Lovebyte 2022 demoparty: 11-13 february 2022
category: parties [glöplog]
The biggest party of the year with the tiniest productions is back !!!
For three days, from the 11th to the 13th of February 2022, we will be bringing you all sorts of wonderful small demos, music, competitions, livecoding and discussions, all online at And we invite you to join us.
With intro competitions ranging from as little as 8 bytes all the way up to 512 bytes, tiny executable graphics and games, pixelart and bytebeat music. That's wild, right? You'd better get hyped! And if you're a seasoned sizecoder, stop rolling your eyes at this hyperbole and start working on a prod right now!
Don't miss the Nano awards on Friday night, celebrating the past year of sizecoded productions, and livecoding into the evening with the Byte Jam on TIC-80. On the Saturday and Sunday competitions on all platforms, and Byte Battles on TIC-80 along with top class DJ sets, await you. Check out our website at for the latest information, time schedule and how to join.
The experience culminates on Sunday night with the Byte Battle finale and the competition prize ceremony.
How much graphics, sound, animation and creativity can you fit into a tiny filesize?
How much love can you fit in a byte?
At Lovebyte 2022 we are going to find out!
For three days, from the 11th to the 13th of February 2022, we will be bringing you all sorts of wonderful small demos, music, competitions, livecoding and discussions, all online at And we invite you to join us.
With intro competitions ranging from as little as 8 bytes all the way up to 512 bytes, tiny executable graphics and games, pixelart and bytebeat music. That's wild, right? You'd better get hyped! And if you're a seasoned sizecoder, stop rolling your eyes at this hyperbole and start working on a prod right now!
Don't miss the Nano awards on Friday night, celebrating the past year of sizecoded productions, and livecoding into the evening with the Byte Jam on TIC-80. On the Saturday and Sunday competitions on all platforms, and Byte Battles on TIC-80 along with top class DJ sets, await you. Check out our website at for the latest information, time schedule and how to join.
The experience culminates on Sunday night with the Byte Battle finale and the competition prize ceremony.
How much graphics, sound, animation and creativity can you fit into a tiny filesize?
How much love can you fit in a byte?
At Lovebyte 2022 we are going to find out!
Bring it on!
I'm counting down the days, and the bytes!
There will be a Byte Jam!
If you want to join in, get in touch with me soon.
If you want to join in, get in touch with me soon.
I'll just bump this thread because this is far more important than what sceners think of scientific consensus.
what pestis said
only 12 days to go :)
... after a coding spree i got everything finished, with exception of a 256b entry :|
... after a coding spree i got everything finished, with exception of a 256b entry :|
@HellMood - there is still a lot of sleepless nights till the deadline :-)
@ilmenit, true, but so far we have been collectively code golfing flags and shit. I lack motivation to do a "true" 256. It's just too big ^^
how many flags can you fit in 256b though? :P
@mantatronic .. arguably 12 or 13, but as 256 pixel GFX ^^

But yeah, going for all the 2 and 3 stripe flags horizontally and vertically in an animation in 256b, that's an idea. But you will exclude people with more detailed flags, and they're not gonna like it ;)

But yeah, going for all the 2 and 3 stripe flags horizontally and vertically in an animation in 256b, that's an idea. But you will exclude people with more detailed flags, and they're not gonna like it ;)
hellmood: by rearranging you could add claims for monaco, poland, ukraine, luxemburg, estonia, spain, nigeria and probably a bunch more :)
Aside from the many competitions we will have at Lovebyte 2022 (8 - 512 byte intro competitions for both oldschool and hi-end platforms, nanogame, tiny executable graphics, 512 pixel graphics and bytebeat music), here are some of the other things you can expect at lovebyte 2022:
On Friday (11 february 2022):
- Our openings show with ps and 2 special guests (sizecoding legends you have definitely heard about !)
- The Nano Awards 2022
- Bytejam
On Saturday (12 february 2022):
- Go on a journey with ps as he highlights the different sizecoding productions released in the first half of 2021
- A sizecoding Seminar by Exoticorn about sizecoding on the newly released MicroW8 platform.
