the deadline for ordering T-shirts of the winter edition of SV2022! It will contain handwritten greetings from the designer of the Atari Falcon 030 especially for Silly Venture 2022WE participants!
A great souvenir not only for the owners of this wonderful computer, but also for everyone who dreamed of owning it :D

Please ONLY PERSONS DETERMINED TO BUY, fill in the form:
SV2022WE T-shirt form
The t-shirt can be collected at Silly Venture, or received by post for an additional fee. Emails requesting payment will be sent when the T-shirts are collected from the printing house.
A little reminder: this Sunday, November 27, is the deadline for ordering T-shirts of the winter edition of SV2022! It will contain handwritten greetings from the designer of the Atari Falcon 030 especially for Silly Venture 2022WE participants!
A great souvenir not only for the owners of this wonderful computer, but also for everyone who dreamed of owning it :D

Please ONLY PERSONS DETERMINED TO BUY, fill in the form:
SV2022WE T-shirt form
The t-shirt can be collected at Silly Venture, or received by post for an additional fee. Emails requesting payment will be sent when the T-shirts are collected from the printing house.

Tomorrow, Sunday, November 27th is the deadline for ordering SV2022WE T-shirts, which contain handwritten greetings especially for SV participants from the designer of the last ATARI computer - Falcon 030!
Of course, there will be a limited amount to buy also during the event, but there is no guarantee of the availability of a given color and / or size!
Please ONLY PERSONS DETERMINED TO BUY, fill in the form:
The t-shirt can be collected at Silly Venture, or received by post for an additional fee. Emails requesting payment will be sent when the T-shirts are collected from the printing house.
last day to order t-shirts!
don't miss it!
don't miss it!

Close, closer... even closer... Silly Venture! Yes, yes, at the end of next week we meet at the 15th edition of the lbiggest event, entirely dedicated to the ATARI demoscene. In the photos you can see something what you know and what you like - "Silly Fudges" from MyTube, which will be distributed in welcome packs at the entrance, as well as beautiful Christmas baubles with the Atari logo from Retronics when buying a "Strong Support" ticket! Of course, this is only a part of the gadgets regarding souvenirs from the winter edition of SV! In addition, energy drink with specially designed Silly Venture Winter Edition labels and... you will find out the rest on the spot! :)
Thanks to MyTube and Retronics for their continuous support!
Retronics will be present during Silly Venture - if any of you would like to purchase any product from the company's rich offer - please write directly to the e-mail address: jurek(at) - then you will be sure that the product will be available during the event! See you soon! :)
Some of you are already in Gdansk... others are counting down the days until SV2022WE... hours... and there are probably those who are counting down the minute :) It's a very difficult time for the entire SV Team. Above all, we would like to meet your expectations. We'll do whatever we can. We will try to stream the most important points of the SV2022WE schedule - on Thursday a test of what is happening at the party-place (including Felice/Maggie Team concert), on Friday the official opening (related to the 30th anniversary of the Atari Falcon 030 computer), Wacek and DMA-SC concerts, crazy & wild compo... and on Saturday everything everyone is waiting for - the main compo. Give us a chance. The direct link to the stream is here:
The purchase of a ticket is also a chance to organize subsequent editions of SV. Many thanks in advance.

And is it worth it? To quote one of my friends from the Atari scene, when I asked if he was planning to submit any compo entry to SV2022WE - "does the boar shit in the forest?"bold text :) On Atari2600 we expect at least 3 entries in the Demo Compo category, for Atari XL/XE - at least 8 + additionally 1 Demo for VBXE extension, for Atari ST/STe - at least 4 demos, for Atari 7800 - at least 3 demos, Atari Falcon - at least 2 demos (+1 in the Wild category), Atari Jaguar - at least 1 intro/demo.
p.s. Of course, you can also buy a ticket during the event!
The purchase of a ticket is also a chance to organize subsequent editions of SV. Many thanks in advance.

And is it worth it? To quote one of my friends from the Atari scene, when I asked if he was planning to submit any compo entry to SV2022WE - "does the boar shit in the forest?"bold text :) On Atari2600 we expect at least 3 entries in the Demo Compo category, for Atari XL/XE - at least 8 + additionally 1 Demo for VBXE extension, for Atari ST/STe - at least 4 demos, for Atari 7800 - at least 3 demos, Atari Falcon - at least 2 demos (+1 in the Wild category), Atari Jaguar - at least 1 intro/demo.
p.s. Of course, you can also buy a ticket during the event!
Especially for the concert at the "Miasto Aniołów" club ("City of Angels" club), where Wacek / Arise (Poland) and DMA-SC / SCT1^YMR (France) will perform, unique drinks were created! :)

We are pleased to present you a wonderful report of SV2022WE written by Wingman pen ( We have to admit that the author really put a lot of effort into his work - you can find out not only details about the event itself, but even get a bit of history! Great job Wingman! Thank you very much.
Silly Venture 2022 Winter Edition report