fix me beautifull
category: general [glöplog]
rrrola: deleted the nfo so please upload the New one.
Others Not done Since fighting on the Phone sucks so please stand by for a while until some other glopperator fixes.
Others Not done Since fighting on the Phone sucks so please stand by for a while until some other glopperator fixes.
Could someone add "SMX" as an acronym for "Sinmix"?
I thought that's something I can edit myself, but I can't find an edit button anywhere...
I thought that's something I can edit myself, but I can't find an edit button anywhere...
thanks @sensenstahl
There is a problem with this prod: The screenshot has some garbage, please use this image instead..
Trying to add an extra download link to but it does not get approved. Compo version is crunched with shrinkler, want to add the cranker version as well, which decrunches faster but didn’t make the compo size limit.
grip: there's no way to convey the purpose of that extra link in a reasonable size for a label, such things need context so better to put them in the comments
grip: there's no way to convey the purpose of that extra link in a reasonable size for a label, such things need context so better to put them in the comments
Will do, thanks for explaining!
There is a problem with this prod: Mantratronic, gasman, and havoc have multiple entries in the prod credits, they should probably be merged maybe?
There is a problem with this prod: the download link went live 3 minutes after creating the prod...
Could you please reverse the order of credits in this prod? (They originally were submitted in the right one.)
it's not possible to sort order of credits other than the default method
dm: 3 groups per prod is the max
dm: 3 groups per prod is the max
dm: 3 groups per prod is the max
Didn't know, sry!
Please change release year of this prod to 1993. Checked it with Swiety/Zelax. Thanks!