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The Meteoriks Awards 2021

category: general [glöplog]
The Meteoriks 2021 Categories

Our jurors have thought long and hard and decided on a set of award categories for this year!
You'll recognize most of them from previous years but we made some changes to cater to 2020's peculiarities.

  • New Talent - The group or individual scener that made their most memorable entrance in 2020
  • Best Visuals - The production with the most beautiful and impressive art style, graphics, effects, modeling, texturing, color scheme, ...
  • Best Direction - The production with the best overall cohesion, camerawork, atmosphere, pacing, story, ...
  • Best Soundtrack - The production with the best soundtrack
  • Outstanding Technical Achievement - The production that most dropped our jaws as it was previously deemed impossible
  • Best Low-End Production - The overall best production on a low-end platform
  • Best High-End Demo - The overall best production above 64k on a high-end platform

  • Just going by the amount of prods, we decided to merge the 64k and Small Intro categories into one this year:

  • Best High-End Intro - The overall best production in 64k or less on a high-end platform

  • And since 2020 was very different in a lot of aspects we're proud to introduce two new categories especially for the past year:

  • Best Executable Graphics - The best executable still image on any platform
  • Scene Spirit Award - The project that most helped keep the scene spirit alive and our moods aloft during 2020

  • Juror applications closed

    First of all, thanks to everyone who volunteered to be a juror this year! <3
    We've got a great bunch of jurors again - folks returning from last year and also plenty of first-timers - and they've already begun sleuthing through 2020's prods to look for the prods that stand out.

    And like last year, you can help them with that!

    Prod suggestions are open!

    As of right now, you can submit prods for consideration by our jurors through both https://www.pouet.net/ and https://demozoo.org/
    Just view any prod page as a logged in user and you'll get a choice of awards to submit the prod for - at the top of the page on Demozoo, and at the bottom on Pouet.

    Please help our jurors out and make sure they don't miss your favorite prods!
    added on the 2021-02-05 18:27:17 by dojoe dojoe
    I forgot to mention that prod suggestion will be open until Sunday, Feb 21, so don't be too late :)
    added on the 2021-02-05 18:44:06 by dojoe dojoe
    "Hey, that's not a prod!" Nevertheless, I'd like to submit for your consideration Starchaser's "Demoscene Card Exchange" for the Scene Spirit Award.
    "Hey, that's not a prod!" Nevertheless, I'd like to submit for your consideration Starchaser's "Demoscene Card Exchange" for the Scene Spirit Award.

    added on the 2021-02-09 11:58:22 by okkie okkie

    "Hey, that's not a prod!" Nevertheless, I'd like to submit for your consideration Starchaser's "Demoscene Card Exchange" for the Scene Spirit Award.


    added on the 2021-02-09 18:46:34 by xxx xxx

    "Hey, that's not a prod!" Nevertheless, I'd like to submit for your consideration Starchaser's "Demoscene Card Exchange" for the Scene Spirit Award.



    farted :D
    added on the 2021-02-09 19:56:10 by NR4 NR4
    And duly noted, thanks! :)

    We're going to set up an email address for Scene Spirit submissions as well, but this thread is perfectly fine for not-a-prod submissions too! Keep the suggestions coming!
    added on the 2021-02-09 20:10:39 by dojoe dojoe
    And again only one nomination for LowEnd demos/intros... meh :(
    Releasing an Amiga demo as mail-swap only (hence no Pouet or Demozoo page, yet) is pretty bold and true to the scene spirit. Thus, I'd like to propose Hologon by TEK.
    added on the 2021-02-09 21:05:53 by noname noname
    Throwing in a couple more not-a-prod Scene Spirit suggestions...

