fix me beautifull
category: general [glöplog]
We don't delete comments but how about you post an apology there maybe reinforced with a thumb up? :)
There is a problem with this prod: ...
this was html5 invitation for datastorm 2014, and somewhere 4.5 years ago, whoever made it, removed it!
so for last few years i'm getting "you have 1 broken links !" notification on the homepage. can we do something about this, PLEASE?
tried to find it via archive's wayback machine, but without much luck, so I would say that we lost this one, or at least that i can't do anything about it.
this was html5 invitation for datastorm 2014, and somewhere 4.5 years ago, whoever made it, removed it!
so for last few years i'm getting "you have 1 broken links !" notification on the homepage. can we do something about this, PLEASE?
tried to find it via archive's wayback machine, but without much luck, so I would say that we lost this one, or at least that i can't do anything about it.
There is a problem with this prod: ...
the proper compo is: combined 4k/64k (same as the other intro)
the proper compo is: combined 4k/64k (same as the other intro)
wrong demozoo link for UC11, should be this
bonefish: i'm not sure what the appropriate solution for that prod is but replacing the original link with one that does not work whatsoever definitely isn't it.
bonefish: i'm not sure what the appropriate solution for that prod is but replacing the original link with one that does not work whatsoever definitely isn't it.
i'd leave the prod as it is because you never know, maybe someone comes across it and has the prod/site.
bonefish: i'm not sure what the appropriate solution for that prod is but replacing the original link with one that does not work whatsoever definitely isn't it.
agree, but it would be solution for me, as it won't be bothering me with the notification on the homepage each time. and current one doesn't work anyway, so...
of course, i'm open to other suggestions. ANY solution that removes the nag is fine by me.
too much oneline for me today ^^
@sensenstahl ![BB Image](
![BB Image](
Please replace results.txt of this with
The nfo should default to DOS 80x25 if possible on
not possible like for other prods as well
Wrong web url for parties High Coast Hack and High Coast Hack Winter:
Right url is:
Right url is:
There is a problem with this prod: The demo is a remix of winnerdemo
There is a problem with this prod: ...I need to change the image because it is misleading.
deleted it. feel free to upload a new one.
I uploaded a different image and it seems to be the same incorrect one? Not sure how I screwed this up but could you please delete and again and see if this issue repeats please?
Looks fine here, if I hit Ctrl+F5 to do a fresh reload. :)
no it is not. refresh your browser ;)
octopusprime: if youre in chrome, hit shift+f5
ahh thanks works now!