Revision Online 2021 - April 2nd to 5th 2021
category: parties [glöplog]
Given the current circumstances this is the best option to safely ensure that we can celebrate another Revision demoparty event. Revision Online 2020 was very enjoyable - with the extra planning time that you all have I'm sure you'll surpass that with Revision Online 2021. Am personally looking forward to supporting the team behind Revision by buying a ticket in due course, as I'm sure we all are within the scene.
Sure, it sucks slightly that we can't be at the E-Werk in good old Saarbrooklyn; but all joking aside, this is not a slight against any of you as organizers. I'm sure you'll all do the best job you can do as you have all done before over the years. With personal job changes for me having taken place this year, had Revision been held at the E-Werk then there would have been a more than decent chance that my wife and I would have been able to visit again after some years. We do miss staying at the Ibis hotel in Saarbrucken and would love to go back at some point.
We're looking forward to partying with everyone else in the scene during Easter 2021, even though it'll be online. Stay safe and stay well, all of you, we don't want to lose any sceners from any platform to the current circumstances and I do hope we don't.
Best of luck !!!!
Sure, it sucks slightly that we can't be at the E-Werk in good old Saarbrooklyn; but all joking aside, this is not a slight against any of you as organizers. I'm sure you'll all do the best job you can do as you have all done before over the years. With personal job changes for me having taken place this year, had Revision been held at the E-Werk then there would have been a more than decent chance that my wife and I would have been able to visit again after some years. We do miss staying at the Ibis hotel in Saarbrucken and would love to go back at some point.
We're looking forward to partying with everyone else in the scene during Easter 2021, even though it'll be online. Stay safe and stay well, all of you, we don't want to lose any sceners from any platform to the current circumstances and I do hope we don't.
Best of luck !!!!
Any Sofaworld plans btw, Poo-brain? Recently had a faux-reception because of Corona hosted in and I must say, the vicinity-based webcam/audio shit is definitely something that could take Sofaworld next level :D implementing VR might be fun too, can help with that, if needed.
Finally - something is happening!
Website and registration are online. While registration is mandatory, it would be nice for you to fill out the registration form so we know how much beer we... hmm. Ok that doesn't apply this year. But you know you want to register anyway!
There's a couple of competition rules that have been updated and we even added a new compo! Check out the changes and additions on our New and Noteworthy section.
Information to timetable, seminars and events will follow.
Website and registration are online. While registration is mandatory, it would be nice for you to fill out the registration form so we know how much beer we... hmm. Ok that doesn't apply this year. But you know you want to register anyway!
There's a couple of competition rules that have been updated and we even added a new compo! Check out the changes and additions on our New and Noteworthy section.
Information to timetable, seminars and events will follow.
The link to »New and Noteworthly« on the right-side-menu on the page is wrong and leads to an »page not found«.
Should be fixed now :)
Can't wait to finally pee in the E-Werk again!

Can't wait! Started working on a demo already :)
I almost missed the info on the new earlier deadlines on the New & Noteworthy page so I'm copying it below as a public service.
I almost missed the info on the new earlier deadlines on the New & Noteworthy page so I'm copying it below as a public service.
we have moved the deadlines forward 12 hours. This means that the deadline for all Saturday compos are now NOON FRIDAY. [--] Same goes for the deadline for all Sunday compos, these have been moved to NOON SATURDAY.
webcam from hell on this picture ;)
Regarding graphic-compos: Where do you draw the line between „modern graphics“ and „3d graphics“?
@havoc: I read this page ... but in the modern graphics it seems to be allowed to incorporate 3D-content.
So you can submit 3D-stuff to »modern graphics« and »3D graphics«...?
You may use photographic material for textures on 3D art
So you can submit 3D-stuff to »modern graphics« and »3D graphics«...?
the difference is that the 3D compo is shown using a 3D model viewer, the graphics compo is shown the way you are used to. of course you can submit a render of your 3D model to the graphics compo, but then it will be presented as a static image.
Ah ... the viewer ... that explains the limit to 100.000 triangles. Thanks for the explanation.
why that specific 100k though? you can render a tenfold with a basic PBR shader at 60fps on ye-average GPU these days. also, the the 4K^2 limit on the texture does that mean you can only use 1 texture atlas? or use multiple textures as long as they're 4k and the total stays under 50MB?
why that specific 100k though? you can render a tenfold with a basic PBR shader at 60fps on ye-average GPU these days.
I suppose the point of the compo is to cultivate demo-ready 3D artistry. 100k triangles are roughly what a hero object LOD 0 gets in a video game nowadays.
yes, but the rules mention a 'unanimated 3D scene', not 'game-ready asset'/'3D object'. so i therefore assume it can be multi-object, e.g. several LOD=0 hero objects having an orgy.
Any news about the ticket pre-sales?
Any news about the ticket pre-sales?
Hopefully next week. We need to resolve some payment issues with PayPal - which takes a surprising amount of time, sadly.
Dear Revision Organizers,
Thank you very much for this new 3d graphics competition !
I am testing the 3D Viewer from gargaj at this moment and everything is
working like a charm.
To take up Maali´s question again:
The restriction / size limit of the texture to be used is 4k. i have understood that.
I would like to use these passes for the pbr shading:
normal map
and maybe - but not necessary emission
Everything is displayed perfectly in gargaj´s viewer.
My question is:
Does that mean every pass can have that size of 4k as long as I meet the file size limits all together
Or is it restricted to ONE texture of that size ? but then again the pbr ability of the viewer would make no sense.
Please, can you clarify this ?
Thank you again ! I wanted such kind of compo for so long,
Yours, Cosmic
Thank you very much for this new 3d graphics competition !
I am testing the 3D Viewer from gargaj at this moment and everything is
working like a charm.
To take up Maali´s question again:
The restriction / size limit of the texture to be used is 4k. i have understood that.
I would like to use these passes for the pbr shading:
normal map
and maybe - but not necessary emission
Everything is displayed perfectly in gargaj´s viewer.
My question is:
Does that mean every pass can have that size of 4k as long as I meet the file size limits all together
Or is it restricted to ONE texture of that size ? but then again the pbr ability of the viewer would make no sense.
Please, can you clarify this ?
Thank you again ! I wanted such kind of compo for so long,
Yours, Cosmic