Which group has the most prods?
category: general [glöplog]
Only from curiosity: Which group has the most prods done?
Rebels has 461 prods listed here. Is there a group with more?
Rebels has 461 prods listed here. Is there a group with more?
On Demozoo (ignoring graphics, music and anything credited to "Scener of GroupName" rather than just "GroupName"), TRSI is the runaway winner with 913, with Fairlight, Scoopex, D-Bug and Automation (Atari) all in the mid 600s. Demozoo's more liberal counting of different versions of cracktros probably skews things a bit...
@gasman: Interesting that TRSI has 548 less prods on pouet than on demozoo.
gaspode: As gasman suggested, it's mostly because we don't usually add a cracktro here for every single game, when they're all based on the same intro template.. which I'm perfectly fine with; there's enough data pollution for all the variations of the same BBS intro with different text as it is.
g0blinish managed to be rather prolific by being in the group top 10 as an individual
i'm rooting for jumalauta! only 3 prods before they beat the pride of the amiga scene
A much more entertaining list: https://cardboard.pouet.net/alphabet.php
i'm rooting for jumalauta! only 3 prods before they beat the pride of the amiga scene
What's that supposed to mean?
that baudsurfer needs to oomph his output
A much more entertaining list: https://cardboard.pouet.net/alphabet.php
The first letter of prodnames?
A much more entertaining list: https://cardboard.pouet.net/alphabet.php
One letter missing. Noted.