Taking screenshots from old DOS demos / intros
category: general [glöplog]
I just spent the last hour hunting for good screen capture program for DOS but found none. Any suggestions which program to use for taking screenshots from the golden oldies?
i wish surfsmurf could hack that feature in his gx00 vbe driver...
I believe with PCX Dump you will do a great job. VideoThief is also nice, although a bit confusing to use.
VideoThief worked really well.. Succeeded in taking screenshots from five COMA demos/intros which were mission impossible to some other screecapture softwares.
Thanks for the tips, everybody!
Thanks for the tips, everybody!
melw: vthief is ace tool.. well, what else can you expect from a russian programmer?.. 8))
On the downside, vthief saves in its own format, so you have to run an extra program just to get it into bmp. So I always try screen thief before vthief, and set the capture key to one key instead of Ctrl-Alt-whatever.
Hmm. Default screen cap key in Vthief is F12 and after taking dozen on screenshots I don't mind going them all through with the second program + saving them in .bmp format (vtview or something).
Well, basicly use whatever you like or works best. I guess it doesn't matter how all the screenshots end up to Pouet.net. :)
Well, basicly use whatever you like or works best. I guess it doesn't matter how all the screenshots end up to Pouet.net. :)
VideoThief is really a great program... I even managed to snag some pics from X14 and Renaissance's Black Glass 2 (although the latter one was just a one-timer, so I'll wait with posting it to see if anyone can do better :) )...
btw; if a demo hangs when VideoThief is loaded, try to experiment with the /p option... Also assigning the capture-key to ESC (scan code 0x01) is a good trick...
Now, this is a subject I was really in for years because of my scene book project. There is a hardware card named Action Replay for PC, which is capable of making screenshots. Unfortunately, this product is discontinued since 1995.
videothief ruuuulzzzzz!!!!
btw; does anyone know if there exists a newer version than 0.07? Also, am I the only one with the problem that it hangs if I have EMM386 loaded?
No, there's no newer version. Anyway, if you're using EMM386 that makes me feel that you aren't trying to capture from demos, since a very few use EMS, but games. For this purpose I better recommend Screen Thief.
actually, there are some demos that require emm. like uneatable/coexistence and once/acme.
I wonder why do you need screenshots. For Pouet?
ATH500: Does that really work for old DOS demos too? Seems to be more for Windows software.
hmmmmm I don't know.
Why don't you use DOSBox? It lets you make screenshots and even videos...
because it's only 2001 yet.
rarefluid: Some newer demos that use funky screen modes don't work...
someone started reviving copses again. I always fail to notice....
magic is dead :)