    * MountainBytes - Cowee's advent calendar
    * NuSan and Alkama - Bonzomatic network support
    added on the 2021-02-09 22:26:04 by gasman gasman
    "Hey, that's not a prod!" Nevertheless, I'd like to submit for your consideration Starchaser's "Demoscene Card Exchange" for the Scene Spirit Award."

    added on the 2021-02-09 22:41:40 by superogue superogue
    isn't vodka-krawallbrause the goto Scene Spirit since like.. forever? :D
    added on the 2021-02-10 09:21:15 by el mal el mal
    Releasing an Amiga demo as mail-swap only (hence no Pouet or Demozoo page, yet) is pretty bold and true to the scene spirit. Thus, I'd like to propose Hologon by TEK.

    And I would also like to propose "The Hologon" (which is not "Hologon Superspreader") for "outstanding technical achievement" and "best low-end production".
    added on the 2021-02-10 13:43:40 by hfr hfr
    Was it released in 2020 or 2021 though ? Is the 2021 meteoriks for prods released in 2020 ?
    added on the 2021-02-10 14:29:53 by DanLemon DanLemon
    Ahh.. seems the first people did get their Hologon disks at the end of December 2020 :)
    added on the 2021-02-10 14:36:54 by DanLemon DanLemon
    @DanLemon: Meteoriks 2021 ist for prods from 2020.
    added on the 2021-02-10 15:42:34 by gaspode gaspode
    isn't vodka-krawallbrause the goto Scene Spirit since like.. forever? :D

    Yeah, that's why we can't consider it for this year's Meteoriks, it was technically released before 2020 ;)
    added on the 2021-02-10 17:28:05 by dojoe dojoe
    And I would also like to propose "The Hologon" (which is not "Hologon Superspreader") for "outstanding technical achievement" and "best low-end production".

    For anything that can be submitted through Pouet's and Demozoo's prod submission features, please use those and not this thread - the scripted process means less work for us, less room for human error, and less clutter in this thread :)
    added on the 2021-02-10 17:31:14 by dojoe dojoe
    its pretty hard to vote for a demo that isnt realeased online, tho ;p
    added on the 2021-02-10 17:34:39 by wysiwtf wysiwtf
    For anything that can be submitted through Pouet's and Demozoo's prod submission features

    Exactly. That's why.
    added on the 2021-02-10 19:48:58 by hfr hfr
    For anything that can be submitted through Pouet's and Demozoo's prod submission features

    Exactly. That's why.

    Oh! Right xD Misplaced my thinking hat there, sorry :)
    added on the 2021-02-11 19:51:53 by dojoe dojoe
    Releasing an Amiga demo as mail-swap only (hence no Pouet or Demozoo page, yet) is pretty bold and true to the scene spirit. Thus, I'd like to propose Hologon by TEK.

    I _would_ like to add though that making the demo easily accessible to people outside the mailswapping business will greatly increase the accessibility to our juries and hence its chance of being considered ;)

    I might even go as far as requiring that a prod be publicly accessible for a chance at an award, but I'm just thinking out loud here. I think it would be very weird to publicly recognize a prod that's not easily accessible for everyone to get their own impression.
    added on the 2021-02-11 20:03:21 by dojoe dojoe
    I might even go as far as requiring

    I just realized how this might sound like I'm the one person making the rules xD
    That is certainly not the case, but I think it's something we should think about in the team and I brought the topic up among our jury.
    added on the 2021-02-11 20:28:18 by dojoe dojoe
    Even on a slight chance to derail the thread (please dont): I understand that swapping demos by mail gives you oldschool vibes and that its "cool" and "elite" but its completely contrary to my (and not only my) believes that data should be free, especially in scene context.

    Those who got it by mail and feel good about it are of course free to do so, but yes: if you really consider "Hologen" to be worthy of an award please let the public know what its about.
    added on the 2021-02-11 23:33:11 by wysiwtf wysiwtf
    so your deep belief that data should be free cannot tolerate a retro gimmick?

    on a side note, data is never free. even in the demoscene. people put time and afford in a a release (for your pleasure), so your demands are stupid and selfish at best!
    added on the 2021-02-12 00:06:00 by el mal el mal


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