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Editing submissions.

category: general [glöplog]
As every producer/coder enter Pouet with a password, it would be
very nice and helpfull if older submissions could be edited. For example, if the URL has changed location or name, a new debugged version of a demo is released, or some typos must be corrected. Or the screen, or the info, ...
added on the 2005-02-20 02:23:56 by BITS BITS
You could start by using a descent host and static URL.
Double or triple read the infos before hitting the Submit button.
Then if a debugged version is released, simply overwrite the previous archive and post a message in the sheet of the prod to invite the folks to try it.

At last, you can ask to fix me beautyful
added on the 2005-02-20 02:29:35 by p01 p01
I want a descent host too.
added on the 2005-02-20 02:38:04 by Gargaj Gargaj
^__^ I meant "decent"

Actually SoLo already uses a descent host. That's indecent.
added on the 2005-02-20 11:14:27 by p01 p01
oh shiiiit :D i just realized that i've been writing 'descent' instead of 'decent' all the way :D damn... have to learn english
added on the 2005-02-20 11:43:36 by apricot apricot
don't worry, gargaj writes "recon" instead of "reckon" all the time and no one points it out ;)
added on the 2005-02-20 18:12:00 by reed reed
i'm more pissed about screwing up definItely and collIsion all the time:)
added on the 2005-02-20 18:18:57 by Gargaj Gargaj
®: I happen to write reet instead of reed sometimes, weird typo ;)
added on the 2005-02-20 18:25:36 by keops keops
coincidence? aan m'n reet! :)
added on the 2005-02-21 11:35:40 by havoc havoc
reed : get ready to laugh your ass off, cause it was Gargaj himself who first told me what 'iirc' means, so until now i was absolutely sure it's 'recon' not 'reckon' XDD
thank god i had used abbreviation most times :D
greetings to gargaj \:D/
added on the 2005-02-21 11:53:31 by apricot apricot
What does "reckon" have to do with "iirc"? I thought it meant "If I recall correctly?"
added on the 2005-02-21 12:47:22 by sprocket sprocket
hmmm... maybe it was another way.. well.. if so, sorry gargaj :)
but according to this iirc has few meanings, tho there is nothing with 'reckon' among them :/
added on the 2005-02-21 13:32:03 by apricot apricot
still, "to reckon correctly smth" and "to reckon correctly on smth" are valid phrases, arent they ?
added on the 2005-02-21 13:35:17 by apricot apricot
I can't possibly imagine that "to reckon correctly smth" is a valid phrase..
added on the 2005-02-21 14:35:49 by sprocket sprocket
Maybe it's time for a dictionary, mr. Smartypants?
added on the 2005-02-21 15:18:38 by havoc havoc
in some contexts reckon can mean as much as "i recall that <...>", or at least close. so it's not that weird. conclusion: cram a sock in it sprocket.

added on the 2005-02-21 16:25:58 by superplek superplek
"Reckon" can never be used in place of "recall" in *any* context. "Reckon" is similar to estimate in meaning.

Example usage: I reckon Plek's command of the English language isn't anywhere near as complete as he seems to think.
"Son, I have to tell you someting important. Uncle Reckon didn't died in the war. He lives in the house next door."
Niels: Are you serious?? :-D When did "to reckon correctly smth" seem even remotely correct to you? :-D
added on the 2005-02-21 17:13:25 by sprocket sprocket
"to reckon smth correctly". better ?
smth could be some fact, not some set of objects.
ie If i reckon correctly, there were about 20 intros blah blah
anyway if "smth was reckoned as smth2" is valid, why cant i say "if i reckoned smth as smth2 correctly, then blah blah" ?
added on the 2005-02-21 18:08:42 by apricot apricot
y'all reckon? yep/nope
added on the 2005-02-21 18:28:14 by okkie okkie
"Speak good England vol. 1"
added on the 2005-02-21 18:33:07 by hitchhikr hitchhikr
'Correctly' is a relatively irrelevant addition; we're talking about full substitution here. Now put that sock back boys.

added on the 2005-02-21 18:39:01 by superplek superplek
Wait a moment, please. Tell me more about the ~20 intros.
Scenglish is funny. It makes me giggle.

See thom giggle. Giggle, thom, giggle!


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