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What happend on discord...

category: residue [glöplog]
Let's revisit this thread in 10 years and see how that has worked out :)

lol Scamp! In 10 years we're member of Rollator Club and focus on our grandchildren. :)
added on the 2021-08-12 12:02:41 by .. ..
"What is this, a sit-down?
A fucking demo?
This is a demonstration,
a demonstration of peace."
added on the 2021-08-12 12:17:29 by el mal el mal
I think everyone could say what is to say except of: If you accuse someone you should be able to provide evidence.

Would be nice to close this thread. It's nothing more to say here.
added on the 2021-08-12 12:31:05 by .. ..
Would be nice to close this thread. It's nothing more to say here. D4XX

who has it started?
added on the 2021-08-12 12:46:30 by coroner1 coroner1
Would be nice to close this thread. It's nothing more to say here. D4XX
who has it started?

Me and i should decide when it have to be closed. And now please go away with your fakeaccount or come in with your real one.
added on the 2021-08-12 12:48:24 by .. ..
you start a discussion and then you want it to closed?
added on the 2021-08-12 13:33:23 by coroner1 coroner1
you start a discussion and then you want it to closed?

The discussion started on Discord tbh and i didnt started it i just participated it.
And still... Are you a coward to post with your original account?
added on the 2021-08-12 13:36:52 by .. ..
Jeenio wrote:
If something about someone bothers you, maybe it would be best to have a private conversation. Do a video chat or call each other. Meet up for a coffee. If you need moderation, choose someone neutral to moderate the discussion. But please, try to avoid public drama like we've witnessed.

I'm not saying that a permaban was the only option, also I haven't read everything that transpired. I'm 47 years old, I have a life and my head gets tired of too much mouth flapping. But have you tried discussing anything with Daxx? It's not easy and mods are people like you and me, (usually) not zen masters that can take boatloads of manure indefinitely. It was also less public until someone took it to Pouët where it can be indexed by Google for the world to see.
added on the 2021-08-12 13:51:51 by El Topo El Topo
But have you tried discussing anything with Daxx? It's not easy and mods are people like you and me.

How was that meant? That it is difficult to argue with me? How did you get there when you have never discussed with me? There we are back to the cook who cannot cook and try to teach others how to cook. Makes me tired tbh.

From the beginning I only said that vaccinated people can still spread a virus and if they don't have to get tested they can infect each other and later also unvaccinated (medical reasons). And when that happens, it is again "the unvaccinated are to blame".

And that is an extremist opinion and not an acceptable one? It was then necessary to ask me why I did not get vaccinated yet and after I explained why, do I have to be labeled as associal, idiot, social pest etc? If this is what 'your' demoscene is about, then i'm glad i god banned!
added on the 2021-08-12 14:06:43 by .. ..
Frankly, i am glad you got banned, either.

And he says that it's difficuilt to discuss stuff with you, because conspiracy nuts like you use the cheapest techniques in talks and are "just asking questions", "talking about free speech" and "individual freedom" and whatnot.
Discussing stuff with the likes of you is basically just turning around in circles all the time with no aim whatsoever. No one gets anything out of it. On top of that: You actually think you are some fighter for the greater good or some kind of shit.

We have had discussions with you and we have come to the conclusion we do not want to have discussions with you, cause we don't get anything out of it except for heartburn and headaches. If everyone thinks you're an idiot, maybe reflect on that, although i don't deem you capable of that.

So you either just swallow that pill and shut the fuck up about topics you know are sensible towards others or just get the hell out.
added on the 2021-08-12 14:34:26 by bitch bitch
How was that meant? That it is difficult to argue with me? How did you get there when you have never discussed with me?

added on the 2021-08-12 14:44:35 by El Topo El Topo
Frankly, i am glad you got banned, either.

And he says that it's difficuilt to discuss stuff with you, because conspiracy nuts like you use the cheapest techniques in talks and are "just asking questions", "talking about free speech" and "individual freedom" and whatnot.
Discussing stuff with the likes of you is basically just turning around in circles all the time with no aim whatsoever. No one gets anything out of it. On top of that: You actually think you are some fighter for the greater good or some kind of shit.

We have had discussions with you and we have come to the conclusion we do not want to have discussions with you, cause we don't get anything out of it except for heartburn and headaches. If everyone thinks you're an idiot, maybe reflect on that, although i don't deem you capable of that.

So you either just swallow that pill and shut the fuck up about topics you know are sensible towards others or just get the hell out.

