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scene visuals stolen

category: general [glöplog]
It should have had more Amigas in it, then it would have been better.
added on the 2022-02-14 18:55:09 by okkie okkie
but only original amigas
added on the 2022-02-14 18:56:00 by el mal el mal
Still I think it's impressive and also the composition of these into one is a work of art too, not speaking about the 64k aspect.

Might be. But I'll never understand why you have to copy scenes 1:1 (from video to realtime) ... as zoom said »I expect if and when someone actually finds the sources it will take a bit of the magic away«.

For me it takes a lot of the magic away. Perhaps because I watch demos from a designer point of view.
added on the 2022-02-15 00:06:47 by gaspode gaspode
It should have had more Amigas in it, then it would have been better.

Everything is better with Amiga™
added on the 2022-02-15 00:35:46 by gaspode gaspode
I hadn't seen True Crime season 2 until a couple of years after Darkness Lay.. was released, I immediately recognised the second to last scene with the man on the stairs, so I had to compare them at the time and was really blown away how the recreation actually looked better than the TV shot.
added on the 2022-02-16 22:37:37 by dwarf dwarf
(and I now realize I was on page 2 and hadn't seen the last couple of posts, sorry gaspode ;)
added on the 2022-02-16 22:39:17 by dwarf dwarf
I would love to see that. IE use all demo material from outbreak at your own pleasure. Couldn't be more stoked than if it happened. Hope it makes millions.
added on the 2022-02-17 08:49:30 by thec thec
i think we've seen enough outbreak the last two years already, thec
added on the 2022-02-17 09:41:48 by el mal el mal
Now in the correct thread:

Rawtekk - Open Borders VIP - old YT video has snippets from several different demos in it - from start to finish
added on the 2022-08-13 14:43:20 by Puryx Puryx
Some of us,
me as a Demoscener,
some ppl from FractalForums,
could state they stole (from us) some fractal-formula about rotating the whole shit while still hot!
They == Disney for some SuperHuman-Movie!
But we don´t care?!!
Sure we do not care! We released our stuff for free, for everyone to watch! For Free!
The Demoscene is to be watched for Free! ;)

If you really want to earn money with your Algorithms just put some GPL-License, or whatever is the best these days! I never cared! Could be a rich person, if i ever did maybe, but never cared!
All i know is the Scene isn´t for making money! :P
If you are here to make money: WRÖNG WÄY!
"Predator 2023
Darkness Lay Your Eyes Upon Me"

I only realize now that a predator is a guy who predates stuff. As in... that he is some kind of intergalactic patent lawyer looking for prior art.
added on the 2022-08-13 22:30:16 by rloaderro rloaderro
I'm not saying literally all of this channel, but just a quick eyeballing puts my guess to around 80%:
added on the 2022-10-13 21:43:07 by Gargaj Gargaj
@Gargaj Oh, yeah. He seems to like demoscene-visuals a lot! Fortunately all the stolen stuff is below 100 plays.
added on the 2022-10-14 00:46:06 by gaspode gaspode
Puryx: Haha, fun! I love seeing someone repurposing my old stuff :)
added on the 2022-10-14 20:39:11 by kusma kusma
I don't, so..

BB Image
added on the 2022-10-14 21:08:14 by gloom gloom
well done kevin
added on the 2022-10-14 21:34:25 by havoc havoc
@gloom: Just out of curiosity. Did you submit only one third-party claim to YouTube or, if it were more than one demo, on all your stuff (and if so, how many claims did you submit)?

Just want to know if a single person can bring down a channel on his own. Or if it need multiple claims from different persons.
added on the 2022-10-14 23:57:25 by gaspode gaspode
Both Gloom and us (CNS) submitted claims on at least 5 videos each, NR4 submitted for one i think, and I think Ferris did for a bunch as well.
added on the 2022-10-15 11:33:01 by Gargaj Gargaj
I submitted one.
added on the 2022-10-15 12:30:00 by ferris ferris
...and only one, to be clear.
added on the 2022-10-15 12:34:27 by ferris ferris
Reported again!
added on the 2022-10-19 17:43:45 by emoon emoon
also reported.
added on the 2022-10-20 09:33:43 by pandur pandur


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