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Pouët Top List 2020

category: general [glöplog]
List on https://luis.net/personal/pouet/toplist/ still seems to be incomplete - I also pasted the code in my browser and got different results than listed there.
added on the 2021-01-07 22:16:41 by NR4 NR4
Reports are coming out of the 12th Congressional District of Pouet that Top List Generators are not working in certain Javascript Strongholds for over an hour. Thumbs are being left in comments, hopefully they count them. #fakenews #winning #tigerblood
added on the 2021-01-07 22:49:16 by el mal el mal
Stop the presses! :D
added on the 2021-01-07 22:53:30 by NR4 NR4
Nice lists! thanks =)
Something is wrong with the 64b block though.
It is correct (i guess) in the first post, but not in the linked external list (?)
It has only one entry there ...
added on the 2021-01-07 23:14:32 by HellMood HellMood
yeah, thanks for writing the script and hosting the results!
added on the 2021-01-07 23:21:20 by NR4 NR4
all issues fixed and extended the list to the last decade. It should be accurate this time for sure.

The endpoints were timeing out on while doing 1K queries really fast, so added extra throttling:
Wow, that's a really cool thing!
added on the 2021-01-08 13:58:56 by benJam benJam
"AmigaKlang by Alcatraz & Haujobb" is 4 times is the list. PC: AMIGA AGA AMIGA OCS/ECS and as DemoTool. is this intendet? Is that intentional? should it only as a demo tool in the list? i know why its in all these lists, but is this how it should work?
added on the 2021-01-09 16:00:27 by Green Green
"AmigaKlang by Alcatraz & Haujobb" is in the list 4 times. PC, AMIGA AGA, AMIGA OCS/ECS and as DemoTool. Is that intended? Shouldn't it be in the list only as a demo tool? I know why it is in all these lists, but is that intentional?
added on the 2021-01-09 16:03:16 by Green Green
I assume it is at least difficult if not impossible to tell the "primary platform" of a prod automatically.
added on the 2021-01-09 16:15:22 by NR4 NR4
Thanks for the work put into this so far.

I feel like "intro" should maybe exclude modern(windows,linux,osx) prods as the #1 prod is a windows 4k intro while everything else is oldschool platforms, or should we just remove the intro tag from NuSans prod?

Also 4k should probably not include procedural gfx entries and maybe even be split between oldschool and newschool platforms, the latter might make sense for 64ks too.

I see how this is an issue in tagging really, but after all I'd think the toplists utility is to compare prod ranking across parties.

Also AmigaKlang ftw ;)
added on the 2021-01-09 16:29:30 by LJ LJ
@NR4: true but one could prioritize "platforms"/tags, I think if something's tagged as DemoTool that'd outweigh the other platforms, same goes for "procedural gfx" outweighing 4k or 1k and so on.
added on the 2021-01-09 16:32:02 by LJ LJ
LJ: "intro" should indeed be mutually exclusive with size tags (fixed)
added on the 2021-01-09 16:37:55 by havoc havoc
Can't find Guideline in any of the lists. Storming the Capi..uh server area right now.
added on the 2021-01-11 02:52:24 by numtek numtek


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