R.I.P. nUP! aka b / dcs
category: general [glöplog]
Just got the sad news that nUP! aka b from Dual Crew & Shining, Zymosis and various other groups died today. He was a pioneering Amiga ASCII artist who started in the early 1990s and remained active with his trademark style well into the 2000s. He was also known as a pixel logo artist on Amiga, C64 and handheld consoles, and as the leader/organiser of the console division of DCS in the late 1990s and early 2000s. B wasn't a regular at demoparties outside Scandinavia, but those who managed to meet him somewhere or were friends with him will always remember him as a very cool guy.
B's demozoo profile: https://demozoo.org/sceners/6908/
nUP!'s ASCII collections: https://www.asciiarena.se/artist/nup-
B's demozoo profile: https://demozoo.org/sceners/6908/
nUP!'s ASCII collections: https://www.asciiarena.se/artist/nup-

from his last individual ascii collection from 2004, which also includes some reminiscences about his early scene days: https://www.asciiarena.se/release/nup-tptp.txt
Thanks for posting this Gleb <3
:( rip
Oh no, we hung out a few times after assembly. Super friendly dude, this sucks :(
RIP - the problems are over
damn, really sad to hear this
I cant even find the words right now. rip brother :( x
Hula in peace!!!
RIP. <3 DCS console section
Not what i was expecting to hear today :(. We have talked quite a bit over the years and also worked on some releases together. RIP my friend!
So saddened when a scener passes away. RIP b
What a sad news... B was a very nice chap, last time we've meet on Datastorm2017 (winter) where he did some ascii for me. I still have his pixeled logo to use... :( RiP B...
I remember nUP! from my early ascii days, very sad to hear of his passing :(
@java, wow, i just realized you are the same guy who was in jedi arts? cool!
That absolutely sucks to hear. I had the pleasure to hang out with B in Helsinki a few times, an he was always a nice dude to chat with. I wish his closest the best in this sad time.
RIP B. =|...
I liked his input for the DCS GBA section, as well as for Capital group.
PS. May I ask, what was the reason of his departure?
I liked his input for the DCS GBA section, as well as for Capital group.
PS. May I ask, what was the reason of his departure?

Very sad to hear! I never met him but I've always admired the great logos he did for the DCS intros on GBC and GBA.
very sad news. was always a great guy to spend time with. he'll be missed by anyone who knew him but leaves some great funny stories behind to remember him by. rip.
Omg :( :( :(
PS. May I ask, what was the reason of his departure?
oh and on that note, anyone here know any good organization to donate to if one would want to make a small donation to support cancer research?
Hi nosfe - here ya go pal https://www.cancersociety.fi/ seems to be the biggest in Finland.
Also for UK folks we have https://www.cancerresearchuk.org/ <3
Also for UK folks we have https://www.cancerresearchuk.org/ <3
Quote:PS. May I ask, what was the reason of his departure?
Cancer research.
Well. I think - and please pardon me this personal opinion - that all the given money would finally be distributed according the "will" of those who decide.
@all who might be concerned...
I would personally tend to another solution here, in this case. To ask you and organize a (symbolic) donation for B's family. He surely left those who he loved. It will not give them B back, but at least - I hope - would eventually cheer a little bit their hearts up.