Demoscene is recognized as "intangible cultural heritage"
category: general [glöplog]
Ok so this is for Unesco Germany locally? Will this stuff be pushed upstream to Unesco Global?
I hope so. And, eventually, to Unesco Interplanetary! :]
Congratulations! I'm so happy with you!
Congrats. This is a valuable form of recognition.
Good to see that at least some worthy efforts of this planetwide culture culminate to an effect. =]
hah. someone should make a demo about it.
Someone make one of those "Wanna feel old?" memes.
Please excuse me to enter that topic, but it feels fitting for my problem:
Demoparties are part of our culture, but sometimes the old websites vanish. Easter is coming, I wanted to have a look at the past of German Easter parties and I had to notice (again), that doesn't work anymore. Do we have a demoscene archive for websites or is the only solution?
Demoparties are part of our culture, but sometimes the old websites vanish. Easter is coming, I wanted to have a look at the past of German Easter parties and I had to notice (again), that doesn't work anymore. Do we have a demoscene archive for websites or is the only solution?
hah. someone should make a demo about it.
I think demo about mining bitcoins to not be locked on political and corporation control will be cool
Thanks to everyone involved, let's hope more countries join in and it becomes globally recognized and protected