Random "work in progress" shots
category: general [glöplog]
Lovely stuff, xTr1m!

reinstalled substance painter, textured a frog!

:D nice hardware hacking!

WIP of Kewltron Space Station (PBR doodling with substance painter)
This one looks amazing Maali. So many details and great shading.

it's a bit broken, but the submarine still flies!
I just love that lensflare...
2020 3d, 1997 lens flare :D
smash: yeah, photoshop hasn't updated its build-in flares since 1997 :D
They havent updated most of their old plugins in photoshop, check out radial blur in 4K res! :D
(and I was /s about the flare)
(and I was /s about the flare)
That submarine looks really nice
reversing the IR-over-SPI protocol in NDS IR cartridges, to talk to my Pokéwalker

there's a code execution vuln in the pokéwalker which I'll try in a day or two, so if anyone wants to make a demo for it w/ me, feel free to hmu :p

there's a code execution vuln in the pokéwalker which I'll try in a day or two, so if anyone wants to make a demo for it w/ me, feel free to hmu :p
@porocyo what is hidden under those black rectangles? your credit card number? :D
my legal name, encoded in a proprietary nintendo character encoding
Sorry, no screenshot, instead this is a link to a video. I am trying to push that... I don't know if it will be released a day or not. The target is the Google Play Store. I'm trying to guess if it can be usefull to the rebels and already asked. My intention is to use the cracktros to communicate about us using art.
Video here (~120Mo)
Video here (~120Mo)

Made a few weeks ago as an artistic test run of the two Photoshop plugins (Block Swap and Recursive Mosaic) by Satori FX ... in short, these plugins allow you to zdenify your visuals without needing the actual zden ;)

We were *supposed* to be working on an SNES prod and yet here I am getting sidetracked by the Sega Master System...
Playing with generic fract node in Material Maker with my Ray Marching Library


balls3_pin4_to_pt32_kegelschmodder2_good_ball_meh_trololol :D
thats.. thats quite a name.
thats.. thats quite a name.

Some unused experiments I made for this year's Revision demo. Click to embiggen.

Procedural grass. I think it was shipped in the demo but wasn't really visible in the end.

Procedural trees that I worked really hard on. Not raymarched but spawned using an analytical formula on each ray-ground intersection. In the end they looked too much like a 4k intro from 2005 :)

An extreme parameter combination for the sphere Kleinian fractal.

Shiny Kleinian fractals. It was too noisy in motion.

Volumetric lights where each light sample spawns a 3D world space point that gets plotted along with everything else. Well this was just dumb!

Procedural grass. I think it was shipped in the demo but wasn't really visible in the end.

Procedural trees that I worked really hard on. Not raymarched but spawned using an analytical formula on each ray-ground intersection. In the end they looked too much like a 4k intro from 2005 :)

An extreme parameter combination for the sphere Kleinian fractal.

Shiny Kleinian fractals. It was too noisy in motion.

Volumetric lights where each light sample spawns a 3D world space point that gets plotted along with everything else. Well this was just dumb!
Metaballs on GBA:

Sweet! How is it done?