A letter!
category: residue [glöplog]
twitcher. That's the bastard son of twitch and twitter, where every video can only be 14 seconds long and
must explicitly mention logical inconsistencies found in side quests from "the twitcher 3" , the popular rpg by
tcd tprojekt tred, the unusual polish t prefix lisp is caused by an unusual, non-alcoholic phenomenon called the
inversed ballmer peak. That's when you extract
the juice and
inject it into your eyeball. It only hurts in the beginning,
then it turns into a finger, pointing at the moon. don't look at the finger, or
don't look back in anger like Oasis used to sing when
a weird reference to something mentioned on page 5 of this thread suddenly made a lot more sense.
Speaking of Assembly,
the Borg formed a brand new cs:go clan to dominate the
delta quadrant
WITH THIS HERRING! (And ample application of warcrimes.)
Rear ventilation
is needed, otherwise
each and every Assembly participant
will be subjected to
käsewurst mit senf und
mit more senf und
трансформационные изменения психики, вызванные данными воздействиями, будут неизбежными.
"English, Motherfucker - do you speak it?", said
William Shakespeare, but
sonic answered
in Japanese:
"If you would only give me my potatoes back, I could finally