- Mibri will DJ us some lovely Commodore SID tunes!
- "Ask us anything" sees our expert panel of sizecoding legends answer some of the most common or interesting sizecoding related questions on a wide range of topics.
- Bombe will do the thing he does best: DJ'ing us that sweet trance music!
- A special out-of-compo showcase with new productions released at lovebyte.
- Byte battle first round matches
- Various intro shows
On Sunday (13 february 2022):
- The journey continues as ps highlights the different sizecoding productions released in the second half of 2021
- A PICO-8 sizecoding Seminar by Superogue.
- Crazy-Q will blow your speakers with an Atari YM set and some phat bass!
- "Ask us anything" sees our expert panel of sizecoding legends answer some of the most common or interesting sizecoding related questions on a wide range of topics.
- A special 8 and 16 byte intro showcase with all newly released prodcutions
- Various intro shows
- Byte battle semi finals and final
- The lovely Lynndrumm close out our party again with a live set !
... and who knows what other surprises we might have in store for you 😉
Lovebyte 2022 will stream throughout the entire weekend from Friday feburary 11th at 20.00 UTC+1 until Sunday february 13th 24.00 UTC+1 on twitch. We hope to see you there.
On Friday (11 february 2022):
- Our openings show with ps and 2 special guests (sizecoding legends you have definitely heard about !)
- The Nano Awards 2022
- Bytejam
On Saturday (12 february 2022):
- Go on a journey with ps as he highlights the different sizecoding productions released in the first half of 2021
- A sizecoding Seminar by Exoticorn about sizecoding on the newly released MicroW8 platform.
- Mibri will DJ us some lovely Commodore SID tunes!
- "Ask us anything" sees our expert panel of sizecoding legends answer some of the most common or interesting sizecoding related questions on a wide range of topics.
- Bombe will do the thing he does best: DJ'ing us that sweet trance music!
- A special out-of-compo showcase with new productions released at lovebyte.
- Byte battle first round matches
- Various intro shows
On Sunday (13 february 2022):
- The journey continues as ps highlights the different sizecoding productions released in the second half of 2021
- A PICO-8 sizecoding Seminar by Superogue.
- Crazy-Q will blow your speakers with an Atari YM set and some phat bass!
- "Ask us anything" sees our expert panel of sizecoding legends answer some of the most common or interesting sizecoding related questions on a wide range of topics.
- A special 8 and 16 byte intro showcase with all newly released prodcutions
- Various intro shows
- Byte battle semi finals and final
- The lovely Lynndrumm close out our party again with a live set !
... and who knows what other surprises we might have in store for you 😉
Lovebyte 2022 will stream throughout the entire weekend from Friday feburary 11th at 20.00 UTC+1 until Sunday february 13th 24.00 UTC+1 on twitch. We hope to see you there.
Only a few more days to finish your entries!
Just a couple more days...
For our opening show, we have two very special guests: the amazing (and scene-famous) sizecoders Jan "Řrřola" Kadlec (Puls, Pyrit and many others) and Miloš "Baze" Bazelides / 3SC (Tube, lattice, etc.)
We can't wait!!!
For our opening show, we have two very special guests: the amazing (and scene-famous) sizecoders Jan "Řrřola" Kadlec (Puls, Pyrit and many others) and Miloš "Baze" Bazelides / 3SC (Tube, lattice, etc.)
We can't wait!!!
thanks for organizing! lot of great tiny releases!
awesome party
yeah, the party was great, and the organisation was just perfect
Thanks to all organizers and contributors, it was simply amazing! ♥
What HellMood said ! Thanks everyone !
great compos and everything!
dropped by every once in a while, a lot of fun and very wholesome atmosphere. Thanks all!
Just wanted to say big thanks to the organizers and all the participants! As someone who hasn't been following the size coding scene that closely - quite a few mind-blowing productions!
so many great releases, good vibe and nice 2 day entertainment. thanks orgas and helpers for making it happen :)