And again someone talks about me whom I have never seen or heard in real life. I only know from you (from a couple of friends) that you are a good friend of jco who had a discussion on the same topic on facebook a year ago and blocked me at the end of his argument. In the meantime, YOU have spread untruth about me for personal use. (i have some quotes if you want!)

I don't understand why because I don't even know you and you dont know me. And I wouldn't be able to call you a bad person or a good one. However, my current opinion tends to see you as less good because you seem to be soaking up hearsay and constructing a story from it to do justice to your friends. However. Because we don't know each other, I don't give a shit about your opinion to make it clear.
added on the 2021-08-12 14:50:01 by .. ..
Like i give a fuck about the opinion of somebody who pestered friends of mine so i jumped in to defend them since they are less vocal than me. And i had my fair share of nutjobs like you and have my way with dealing with your kind.
And considering the fact you answer like the little ho you are, you pretty much give a damn. I know thin-brained people like you. Look at you: You egocentric wannabe make a whole thread about you and nothing else but you. Well, keep em coming.

I hardly believe you'll find "evidence" that makes me look that bad, please go on and post the insults i threw towards you (they came from the heart), since i have a dozen of people behind me who begged me to just ban you from discord while Revision was running, who asked me what the hell is wrong with that dude and just said you're basically molesting others (in private chats of course). Since i tend to believe my friends and their many statements, I came towards you.

You know. We're not discussing me being banned, but you. Maybe think about that before you start talking shit about me.
added on the 2021-08-12 14:59:03 by bitch bitch
You egocentric wannabe make a whole thread about you and nothing else but you.
very true!!

you dickhead started a discussion i public, wouldnt it better private?
go fuck you off
added on the 2021-08-12 15:04:21 by coroner1 coroner1
you're basically molesting others

Nothing but empty assertions as always. Show me screenshots of where I BULLY other people. Then we keep talking. Your friend DocD was also unable to provide evidence, just empty phrases. And only insults from your direction once again here. Seems to be your way of communicating. But sorry. I don't have this primate level. So talk to someone else please.
added on the 2021-08-12 15:05:32 by .. ..
BB Image
added on the 2021-08-12 15:06:50 by Preacher Preacher
You egocentric wannabe make a whole thread about you and nothing else but you.
very true!!

you dickhead started a discussion i public, wouldnt it better private?
go fuck you off

i know who you are.
added on the 2021-08-12 15:06:52 by Gargaj Gargaj
Bla bla. No evidence, bla.

If everyone says so and i witnessed your behaviour towards me and others first hand, i dare to believe my friends, since i don't think they would just make false allegations; i know them well enough and asked them before acting accordingly.

So, sorry about that. I don't believe you and i think you are a dick towards other people. Won't change my mind.

And thanks for calling me a primate. I acutally thought you'd eventually be calling me a reptiloid. Glad we got that off the table.

I'd be enjoyning my D4XX-free discord time from now on. Splendid.
added on the 2021-08-12 15:11:35 by bitch bitch
Bla bla. No evidence, bla.

If everyone says so and i witnessed your behaviour towards me and others first hand, i dare to believe my friends, since i don't think they would just make false allegations; i know them well enough and asked them before acting accordingly.

So, sorry about that. I don't believe you and i think you are a dick towards other people. Won't change my mind.

And thanks for calling me a primate. I acutally thought you'd eventually be calling me a reptiloid. Glad we got that off the table.

I'd be enjoyning my D4XX-free discord time from now on. Splendid.

Finally we come to an agreement. We can still be here without feeling love for eachother. I am satisfied with it. Over and out.
added on the 2021-08-12 15:14:23 by .. ..
I mean... It's actually a matter of time before you'd be kicked from pouet as well. You're basically begging for it the way you act.
added on the 2021-08-12 15:16:59 by bitch bitch
Finally we come to an agreement. We can still be here without feeling love for eachother. I am satisfied with it. Over and out. D4XX

dont believe him, liars will be liars :D
added on the 2021-08-12 15:23:29 by coroner1 coroner1
I mean... It's actually a matter of time before you'd be kicked from pouet as well. You're basically begging for it the way you act.

tbh... for using bad language as you did, you should be kicked tbh. :)
added on the 2021-08-12 15:23:34 by .. ..
Over and out.

...fingers crossed.
added on the 2021-08-12 15:38:30 by _docd _docd
tbh... for using bad language as you did, you should be kicked tbh. :)

dickhead starts war to everyone it seems.
added on the 2021-08-12 15:42:24 by coroner1 coroner1


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